B ladensburg, M D 20710
Phone: 301-***-****
Summa ry of Skil ls
H ighly skilled Federal Human Resources Staffing Specialist with a strong working knowledge of
federal HR policies and procedures. Knowledgeable in position analysis, classification, time and
a ttendance, recruitment, rating and ranking, personnel actions, vacancy announcements,
database support and HR forms processing. Excellent technical expertise using Peoplesoft,
Quickhire and other HR databases. H ighly confident, personable and possess outstanding
customer service skills.
H uman Resources Staffing Specialist (Contractor), K elly Anderson & Associates, (June
2010 –September 2010)
Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC), OIG
Provide HR processing services to the Office of General Council
Perform manual leave audits
Calculate service computation dates
Update leave balances using CHRISHR and NFC
Perform audits and updates to case files, retrieving documents from Quickhire and/or NFC
Request 75 information and OPF’s from losing agencies
In terpret HR policy and/or guidance
Create vacancy announcements to post on FDIC and USAjobs websites
Load questions into Quikhire vacancies
Rate and Rank applications
Create certificates of eligible’s
H uman Resources Staffing Specialist (Contractor), For Your Information, Inc, (November
2008 – May 2010)
Transportation Securi ty Administration
Use advanced knowledge of Federal HR business processes in recruitment and staffing
Work with TSA and supervisory level professionals to provide HR processing services
Conduct position analyses and develop crediting and recruitment plans
In terpret HR policy and/or guidance
Enter personnel information in to human resources information system (HRIS)
Retrieve Request for Personnel Actions
Create and post Vacancies onto USAJobs
Review, rate and rank applicants creating Certificate of Eligible’s
H uman Resources Specialist (Contractor), STG In ternational, (February 2003 - May 2008)
Department of Health and Human Services, Office of the Secretary Executive Office (OSEO)
logged and updating Activities in the PAR Database to produce and distributed biweekly
Activity and Staffing reports
served as In tegrated Time and Attendance Coordinator
created and maintained ITAS profiles
advised & assisted over 200 time keepers and their employees with ITAS issues and
questions regarding H HS and OPM HR Laws and Regulations on Timekeeping and
created Peregrine tickets to correct leave balances in the EHRP system
coordinated corrections with Timekeeper’s, Payroll/DFAS Help desk and the ITAS Help
reviewed the Unapproved Time and At tendance report list for payroll discrepancies bi-
processed personnel actions
assisted with creating, updating posting, t racking and maintaining Vacancy
A nnouncements
Baltimore Human Resource Centers, QuickHire Helpdesk
answered incoming emails and phone calls from applicants requesting updates on
vacancies posted on the Agencies website as well as USA Jobs
assisting applicants with technical problems regarding the QuickHi re application process
such as, walking the applicant th rough the online application process and logging into the
USA Jobs and QuickHire database's
processed Personnel Actions using QuickHi re & Peoplesoft
re-set passwords
ran reports in EHRP
collected applications via fax, email and USA Jobs
logged application into an access database used to create t racking reports of incoming
resumes and applications
prepared applications for review
assisted in the t ransition of OPF’s from hard copy to electronic copy, reviewing each of the
agencies hard copy and electronic OPF's (eOPF) to ensure they mir rored one another
calculated Service Computation dates according to Time in Grade, based on OPM
H uman Resources Assistant (Contractor), B &W Technologies, (December 2002 –
J anuary 2003)
Bureau of Land Management, Springfield, VA
• provided the technical support in the major personnel management functional areas
• manually and automatically computed service computation dates for retirement and
leave accrual
• corrected and coded actions into FPPS
• prepared and mailed out notification letters
• prepared offer and non-selection letters
• placed vacancy announcements on the on line Federal Job Opportunity Bulletin Board
• received, sorted and distributed mail and applications input applicants data and
qualifications into the database
• requested employee OPF’s and SF-75 information
• processed Time and Attendance
• assisted with front desk coverage
Department of Navy, Nebraska Avenue Complex, NW Washington, DC
• assist with the closing of the Nebraska Avenue Complex, while permanent employees
were reassigned
• coding and processed actions using DCPDS
• determined Retirement, EOD and WIGI dates manually and electronically
• distribute, prin ted and signed SF-50's, reviewed actions insuring accuracy and
• posted job vacancies on the on USAJobs
• requested release dates, employee's SF-75 information, and official personnel folders
• performed routine clerical duties
• processed T &A's
H uman Resources Assistant (Contractor), STG In ternational, (October 2000 – October
2002) -
Department of Health and Human Services, Food and Drug Administration, Rockville, MD
• processed personnel actions for new H i res using EHRP and Peoplesoft
• offered tentative offers of employment
• requested release dates, employees SF-75 information, and official personnel folders
• prepare offer letters and orientation packages and security packages and entered
securi ty information in I MPACT
• conducted bi-monthly orientations
• collected and distributed new hire paperwork
• coded and processed actions using FDA's I MPACT system, and Peoplesoft
• entered tax, payroll and benefit information for employees using NFC system
• assemble official personnel folders
• printed, filed and distributed Standard Form 50's (Personnel Action), and forward OPF
to the benefits section for final processing and/or File OPF
M ixed Tour H uman Resources Assistant (Term Appointment) US Census Bureau,
I n ternational Programs Center, (June 1999 – October 2000) -
• processed personnel actions using the Commerce Admin Info System
• forwarded actions electronically to the appropriate officials for signature and then to
personnel for approval and final processing
• t racked all actions on tickle report notifying employees of his/her supervisor if action is
to be taken
• processed all domestic t ravel requests using the Commerce Admin Management
System (CAMS), to include creating Travel Authorizations for t ickets, Certifications for
Reimbursements and Travel Advances
• assumed the role of Head Time keeper, which consisted of processing T&A's for the
entire department of over 100 employees
• collected and reviewed t/a’s, notifying t ime keepers of any changes to be made
• forwarded t/a’s to the National Finance Center for final processing
• conducted Leave Audits using NFC's system
• maintained employee official personnel folders
H uman Resources Assistant, Department of Defense Education Activity, (October 1991 – July
• coded and processing routine request for Civilian Personnel actions, using DoDDS
Personnel Data System actions insuring the accuracy and completeness obtaining the
necessary information needed using the OPM Classification Standards
• updated standards and regulations as needed
• logged incoming actions into a D-base IV database
• produce a weekly activity report using Word Perfect and MS Excel
• processed t ime and attendance t/a’s using the Bolling AFB T &A system and eventually
converting over to NFC
• produced, maintained and distributed the DoDEA Org Charts on a bimonthly basis
U MUC College Park, MD - Some College Coursework Completed; Price Georges Community
College - Some College Coursework Completed; Yorktowne Business Institute – Certificate,
Computer Accounting
Work related tr a ining
Position Management for Position Classification - 1993 Personnel Clerk Functions - 1993
DCPDS - 1992 Andrew's Automated Time and attendance – 1994; Basic Staffing and
P lacement – 2009
Qualification Standards for GS Positions – 2009; Calculating Service Computation Dates –
Monster H i ring Management 2009, 2010; HCInsight/Sieble – 2009