D hananjay
D hananjay G Khandekar
Unit #10-78,
Block 194, Pasir Ris St 12,
Singapore – 510194
E mail : dhananjaykhandeka *@*****.***
Bachelor in Engineering in Electronics and Telecommunication
Pune University
1994 – 1997
Diploma in Engineering in Electronics and Telecommunication
Board of Technical Education, M aha rashtra State
E xperience
I have 9+ years of experience in Credit card domain. I have been working on Vision Plus
a pplication on mainframe for credit card business.
I have worked w ith below esteemed M ul ti-National Corporations for thei r Vision Plus
p rojects.
• Kanbay, now Cap-Gemini (as Consultant)
Kanbay is CM M level 5 organization.
• GE Consumer Finance (as Business Analyst)
• Citibank (as Senior Business Analyst)
P rofessional Summary
I have profound knowledge of different types of projects undertaken in Vision Plus for
c redit card businesses which I have gained du ring my career.
• Conversion / Migration
o M igration from Vision Plus Version 2.5 to Version 8.26, for HSBC bank
o Conversion from TSYS System to Vision Plus V8.26, for HSBC bank, Mexico
o Conversion from HCC ( Hong Kong Credit Card System) to Vision Plus V8.26
o Conversion from CardPac to Vision Plus 2.5 (Enhanced CMS) for Citibank
o (Government Regulatory) Portfolio Cu r rency conversion for Venezuela
• Releases
o TRA MS Compliance Release implementation for 2008 Q3 for 25 count ry
b usinesses of Citibank
o EC MS Qua rterly releases for Citibank 2010 Q2 and Q3 for T urkey and
R ussia businesses of Citibank
• Development
o Development for Following Vision Plus related core functionalities
I n terest P rocessing and I nsurance P rocessing
Fee P rocessing
Statement P rocessing
Payment P rocessing
o I have worked for the developments for Financial Reporting and General
l edger P rocessing
• Interface
o I was involved to prepare the functional and technical design for the
i nte rfaces from the peripheral systems to Enhanced-ECS of Citibank. This
i nvolved the below developments
Connecting AKBank’s Online Payment System to E-CMS (AKBank is
a b usiness pa rtner wi th its 20% share held by Citibank T urkey)
Connecting the ECL I PSE (Web System) to E-CMS using M L I (Multi
L ayer I n te rface) programming
I n te rface from NAS (New Application System) to BLAZE (Credit
d ecision Engine)
• Application Testing
o I have been Team leader for Testing team during my career in Kanbay. I
h ave experience for end-to-end Application I ntegration Testing (AI T) of
V ision Plus code CMS functionalities
o I have also prepa red test plans for “Basic Application Testing” for CMS sub-
system. This plan is used when HSBC establishes the new business using
V ision Plus and before the portfolio is converted to Vision Plus
• Vision Plus Workshop / Training
o Mentor for F LP (F resher Lea rning P rogram) in Kanbay for the new recruits
o I have been in Istanbul for conducting intensive course on Vision Plus for
t he business users
• Production Support
o P roduction support for Citibank (Turkey and Russia)
I am acquainted wi th below Vision plus subsystems other than C MS. I attended T raining
p rograms in Kanbay for these
• I TS and TRA MS
(T ransaction M anagement between I n terchanges and/or Vision Plus Sub-systems)
• FAS (Authorisations)
• LTS (Letter System)
P roject Profile
CEEMEA Phase 3 – Migration for Turkey and Russia
1. Project
Du ration Oct 2008 – T ill date
Client Citibank I n te rnational Technology Office Singapore
Company A-I T Softwa re Services Pte Ltd
Role Senior Business Analyst
Description : This is conversion project to convert the credit card portfolio from ECS
( CardPac) to EC MS (Enhanced CMS) system for Tu rkey and Russia Businesses of
C itibank.
This was part of an endeavour to bring all Citibank Business on one single platform.
Roles and Responsibilities:
• I n Citibank project for conversion from card pack to Vision plus, I was involved in
below from the beginning of the project till implementation
o Gathering business needs from BRD (Business requi rement) document for
gap analysis
o P repare functional document for the gaps and requi rements and get signed
o ff (Using Vision plus expertise)
o Technical development for count ry specific changes
o Perform I mpact analysis of PCRs (P roject Change Requests)
o Answering the business query and assisting business du ring testing
o Issue resolution for the defects ra ised
Activities Performed:
• I have conducted workshop t raining for Business users at onsite ( Istanbul T urkey)
Cu r rently I am in production support (BAU) team for Tu rkey and Russia.
• I have designed and prepared functional specifications for below important CMS
f unctionalities
- System generated Tax on interest assessed based on cycle due
- Modifications to the base accrual period calculation.
The base Vision plus accrues over the holiday’s and weekends from batch’s
T ODAY’s date. Russia business does not want to accrue in future. The
r equi rement was not to print statements for accounts billing on holiday or
w eekend prior to its scheduled day.
TRAMS compliance
2. Project
Du ration Aug 2008 - Oct 2008
Client Citibank I n te rnational Technology Office Singapore
Company A-I T Softwa re Services Pte Ltd
Role Business Analyst
Description : TRA MS compliance are issued by PaySys quarterly which are requi red to be
i mplemented on specified day.
Roles and Responsibilities:
• Understanding the compliance and preparing technical design for the change
• Analyse the Technical impact
• Supporting testing batches and preparing test plans
Activities Performed:
I have worked on TRA MS compliance for 3 months for Citibank (25 count ry businesses)
a nd successfully implemented i t w ith zero defects.
NAS System development
3. Project
Du ration Jan 2008 - Jul 2008
Client Citibank I n te rnational Technology Office Singapore
Company A-I T Softwa re Services Pte Ltd
Role Business Analyst
Description: N AS is existing New Application System used for account boarding used in
C itibank. Before account is boarded, the credit assessment is done by the system.
C itibank bought a sophisticated Credit Decision Analysis Engine called BLAZE.
Roles and Responsibilities:
I was involved during functional and technical design to create an interface to BLAZE
system from NAS and Enhanced-CMS.
Activities Performed:
This inte rface process was made global i.e. available to all business units that were using
Venezuela Currency Conversion
4. Project
Du ration Jul 2007 - Dec 2007
Client Citibank I n te rnational Technology Office Singapore
Company A-I T Softwa re Services Pte Ltd
R ole Business Analyst
Description : Venezuela government changed its cur rency from Bolivar to Bolivar-Fuertes
d ue to high inflation. The refore it became legal mandatory for all financial institute to
convert their portfolio from older cur rency to newer currency. The implementation date
w as set as 31 Dec 2007 by the government.
Roles and Responsibilities:
I was involved during impact analysis and technical design of conversion of cur rency
r elated data from Enhanced-C MS for Venezuela count ry portfolio.
Activities Performed:
The implementation was done on time and w ith zero post-production defect
GE Consumer Finance
5. Project
Du ration Jul 2005 – Jun 2007
Client General Electrical – Consumer F inance, Japan and Singapore
Company A-I T Softwa re Services Pte Ltd
Role Business Analyst
Description : This was project to develop the existing Vision Plus system to cater South-East
Asian GE business needs.
Roles and Responsibilities:
• I was involved in prepa ring functional document and technical design for the
below projects
• Supporting post implementation batches
• Resolving the defects and answering business queries
Activities Performed:
• For Japan Business
o Plan t ransfer functionality, to t ransfer “Interest free Monthly Clear” plan
segments to “Revolving” type
o Statement Simulation for cash t ransactions (legal requi rement)
o Random account number generation, to reduce fraud
o AMEX f inance reporting requirements based on MCC (Merchant Category
o Auto loan insurance processing
• For Singapore Business
o Auto-loan insurance project
o Post implementation P roduction batch Support
o I n te rface processing for GE pa rtners (Like Sing-post)
Hong Kong Macau Conversion
6. Projects
Du ration Jun 2004 – Jul 2005
Client HSBC Bank
Company Kanbay Software I ndia Pvt Ltd. Pune
Role Team Leader / Consultant
Description : This was project to convert the existing HCC (Hong Kong Credit Ca rd) system
being used by Hong Kong and Macau businesses to a common plat form WH I R L. WH I R L is
a n enhanced Vision Plus system to cater business need for va rious count ry businesses.
Roles and Responsibilities:
• I have managed team to prepare functional document and technical design for the
conversion projects for Hong Kong / Macau businesses
Activities Performed:
• Analyze the data segment, Reply to Client’s functional queries
• P repare the data mapping for conversion
• Review conversion plan and test plans before delivery
Mexico Conversion
7. Projects
Du ration Jan 2004 – May 2004
Client HSBC Bank, Mexico
Company Kanbay Software I ndia Pvt Ltd. Pune
Role Onsite Co-ordinator / Associate Consultant
Description : This was project to convert the existing TSYS system being used by Mexican
b usiness to a common plat form WH I R L. WH I R L is an enhanced Vision Plus system to
cater business need for various count ry businesses.
Roles and Responsibilities:
• I was onsite co-ordinator for this project. I was stationed in Tampa Florida USA for
t his project du ring implementation.
• My responsibilities involved
o Updating business about the progress of defect resolution
o P rinting reports for business verification
o Answering business queries
o Co-ordinating the off-shore team du ring defect resolution
Application Integration Testing Team
8. Projects
Du ration Jan 2003 – Dec 2003
Client HSBC Bank
Company Kanbay Software I ndia Pvt Ltd. Pune
Role Team Leader (Team Size of 20) / Associate Consultant
Description : The developments done by GWT (Global WH I R L team) would be send to AI T
( Application I n tegration Team) for end-to-end testing. This testing simulates the
p roduction scenarios and conducted using test plans
This was a pilot project w ith separate testing team being setup for the fi rst time.
Roles and Responsibilities:
• I was team leader of Application and I n tegration Testing for Global WH I R L P roject
( GWT). I was given responsibility as a testing team lead to coordinate the testing
t eam for testing WH I R L functionalities and Enhancements delivered by GWT
E nhancement Teams.
Activities Performed:
• I have worked on the testing of following functional ities. The requi rements we re
t ested by r unning the batches in UAT region. The UAT region was owned by our
T esting team. I t was end-to-end testing before implementation
o I n terest processing of CMS Posting
Daily compound inte rest assessment
I n terest rebate using T R IAD rating
o Payment processing functionalities of CMS Posting
Float payment: auth holding for post dated cheques
Access Cheque: auth holding for un-cleared access cheques
o Authorisation processing
Restricting the authorisation amounts from specific M CC using
i nte rnal new logo level setup
o T ransaction posting
Auto charge back for rejected t ransaction for missing accounts
o Letter System (LTS) of Vision Plus
I nt roducing new letter fields for letters
• I have also assisted the testing team to create “Basic Application Test Plan” for
b usinesses to perform basic testing of Vision Plus functionalities. These test plans
w ould be used when HSBC count ry business want to migrate to Vision Plus. These
p lans would provide clear understanding of the scope of current system. Therefore
t hese test plans can be used to identify the gaps between the system and
r equi rements.
Gold Plus Project
9. Projects
Du ration Feb 2002 – Jan 2003
C lient House-Hold I ncorporation, Later merged into HSBC Bank
Company Kanbay Software I ndia Pvt Ltd. Pune
Role Team member / Associate Consultant
Description : Gold Plus project is enhancement done on Vision Plus platform for
r equi rements of HSBC business units. The existing enhanced system was called as WH I R L
before HSBC acqui red the House-Hold I ncorporation.
WHIRL (Worldwide Household I n te rnational Retail and Lending) system is a (Vision Plus)
p roduct customized for the needs of Household I nc for thei r credit card business. This is
e nhanced system to provide efficient and cost effective solution to va rious count ry
b usinesses worldwide.
Roles and Responsibilities:
• I n this project I have worked on mostly the technical design and programming for
t he below
o Development activities for conversion projects and business functionalities
o P rogramming based on the functional specification
o P reparation of Technical specification using Functional specifications
o Performing Testing of enhanced programs
o P rinting finance reports for business analysis
o Resolving technical defect raised du ring testing
Activities Performed:
• As part of F LP (F resher Lea rning P rogram) I had attended 1 months full time
course for mainframe (Cobol/JCL) and 2 months full time course for Vision Plus.
T hese courses are conducted by Kanbay itself for new recruits.