Rachel V. Johnson *** Echols Lane
Lewisburg, WV *4901
Seeking a position in Customer Service.
Education Computer Proficiencies
West Virginia University, Morgantown, WV Platforms
Bachelor of Family and Consumer Windows 95/98/2000/2003/2007/XP
Sciences/Design, 2008 *some expereince with mac
Major: Interior Design
Concentration: History Interior Design
Space planning, programming, modeling,
Accomplishment materials research, board layout, color
Developed a wide-ranging knowledge of theory
Interior Design and "Big D" design DESIGN PRESENTATIONS, PHOTO EDITING
theories. PROGRAMS
Autodesk AutoCAD, 2020 Technologies
General Software
Word, Excel, Power Point, Internet
FireFox, Eagle Browser, gimp, sketchup.
Experience Overview Interior Design
Managing customer service and office Professional Experience
support functions within retail sales and Produced designs for residential
design environment. remodeling and new construction kitchens
Efficiently processing orders, job site and baths. Every project was designed
visits, and customer billing. with an understanding of the individual
Interfacing between customers and industry client's needs and aesthetic preferences.
vendors implementing problem-solving Sales included cabinets, countertops,
skills. hardware, fixtures, seating, accessories,
Monitoring orders and maintaining wall coverings, and flooring material.
installation schedules.
Contacting vendors, merchants, and Academic Experience
contractors to inquire and solve disputes. Completed mock projects that incorporated
Professional writing experience (memos, "Big D" design theories. Utilizing
faxes, project proposals programming color theory, space planning,
Able to work within a group environment " scale plans/renderings, board layouts,
effectively and efficiently. Can easily and client presentations.
establish working relationships with Offices
diverse people. Hotel Lobby
Coordinated multiple elements of a major House Boat
motion picture project within the Art Classroom
Department (signage, graphics, and Cabin
department relations). Youth Hostel
Work History
Art Dept Production Assistant, Paramount Pictures, Weirton(Location), West Virginia,
Kitchen/Bath Specialist, S.J. Neathawk Lumber Company, Lewisburg, West Virginia, 8/08-
Clerk, Video World, Sabraton, West Virginia, 10/05- 5/06