Davide Ortolan
Via Venezia *
San Dona' di Piave, Venice, Italy
Objective: To gain a position in your company.
Education: Bachelors Degree in Business Administration
Unive Ca' Foscari Venice, Italy
Employment: Family Banker Fruiladria Spa Jesolo, Italy
(January 2006-Present)
Personal Banking
Open/Close Accounts for clients with varying financial needs
Maintain cash flow for including debt counseling as well as payment
plan development
Credit Card and Debit Card
Manage investments including PAC, CDO, and Funds
Business Banking
Develop and implement appropriate factoring systems for businesses
Provide POS Sales
Management/Controls of checks
Develop contracts between businesses to comply with financial plans
and agreements
Additional Duties
Regulatory auditing
Manage public school treasury
Conduct value exchange for various currencies
Italian and Foreign Payment Method
Technical Skills
Competencies: Computer:
ECDL (European Computer Driver License)
Microsoft Word, Excel, Powerpoint
Italian: Mother Tongue
English: ESOL Cambridge Certification. Excellent reading, writing and
conversational skills
Spanish: Basic reading, writing skills and conversational skills
German: Basic reading, writing skills and conversational skills.
Skills and
Competencies: Volunteer for Minibasket: Basketbal Instructor
Basketball and Soccer Player