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Safety Technician

The Colony, TX, 75056
March 22, 2011

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F red A. H illiard

**** ***** ****** ***

The Colony, Texas 75056

214-***-****(c) / 972-***-**** (h) / f **********@*****.***


Summary of Qualifications

A goal-oriented safety professional with a broad spectrum of education and t raining. Able to provide

effective skills in creating and implementing detailed and successful plans ranging from Emergency

Action Plans to Operations Recovery Plans, conduct safety meetings and t raining sessions, and achieve

and maintain the highest standards of excellence and compliance in regard to employee safety and loss

p revention. A self-starter able to assist in reducing insurance premiums by ensuring regulation

compliance, reducing worker’s compensation premiums by creating substance abuse and other needed

p rograms, and reducing the number of accidents/road side inspection fines and maintenance costs while

i ncreasing safety ratings. A strong team player motivated to establish goals and meet them in a t imely

and efficient manner in order to assist in the success of an organization. Proficient in word processing.

Demonstrated areas of expertise include:

O perations T raining & Development C ur r iculum Development P rogram Developer

L eadership Skills Presentation Skills Communication

P lanning/Coordinating

T eam Management Policy & Procedures Compliance P roblem



N orth Texas Tollway Authority (NTTA) – Safety Manager 2006 –10/2010

• Developed entire safety and health programs including Hazard Communication, Blood-

borne Pathogens, First Aid/CPR, Safe-Lif ting, Confined Space Ent ry program, Forklift

Operator program, Defensive Driving, DOT Compliance, OSHA Compliance, Electrical

I nsulating Equipment, Fire Prevention, Roadway and Work Zone Safety, Materials

H andling, Traffic Control, Vehicle Inspections, New Employee Orientation, Aerial Lift

Safety Program, Stress Reduction, Heat Stress and Worker’s Compensation, plus others as


Chickasaw Holding Company – Safety Di rector 1982-2004

• Developed the entire safety and health program from inception including Hazard

Communication, Blood-borne Pathogens, First Aid/CPR. Safe-Lift ing, Confined Space Ent ry

p rogram, Forklift Operator program, Defensive Driving, DOT Compliance, Electrical

I nsulating Equipment, Materials Handling, Traffic Control, Vehicle Inspections, New

E mployee Orientation, Aerial Lif t Safety Program, Stress Reduction, Heat Stress and

Worker’s Compensation, plus other as needed.

H a rtford I nsurance Company – F ield Adjuster 1980-1982

• Made adjustments to claims for bodily injury and property damage, and became aware of

t he effects of improper actions, Worked with the Loss Contgrol Department and became

somewhat familiar with their approach to r isks.

H alliburton Services – Q uality Control Department 1977-1979

• Worked with the industrial x-ray section and held responsibility for attendant x-ray safety

and precautions. Monitored all radiation badges and maintained all safety related records

to ensure that all safety precautions were followed.

C ity of Sulphur, OK – C ity Water Facility Maintenance 1972-1977

• Maintained the proper f low and pressure of the system at all t imes. Constantly surveyed

and maintained the quality of the water requir ing continuous sampling and monitoring of

both the chemical and biological contents of the water. Held a Class B Water Quality

Certificate for the State Department of Health. This position went well with studies in the

f ield of Environmental Science while working toward a degree.

A rbuckle Memorial Hospital – X-Ray Technician and Assistant Laboratory Technician


• Fulfilled normal x-ray duties and helped perform additional lab tests to assist the primary

l ab technician. Solely responsible for any and all x-ray work that was ordered by any of the

physicians, along with any special services required by the attending radiologist.


E ast Central Oklahoma State University – B.S. Environmental Science


Oklahoma State University – Safety & Health Specialist Certificate

N ational Safety Council – B lood-borne Pathogen I nstructor Course & Safety and the Supervisor

E MP American – M edic Fi rst Aid – Fi rst Aid/CPR I nstructor Course, Blood-borne Pathogen

I nst ructor Course, and Sports Medicine I nstructor Course

U .S. Air Force Medical Technician School

Holds an Oklahoma Secondary Teachers Certificate

Completed numerous specialty training courses in safety and health areas


M ember of the American Society of Safety Engineers, NFPA, the Oklahoma Safety Council, and

t he National Safety Council.

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