Research Interests
. Nuclear Medicine
. Regularized image reconstruction for nuclear medicine
. Imaging system optimization and evaluation
. Imaging physics
. Image statistics
. Myocardial perfusion SPECT (MPS)
. Multi-modality imaging
. Computer aided detection (CAD)
. Breast cancer risk prediction and diagnosis
12/2005 Ph.D. in Biomedical Engineering
Dissertation: "Three-class ROC Analysis"
University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, NC
06/2000 B.S. in Nuclear Engineering
Tsinghua University, Beijing, China
09/2009-11/20 Instructor, Johns Hopkins Medical Institutions, Baltimore, MD
01/2008-09/20 Research Associate, Johns Hopkins Medical Institutions,
09 Baltimore, MD
01/2006-12/20 Postdoctoral research fellow, Johns Hopkins Medical
07 Institutions, Baltimore, MD
05/2005-07/20 Intern, General Electric Global Research Center, Niskayuna, NY
07/2002-12/20 Trainee, Johns Hopkins Medical Institutions, Baltimore, MD
08/2000-06/20 Research Assistant, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill,
02 NC
1. IEEE Nuclear and Plasma Sciences Society, Bruce H. Hasegawa Young
Investigator Medical Imaging Science Award, 2010
"This award is given annually (previously only in in odd-numbered
years) to a young individual in recognition of significant and
innovative technical contributions to the field of medical imaging
science." -- http://ewh.ieee.org/soc/nps/nmisc/YIMISAward.html
2. Young investigator's award, first prize, 51st Society of Nuclear
Medicine Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, PA, 2004.
3. Young investigator's award, second prize, 49th Society of Nuclear
Medicine Annual Meeting, Los Angeles, CA, 2002.
Grant Support
. NIBIB 1K99EB007620, "Three-class ROC analysis for task-based medical
image quality assessment," PI: X. He. Priority score:132, 2007-2009.
. FDA contract "Webpage for sizing an MRMC trial", PI: X. He, 2010.
Academic Activities
. Journal Reviewer - IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging, 2006-
Medical Physics, 2006-
IEEE Transactions on Nuclear
Science, 2007-
IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering,
BMC Medical Informatics and
Decision Making, 2008-
Journal of the Optical Society of America A, 2008-
Statistics in Medicine, 2009-
. Associate editor - Medical Physics, 2010-
. Professional Societies - IEEE member, 2002-
SPIE member, 2006-
Medical Image Perception Society Member,
. Invited Lectures
< "Toward Practical Three-class ROC Analysis," University of Chicago,
Oct. 22nd, 2007.
< "Three-class ROC Analysis - a General Decision Theoretic Solution,"
FDA, Apr. 4th, 2009.
Peer-reviewed Journal Papers:
1. X. He, J. A. Fessler, and E. C. Frey, "Regularized image reconstruction
algorithms for dual-isotope myocardial perfusion SPECT (MPS) imaging
using a cross-tracer prior", in press, IEEE Transactions on Medical
2. X. He and E. C. Frey, "Observer performance on myocardial perfusion
SPECT: effects of quantum noise and patient variations," Phys. Med. Biol.
55, 4949-4961, 2010
3. X. He, B. D. Gallas, and E. C. Frey, "Three-class ROC analysis -- toward
a general decision theoretic solution," IEEE Trans Med Imaging, vol. 29,
p. 206, 2010.
4. X. He and E. C. Frey, "The Validity of Three-Class Hotelling Trace (3-
HT) in Describing Three-Class Task Performance: Comparison of Three-Class
Volume Under ROC Surface (VUS) and 3-HT", IEEE Transactions on Medical
Imaging, vol. 28(2), 185-193, 2009.
5. X. He and E. C. Frey, "Application of three-class ROC analysis to task-
based image quality assessment of simultaneous dual-isotope myocardial
perfusion SPECT (MPS)," IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging, vol.
27(11), 1556-1567, 2008.
6. X. He and E. C. Frey, "Toward Realistic and Practical Ideal Observer
(IO) Estimation for the Optimization of Medical Imaging Systems," IEEE
Transactions on Medical Imaging, vol. 27(10), 1535-1543, 2008.
7. X. He and E.C. Frey, "The meaning and use of the volume under a three-
class ROC surface (VUS)", IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging, vol. 27
(5), 577-588, 2008.
8. X. He and E. C. Frey, "An optimal three-class linear observer derived
from decision theory," IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging, vol. 26 (1),
77-83, 2007.
9. X. He and E. C. Frey, "Three-class ROC analysis - the equal error
utility assumption and the optimality of three-class ROC
surface/hypersurface with the ideal observer," IEEE Transactions on
Medical Imaging, vol. 25(8), August, pp. 979-986, 2006.
10. X. He, C. E. Metz, J. M. Links, B. M. Tsui, and E. C. Frey, "Three-
class ROC analysis - a decision theoretic approach under the ideal
observer framework," IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging, vol. 25(5),
pp. 571-581, 2006.
11. X. He, J. M. Links, B. M. W. Tsui and E. C. Frey, "Comparison of 180-
degree and 360-degree acquisition for myocardial perfusion SPECT with
compensation for attenuation, detector response, and scatter: Monte Carlo
and mathematical observer results," Journal of Nuclear Cardiology, May-
Jun,13(3):345-53, 2006.
12. X. He, E. C. Frey, J. M. Links, and B. M. W. Tsui, "Comparison of
penetration and scatter effects on defect contrast for GE and Siemens
LEHR collimators in myocardial perfusion SPECT - a simulation study,"
IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science, vol. 52(5), pp.1359-1364, 2005.
13. X. He, E. C. Frey, J. M. Links, K. L. Gilland, W. P. Segars, and B. M.
W. Tsui, "A mathematical observer study for the evaluation and
optimization of compensation methods for myocardial SPECT using a phantom
population that realistically models patient variability," IEEE
Transactions on Nuclear Science, vol. 51, pp. 218-224, 2004.
14. Y-W Yang, J-C Chen, X. He, B. M.W. Tsui, "Evaluation of respiratory
motion effect on myocardial perfusion SPECT using a set of realistic
phantoms", accepted, IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science.
15. J. Tang, T-S Lee, X. He, W. P. Segars and B. M. W. Tsui, "Comparison of
3D OS-EM and 4D RBI-MAP-EM reconstruction algorithms in cardiac motion
abnormality classification using a motion observer" accepted, IEEE
Transactions on Nuclear Medicine.
Invited Review Papers
1. X. He and Eric Frey, "ROC, LROC, FROC, AFROC - an Alphabet Soup",
Journal of American College of Radiology, in press, 2009.
Papers in preparation:
1. X. He, "Rationality of ROC analysis".
2. X. He, "2D Three-class ROC surface vs. 5D Three-class ROC surface".
3. X. He, "A sequential decision model for three-class ROC analysis".
4. X. He, "ROC Analysis as a normative practice".
Conference Presentations, Proceedings and Abstracts:
1. X. He, E. C. Frey, W. P. Segars, K. L. Gilland, B. M. W. Tsui, "An
improved phantom population for evaluation of myocardial perfusion SPECT
imaging," Journal of Nuclear Medicine, vol. 43, pp. 9p-10p, 2002.
2. X. He, E. C. Frey, J. M. Links, K. L. Gilland, W. P. Segars, B. M. W.
Tsui, "Evaluation and optimization of compensation methods for myocardial
SPECT using a set of realistic phantoms that include patient
variability," IEEE Medical Imaging Conference (MIC), conference record,
M3-121, 2002.
3. X. He, E. C. Frey, J. M. Links, K. L. Gilland, and B. M. W. Tsui, "An
observer study comparison of 180-degree and 360-degree acquisition for
myocardial perfusion SPECT with compensation for attenuation, detector
response, and scatter," Journal of Nuclear Medicine, vol. 44, pp. 141p-
142p, 2003.
4. X. He, E. C. Frey, J. M. Links, K. L. Gilland, W. P. Segars, and B. M.
W. Tsui, "Effect of anatomical and physiological factors and compensation
methods on observer performance for defect detection in myocardial
perfusion," Journal of Nuclear Medicine, vol. 44, pp. 112p-112p, 2003.
5. X. He, E. C. Frey, J. M. Links, X. Song, B. M. W. Tsui, "Comparison of
the penetration effect on defect contrast for GE and Siemens LEHR
collimator in myocardial perfusion SPECT - a simulation study," IEEE
Medical Imaging Conference (MIC), conference record, M11-263, 2003.
6. X. He, Z. Zhu, and R. Goldberg, "Sound wall," Rehabilitation Engineering
& Assistive Technology Society of North America (RESNA), 26th
International Annual Conference, Atlanta, GA, 2003.
7. X. He, E. C. Frey, J. M. Links, and B. M. Tsui, "Three-class ROC
analysis and three-class Hotelling observer for dual-isotope myocardial
perfusion SPECT (MPS) optimization and evaluation," Journal of Nuclear
Medicine, vol. 45, pp. 42p-42p, 2004.
8. X. He, E. C. Frey, J. M. Links, and B. M. Tsui, "Describing three-class
task performance: three-class volume under ROC surface (VUS) and three-
class Hotelling trace (3-HT) as figures of merit," IEEE Medical Imaging
Conference (MIC), Rome, Italy, 2004.
9. X. He, E. C. Frey, J. M. Links, and B. M. Tsui, "Three-class Hotelling
observer and its application to the evaluation of simultaneous dual-
Isotope myocardial perfusion SPECT (MPS) imaging," Journal of Nuclear
Medicine, vol. 46, pp. 205p-205p, 2005.
10. X. He, E. C. Frey, J. M. Links, and B. M. Tsui, "Equivalence of percent
correct on a 3-alternative forced choice task and volume under the 3-
class ROC surface," IEEE Medical Imaging Conference, Puerto Rico, 2005.
11. X. He, J. M. Links, and B. M. Tsui, and E. C. Frey "Three-class ROC
analysis - decision theoretic approaches," Medical Decision Making Annual
Conference, 2005.
12. X. He and E. C. Frey "Optimal observer framework and categorization
observer framework for three-class ROC analysis," Proc. SPIE, 6146,
61460B, 2006.
13. X. He, J. M. Links, B. M. Tsui, and E. C. Frey, "Channelized Hotelling
observer study of myocardial perfusion SPECT: effects of quantum noise
and patient variation when using OSEM algorithm," Journal of Nuclear
Medicine, vol. 47, pp. 460p-461p, 2006.
14. X. He, X. Wang, X. Song, and Eric C. Frey, "Investigation of optimal Tc-
99m injected activity in dual-isotope myocardial perfusion SPECT imaging
using 3-class ROC analysis," IEEE Medical Imaging Conference, M16-2,
15. X. He and E. C. Frey, "Describing three-class task performance: three-
class linear discriminant analysis and three-class ROC analysis," SPIE
Medical Imaging Conference, 2007.
16. X. He and E. C. Frey, "Comparison of decision theoretic three-class ROC
analysis and ordinal three-class ROC analysis", MIPS XII Conference,
17. X. He, B. S. Caffo and E. C. Frey, "Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC)
based ideal observer modeling using a parameterized phantom and a pre-
calculated database," SPIE Medical Imaging Conference, 2007.
18. X. He, B. S. Caffo, E. C. Frey, "Toward Realistic Ideal Observer (IO)
Estimation - an IO Estimation Method for a Realistic SPECT Imaging
Simulator and a Cardiac Torso Phantom", IEEE MIC, 2007.
19. X. He and E. C. Frey, "Three-class ROC analysis - a sequential decision
model developed for the diagnostic task of simultaneous dual-isotope
myocardial perfusion SPECT imaging," SPIE Medical Imaging Conference,
20. X. He, J. A. Fessler, and E. C. Frey, "Regularized Image Reconstruction
Algorithms for Dual-isotope Myocardial Perfusion SPECT (MPS) Imaging
using a Cross-tracer Edge-preserving Prior", Society of Nuclear Medicine
Annual Meeting, 2008.
21. X. He and E. C. Frey, "Regularized Image Reconstruction using a Dual-
tracer/modality Prior", IEEE MIC, accepted for oral presentation, 2008.
22. X. He, K. Drukker, J. Brankov and Eric Frey, "Three-class
Classification for Binary Decision Making", AAPM, Los Angeles, CA, 2009.
23. X. He and E. C. Frey, "Revisiting the General Three-class ROC Theory",
MIPS, Santa Barbara, CA, 2009.
24. X. He, B. D. Gallas, E. C. Frey, "Three-class ROC analysis - the
general decision theoretic solution", IEEE MIC, Orlando, FL,2009.
25. D. Devakumar, X. He, and E. C. Frey, "Comparative Assessment of ESSE
and DEW Scatter Compensation Methods for Myocardial Perfusion SPECT,"
IEEE Medical Imaging Conference, 2007.
26. X. Wang, X. He and E. C. Frey, "Optimization of Tc injected activity in
simultaneous dual-isotope myocardial perfusion SPECT imaging using a
three-class channelized Hotelling observer study", Society of Nuclear
Medicine Annual Meeting, 2007.
27. J. Tang, W. P. Segars, T-S. Lee, X. He, B. M. W. Tsui, "Optimization of
a 3D cardiac motion estimation method using simulated gated SPECT
images", Society of Nuclear Medicine Annual Meeting, 2007.
28. L. Volokh, X. He, E. C. Frey, B. M. W. Tsui, "Quantifying the
sensitivity/resolution tradeoff for task based collimator optimization
using three-class ROC analysis," IEEE Medical Imaging Conference, M03-2,
29. B. M. W. Tsui, E. C. Frey, L. Volokh, K. L. Gilland, C. Liu, X. He and
S. Chen, "Effect of object variability in observer performance studies
for image assessment," IEEE Medical Imaging Conference, M03-1, 2006.
30. C. Liu, B. M. W. Tsui, J. Xu, X. He, and E. C. Frey, "Evaluation of
rotation multi-segment slant-hole SPECT mammography with respect to
planar scintimammography in terms of breast lesion detection using the
Channelized Hotelling observer," Journal of Nuclear Medicine, vol. 46,
pp. 111p-112p, 2005.
31. X. Song, E.C. Frey, X. He, W.P. Segars, and B.M.W. Tsui, "A
Mathematical Observer Study for Evaluation of a Model-based Compensation
Method for Crosstalk in Simultaneous Dual Isotope SPECT," IEEE Medical
Imaging Conference (MIC), conference record, M9-4, 2003.
32. Y. W. Yang, J. C. Chen, X. He, B. M. W. Tsui, "Evaluation of effect of
respiratory motion on myocardial perfusion SPECT using a set of realistic
phantoms," Society of Nuclear Medicine Annual Meeting, 2008.
33. X. Wang, X. He, Katsuyuki Taguchi, Douglas Wagenaar, and Eric C. Frey
"Uniformity Correction in Photon-counting X-ray Detector Based on Basis
Material Decomposition", IEEE MIC, 2008.
34. K. Drukker, X. He, Eric Frey and Maryellen Giger, "Potential of Three-
Class Classification in Computer-Aided Diagnosis for Breast Ultrasound",
RSNA, 2008.
35. L. Cheng, X. He, J. Fessler, and E.C. Frey, "A 4-D Maximum a Posteriori
(MAP) Reconstruction Method for Improved Dose Volume Histogram
Estimation", SNM, 2010, accepted.
36. M. Ghaly, X. He, Y. Du, G. Fung, E. C. Frey "Optimization of Energy
Windows for Dual-Isotope Simultaneous-Acquisition Myocardial Perfusion
SPECT using Ideal Observer and Realistic Background Variations."
Submitted to MIC 2010.
37. L. Cheng, X. He, Wesley E. Bolch, G. Sgouros, E. C. Frey, "A convergent
regularized SPECT reconstruction algorithm using anatomical prior for
improved dose-volume histogram estimation," Submitted to MIC 2010.
Xin He
Ph.D. in Biomedical Engineering
Email: ***@**.**