TEXAS 75904
Seeking an I.T. related position that includes t roubleshooting computers,
S kills
maintenance, virus cleaning, database t roubleshooting and windows
t roubleshooting issues. Adobe Reader
Adobe Photoshop
Office (up to 2010)
Suites. Word,
PowerPoint. Outlook,
Lufkin H igh school August 2000 – December 2001 OneNote.
Sqltalk, Sql databases
Graduate School University, Atlanta, Georgia
and scripts, Oracle
GPA 3.8/4.0
Studies focused in all subjects. This was the high school I went to my junior and
V isual Basic
senior year.
As well the beginning of counting towards my major, Computer Maintenance. I as JavaScript
well did computer programming starting with visual basic and as well networking Java
i n school to help start off my career before college.
Windows 95, 98,vista,
M E, XP, server up to
Texas State Technical College August 2001-December
2008, windows 7
College I nstitute of Technology, Atlanta, Georgia
GPA 3.5/4.0 Some Linux/Unix
Specialized in computer maintenance, and as well computer programming. I took Symantec endpoint
extensive hands on t raining with various computer systems, ms-dos command Malware bytes,
p rompts, Unix and Linux t raining, Electronics and printer maintenance classes. I
was working on my Associates Degree.
Texas State Technical College Removal skills
Vsphere t raining
A ugust 2004-2006
Appasure backup
Texas State Technical College,Marshal,Texas t raining
Virtual server t raining
GPA 3.5
Networking drops
Network cable making
After moving back to Lufkin I t ransferred to marshal to keep my major skills
a nd finish up my degree. I went to Ma rshal to get the rest of my credits
towards my major. However they did not have the specific major as in
Waco so I was put in some office and windows classes that counted
C ertifications
towards my degree.
I have yet to get my A+
certification and am
Angelina College
currently going to
Angelina College,Lufkin,Texas pursuer to take the test
to get certified as soon
GPA 4.0
as I get the money to do
so. I have had 20 years
of experience in
I t ransfer red to Angelina College after learning I only have two classes to
computer maintenance
f inish up my degree in computer maintenance. A basic math and science. I
and repair and
p lan to finish these courses up to get my associate’s degree as soon as I
t roubleshooting various
can. Again this pertained to my associate’s degree in my major of issues with windows
computer maintenance. I plan to later go back and get associates in and computer issues. As
well about 5 years of
computer programming to have under my belt.
experience with
networking and drops.
At TSTC I was involved in numerous classes that were extensive hands on
t raining with various windows and Linux \ Unix systems. I as well had electronic
classes that including soldering and intergraded circuit board t raining. I had a
side job that included fixing my fellow college colleges computers when asked. I
have continued this side job up to this date. I do various repairs to laptops, mini
towers and full atx systems, which include component replacements, network
d rops, networking, virus removal and windows t roubleshooting. I am currently
i nt r igued to look into the mac environment to get more experienced with that so I
can broaden my horizons.
F i rst bank and t r ust East Texas
I have worked for this company for almost 3 years as an I.T. Network
A dministrator. My job duties including database management of SQL and oracle
databases, running scripts on a daily basis for our vendors when t rouble arisen
t hrough SQLTALK. Extensive monitoring of cameras of 19 branches and
maintenance of them when needed to arise. I did patch management of windows
u pdates and as well as Symantec endpoint antivirus. I was the head when
v iruses, malware, spyware occurred and used my knowledge to keep this to at an
a lmost 100 percent clean state for our users. I have had to deal with multiple
systems and t roubleshoot multiple issues with all windows operating systems up
to windows 7. Printer maintenance was a daily routine to replace parts, toner, and
settings for our users. I have had to deal with Cit r ix environments, t raining on
t he VSphere vir tual environment for servers. Appasure backup applications for
replication and backup of Bulk servers to keep the bank up and stable. I have
worked with all windows servers up to 2008 and had to do multiple upgrades on
both servers and windows environments. I had to t roubleshoot connectivity issues
w ith routers which included cisco routers and nbx phone systems when branches
were down and was very quick to bring all branches back up.
M y Goals:
My goals are to get my A+ certification so I can be a bench technician or any
technician for a major computer company. I look to work hard and bring my
expertise of the information I have gained over the years and experience I have
occurred of the years of college and working as an I.T. Network administrator. I
hope to bring my skills to a business that will not only appreciate my knowledge
but as well respect my relationship skills with users and customers. I continue to
work hard to push myself to bigger horizons in hopes to bring great I.T. support to
businesses I work with through the years.