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Mechanical Engineering Engineer

North Myrtle Beach, SC, 29582
April 23, 2010

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Major - Mechanical Engineering

**** ********** **, *** *

Phone: 001-704-***-****

Charlotte, NC-28262, USA

E-mail: ************@*****.***


To obtain a full-time position in the field of Mechanical Engineering where

I can utilize my knowledge & expertise and contribute to the success of the



Mechanical Engineer (Product Development), Hardee by EVH MFG. Co, SC

July 2009- Oct 2009

Project: Designed and developed a Hydraulic Boom Mower

. Worked as a member of the Engineering team to develop a machine for

commercial use

. Assisted in designing the parts of the hydraulic boom mower using Pro-

E Wildfire 2 & AutoCAD

. Analyzed kinematic mechanisms of the designed product

. Created layout and assembly drawings with bill of materials (BOM) and

detailed drawings for machining, assembly and welding

Volunteer Research Assistant, UNC Charlotte

March 2009-July 2009

. Writing technical research paper based on master's thesis

. Performing crash simulations for NCDOT Cable Median Barrier project

using LS-DYNA

Research Assistant, Department of Mechanical Engineering, UNC Charlotte

Aug 2007- Dec 2008

. Performed crash simulations using LS-DYNA non-linear FE code for

different impact angle and speed of vehicle with cable median barrier

(NCDOT Project)

. Developed analytical model and simulation for the vehicle collision

with road side safety structures

. Performed non linear analysis using non linear materials for the

structural hardware

. Utilized efficient contact algorithms to reduce computational time for

the computer simulations

. Applied new contact algorithms (Automatic-general-contact and

Automatic-single-surface) effectively including traditional nodes-to-

surface contact algorithm

. Improved and modified NCAC (National Crash Analysis Centre) FE Cable

Median Barrier (CMB) model to make it computationally efficient and

numerically stable

. Used Hypermesh as a preprocessor to modify and developed the FE CMB


. Used Ls-Prepost and Hyperview as a Postprocessor

. Optimized cable heights to reduce the severity of accidents.

Teaching Assistant, UNC Charlotte Mar

2007-May 2007

. Grading for 'Dynamics of Machinery I', an undergraduate course level

Material Science Lab Assistant, UNC Charlotte

Mar 2007-May 2007

. Helped Professor in setting up the Material Science Laboratory right

from start

. Assisted in selecting and ordering different Scientific Instruments

Trainee Engineer, Hi-Tech Engineering Corporation, Pune, India

Jun 2005 - Nov 2006

. Dealt with manufacturing of sugar factory and distillery equipments

. Hands on experience with Lathe, drilling and Milling machines

. Participated and guided safety reviews, and administrative functions

required to support these activities

Rotational Training, Cummins India Ltd., Pune, India

Jun 2004-July 2004

Internship, Pegasus Castalloy Ltd., Pune, India

July 1999 - Nov 1999

. Rotational training on furnaces and die casting methods

. Hardness testing of the Aluminium engine cylinder block before and

after heat treatment process


Tools and packages: LS-DYNA, Hypermesh 8.0, LS-Prepost, Hyperview,


Wildfire 2.0, AutoCAD, MATLAB, MS OFFICE

Languages: Basic familiarity with C and C++


Master Thesis: "Finite Element Modeling of Cable Median Barriers used

in Crash Simulations"

In this research work, the new FE cable median barrier (CMB) model has been

developed and LS-DYNA non-linear FE code used to analyze it. In the new

model, cables and hook-bolts are modeled using beam elements. The beam-to-

beam and beam-to-shell contacts are explored between cables/hook-bolts and

cables/vehicle parts respectively. The new model is computationally more

efficient and numerically stable when compared to the National Crash

Analysis Center's (NCAC) CMB model.

Finite Element Analysis of Cantilever Beam

Simple cantilever beam analyzed using plane stress elements to understand

the various modeling issues such as element capabilities, effect of aspect

ratio and solution convergence rate. The CST, Q4 and Q8 elements were used

to analyze these effects. The results obtained compared with beam theory


Finite Element Analysis of Bicycle Frame

The bicycle frame is analyzed for maximum stresses in vertical bending and

horizontal impact test using the ABAQUS/Standard FEA code. Model developed

compared using beam and shell elements separately. Isotropic and

anisotropic material properties used for analysis. Results are compared

using different materials for bicycle frame.

Design Optimization of Bicycle Frame

Optimized design of a bicycle frame for minimum weight & cost within the

constraints of stresses and mean crushing force by changing the diameter of

bicycle frame. Impact test performed using LS-DYNA. Stress and crushing

force constraint functions generated using HiPPO software and optimization

using GimOPT software, which uses Feasible Sequential Quadratic


Electro-Mechanical Beam Engine

Electro Mechanical Beam Engine is a type of prime mover based on four bar

mechanism. In this engine, electrical energy is converted to magnetic

energy, which is further converted to mechanical energy. The main advantage

of the engine is it requires less electrical energy compared to other prime



Master of Science in Mechanical Engineering

Dec 2008

The University of North Carolina at Charlotte, Charlotte, NC

GPA: 3.7/4.0

Bachelor of Engineering in Mechanical Engineering

Aug 2005

University of Pune, Pune, India, First Class with Distinction

Diploma in Metallurgical Engineering

Jul 2000

Government Polytechnic Pune, India, First Class with Distinction


Finite Element Analysis, Mechanical Behavior of Materials, Mathematics I &

II, Theory of Elasticity, Engineering Design Optimization, Machine Design,

Applied Thermodynamics, Heat Transfer, Theory of Machines, Applied

Mechanics, Strength of Materials

References available on request

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