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Obtain Computer Lab Technician position
Bachelor of Science, Computer Science and Engineering, UC Davis, March 2010
Database Systems
Computer Architecture
Computer Networks
Operating Systems
Digital Systems
Introduction to Software Engineering
Programming Languages Algorithm Design
Artificial Intelligence
Microcomputers-Based System design
Basic Bulletin Board and Chat Server:
As part of Computer Network course, developed a TCP-based client-
server architecture that allows individuals to meet, talk, and also
upload, download and delete files from the server.
World Factbook:
Member of a two-person team that worked on extracting data from the
XML file into an Oracle Database, and building Web-based query
interface on top of the database/apache using PHP that allows user to
retrieve data based on different search criteria and to display data
in a user-friendly format. Project was completed for Database Systems
Android mobile application:
Member of a four-person team that designed and implemented a mobile
application, MoGeo. Project was based on Android operating system and
completed for the Introduction to Software Engineering course.
Application allows user to leave messages in certain locations on the
map, create groups, see friend's location on the map etc.
Programming/script Languages:
C, C++, Java, Assembly, Unix/Linux Shell, Python, familiar with: PHP,
HTML, Lisp, Prolog, Pascal.
Software and Tools:
Unix/Linux, Windows, Eclipse.
Communication and Organization:
o Commitment and self-motivation
o Good problem solving and analytical skills
o Teamwork and communication skills
o Bilingual: English/Russian