D iane L. Car roll
***** ** ******* ****, ***** OK 73538-3711
CAREER OBJECT I VE : To find a stimulating, full or par t-time position
w here my ability to work independently and utilize innovative ideas is
e ncouraged.
2001-2010 F t. SI L L STRAY FACI L I TY, kennel assistant
LAWTON PUBL IC SCHOOLS, substitute teacher
M E RC HAND ISER in various stores around Lawton OK
YMCA, nu rsery caregiver
US CENSUS BUREAU, census taker
AK I MA LOG IST ICS, role player (COB) at F t. Sill
1996-2000 E O I R (DOG): Legal Technician: Clerked for immigration
j udges in the court rooms. Worked closely with judges and staff to ensure
c ur rent dockets are full and w ithout conflict. Scheduled and maintained
caseloads and dockets. Pulled, reviewed, updated and reti red files.
Worked as time and attendance clerk, mail processor and receptionist.
1977-1996 N L RB: Clerk-Stenographer: Supported labor law
a ttorneys and field exainers typing briefs, complaints, w r its, motions and
o ther legal documents. Typed 60 wpm and took shorthand. Keyed in and
t ransmitted case handling data starting with the fi rst computers installed
i n 1978. T rained backup timekeepers and computer operators. Worked
m any available clerical positions including legal secreta ry, docket clerk,
t imekeeper, receptionist and computer operator.
1994: I ndiana University, Bachelor of General Studies, GPA 3.35
I N T ERESTS AND ACT I V I T I ES: visiting family and f riends, making new
f riends, volunteering, t raveling domestically and internationally,
camping, hiking, horseback r iding, caring for animals and the
envi ronment, reading, surfing the internet, panning for gold, rock
collecting and gardening.