BLOCK211, #06-311
Personal Details
Name Lakshmip athy Rajeshkumar
(Surname / Famil y
name) (Given Name)
Year of birt h 14.11.1982
Nati onalit y Indian
Languages English, Hindi,Tamil,Telugu
Present Project Engineer
Present ABB Pte Ltd,Singapore
Educati on
2001-2005 B. TECH in Instrumentation Engineeri ng (MIT, C hennai)
Traini ng & Certi fications
July 2005 Experion PKS server implementation (Honeywell proprietar y s ystem)
July 2005 C200 controll er implementation
August 2005 Fail safe control system (FSC) (Honeywell proprietar y syst em)
August 2005 LIOM controll er impl ementati on (Honeywell propri etary system)
August 2005 Course in Basic Networking
June 2006 800 xA syst em with REUSE Library (PM864 & PM865 Controllers)
April 2008 High Voltage Safet y Training
June 2008 Basic offshore safet y Induction traini ng (BOSIET) valid till 2011
Dec 2008 HI Integrity Controller traini ng (SIL certified controller)
Work Experience:
Total experience: 5+ Years
Current Company: ABB Pte Ltd, Singapore
Dur ation: April 2008-Present
Position: Project Engineer
General Responsibilities
x Preparation of quotations for Integrated Control and Safet y S ystem (ICSS) in FPSO
Conversion Projects and for Integrated Mari ne Aut omation System (IAS) for general
vessel t ypes
x Product Responsible for Development of Integrated Marine Automation System (IAS)
x Preparati on of commercial and technical proposal and system architect ure for
project Tender
x Creation of sales presentation materials for sales t eam
x Support sales team in sales presentation and customers meetings
x Creation of t he standardized project documentation and procedures
x Schedul e work activiti es Estimati on
x Vendor Sourcing and Cost Estimation
Current Project Details Name RV Tangaroa,New Zealand
Description Offshore Supply Vessel
S yst em HMA system(PM864)
Duration December 2009-Ongoi ng
Position: Project Engineer
x Preparati on of commercial and technical proposal and system architect ure for
project Tender.
x Participation in Sales, Contract Negotiations and Site Survey.
x Hardware Detail Engineering, ensuring compliance t o proj ect and classification
x Project Co ordinati on between sub-Vendors.
x System Configurati on, HMI and Application Programming (PMS) of 2 AC800M
Controllers including 1 Modbus interface t o other 3rd party system and Profibus
DP interface to the drives system.
x Preparation of functi onal description and FAT procedures.
x Submission of documents to and liaison with classifi cati on societ y.
ABB Singapore Job Reference:
Mr. Raymond Hoon
E&I Engineer
ABB Pte Ltd
Phone: +65 67738055
Mobil e: +65 91193362
Email: *******.****@**.***.***
Previous Project Details Name Vincent FPSO,Australia
FPSO(Floating Production Storage and Offloadi ng
Description Vessel)
S yst em 800xA system( PM864 and PM865
Controller s) Duration April 2008-December 2009.
Position: Commissioni ng Engi neer
Keppel Shipyard Site Activities
x Managing Si te activiti es, techni cal liaison and monitoring of sub contractors.
x Logi c changes in the PSD (Process Shutdown) and ESD (Emergency Shutdown) system as
per the new Cause and Effect gi ven by the controll er.
x SIL marki ng of the Objects in the ESD and PSD controller for the SIL certi fication of
both the systems.
x Loop Checki ng of the IOs in the ICSS system.
x Mai ntaini ng the query database for the queri es given by the cust omer and solvi ng the
queries based on the priorit y.
x Maintaining the ABB spares at an opti mum level.
x Tuning of the ABB controllers in the ICSS system so that the Load of t he each controll er is
mai ntained at 70% for efficient operati on of the controll er, thus preventing the shutdown of
the s ystem.
Maersk Vincent FPSO, Exmouth Site Activities
x Fault Finding and Diagnosis of problems that affected ICSS (Int egrat ed Control and
Safet y System).Taking correcti ve action to prevent shutdown time.
x Identify priorities of Shutdown through the ICSS s ystem to minimize the equipment
down time.
x Rationali zation of t he Alarms in the ICSS system to prevent frequent occurring and other
unwanted alarms
x Equipment tracking of ABB IO modules and record keeping.
x Maintenance of ICSS systems periodically to provi de continued operation.
x Compliance with Safe works S yst ems and mai ntain procedures.
Vincent Oil Field Job Reference:
Mr.Rajaraman Narayanan
Operations Support Engineer E&I
Maersk FPSO Australia,
Phone: +61 8 6436 1466
Mobil e: +61-419-***-***
Email: rajaraman.narayanan@
Previous Company
ABB India, Bangalore (Deputed to ABB AS, Oslo, Norway)
Duration: June 2006-December 2007
Posit ion: Project Engineer
Project Details Name Vincent FPSO, Norway
Descripti on Oil and Gas
800xA(PM864 and PM865
System controll ers,Norsok Standard)
Duration June 2006-December 2007
Job Profile:
x Involved in doing the logics for PCS.PSD,ESD and Fire And
Gas Systems using s yst em Control Drawi ng(SCD) and
establishing the communication between the s yst ems
x Conducted the hardware F AT held in Stavenger,Norway and in
Bangalore, India
x Participated in the Software FAT held in ABB Norway.
x Involved in t he pre commissioni ng activiti es held in
x Involved i n the Programming and Installation of PMS (Power
Management Syst em) for E-House Package
x Preparati on of Hardware design manuals that incl ude GA
drawings and Circuit Drawings.
x Preparation of Functional Design Speci fication manual for t he
ICSS syst em.
Reference for ABB AS Norwa y:
Mr. Bjorn Persson
Section Manager,
Electrical systems, ABB Oslo
Phone: +47 22 87 24 07
Mobile: +47 95 73 48 22
Email: bjorn.perss **@**.***.***
Previous Company:
Company: Honeywell Automation India Li mited
Duration: June 2005-May 2006
Position: Graduate Engineer Trai nee
Project Details Name Hindustan Zinc Limited
Description Lead exp ansi on Project
System Expe rion PKS sy stem(C 200 control ler and
contr2005-S eptember 2005
July oller)
Job Profile:
x Installation and commissioning of DCS.
x Complete l oop checking(Both cold loop checking and hot loop
x Generation of trends, groups and history fil es.
x Checking the terminations from FTA(field termination assembl y) t o
termination block(TB) and from TB to junction box(JB)
x Checking the terminations from MCC to mars halling cabinet.
x Dynami c linking of graphics and modifi cation in t he graphics with
respect to customer needs.
x Preparation of As-built Documents.
x Established redundant communi cation between two servers.
x Success full y compl eted the site acceptance t est.
Project Details Name HPCL,Mumbai
Description Green fuel & emission cont rol proj ect
System Expe rio n P KS s yst e m( C2 00
c ontroller) for shut down operatio ns
FSC System
Duration September 2005-May 2006
Job Profile:
x Preparation of functional schemati cs from P&IDs.
x Preparation of Io-list from P&IDs.
x Segregation of DCS tags and the PLC tags from the P&IDs.
x Preparation of Hardware design manual that includes t ypical system
cabinet la yout, typi cal marshalli ng cabi net layout, t ypical signal
int erconnecti on block diagram and typi cal loop wiring diagrams.
x Preparation of Software design manual that includes system
description, basic shapes that has to be used for graphics and
coloring philosophy.
x Preparation of Engineering Documentation.
x Preparation of logics from the F unctional schemat ics and
development of logi cs in the control buil der for C200 controller.
x Development of l ogics in the RSlogi cs for the FSC controller.
x Gui ding the graphics team for the preparation of Graphi cs from
the P&IDs with respect to customer comments.
x Dynamic linking of Graphics with corresponding control
x Complete Factory Acceptance test i n front of the customer.
Computing Skills
Working knowledge of Microsoft Office applications, C Programming, Mat Lab, AutoCAD, Assembler,
Microsoft Visual Basic, Delp hi, ABB Control Builder and 800xA Control S yst em, PLC Programming
languages(Structured Text, Ladder Diagram, Functi onal Block Diagram, Control Modules)
English Language Certificate
IELTS total band score of 7(Got 6 score band in each of the components Listening, Reading,
Speaki ng and Writi ng)
Passport Details:
Name: Raj eshkumar Lakshmipat hy
Passport No: F5266646
Date of Issue: 02-11-2005
Date of Expiry: 01-11-2015
Resident Status in Singapore: Employment Pass