G ary A. Larson
**** ****** *****, * **********, ON, L5N 2A5
Cell: 416-***-****
Seeking a position as a T echnical F ield Service/Sales Engineer.
Technical Skills:
Custom equipment costing, design, fabrication and installation, custom electronics
design & install, AutoCAD 2010, MS Office Suite – Word, Excel, PowerPoint,
P roject.
P roject Experience:
Equipment Implementation Supervisor, Jun 2001 –
P resent
Material Handling Systems
-Working specific projects as a contractor to a select few systems integrators in the material
handling industry, I assume various roles depending on the project specific needs of my
employer, including Technical Sales, Special Equipment Design, Project Manager, Site
Supervisor, or Systems Auditor.
-Recent projects (2010-11)have included an automated greenhouse in New Mexico, an
automotive assembly container exchange system in Ontario, an automotive seating
sequencing system in Michigan, a compact disc sorting and distribution system in Ontario,
5 d rum filling lines in Texas, 3 robotic welding cells in Alabama, 2 automotive Tier 2
assembly stations in Ohio, and a ti re manufacturer in Indiana.
All of my clients chose me for these projects because they t rust my ability to manage
d ifficult issues of equipment application, engineering, site services management and
customer service in a cost effective way.
M ainway Handling Systems, I nc. (Conveyor Systems I ntegrator) Sep
1997 – M ay 2001
P roject Manager, Machine Designer
-Working with the engineering and purchasing departments of numerous North American
customers in the automotive industry, developed the market and refined the hardware for a
l ine of heavy-duty automatic container exchange systems which today accounts for 40% of
M ainway’s sales.
-Successfully performed the role of “ hired gun ”, intervening when projects veered off course
f inancially or technically, innovating the equipment design and integration to achieve
specified performance.
CAC I nc. (Safety Seminar Provider) J un 1995 – A ug 1997
Vice-President, Sales & Marketing
-In t roduced a new concept of interactive personal safety seminars and presented them to
employees and customers of Toronto area companies.
-Qualified over 1,500 prospects, and closed over 150 contracts, personally presenting 30% of
t he interactive seminars.
Gebo Conveyors, Consultants & Systems, I nc. (Bottling Systems Provider) Jan
1990 – M ay 1995
Sales Manager, Applications Engineer North America
-In t roduced an innovative European integrated manufacturing system to the major North
A merican beverage producers.
-As the sole member of the outside sales force in North America, penetrated over 40
p roduction locations of 5 of the largest producers, closing orders for tu rn-key systems.
-In 5 years, increased sales by over 1,000 %, (to $ 17,000,000) enabling Gebo to expand its
facilities into the U.S. and South America.
Bosch Automation Products (Parts Manufacturing Systems) Aug
1987 – Dec 1989
O.E.M. Accounts Manager
-Spearheaded the expansion of this division into Canada at the t ime Bosch acquired Weldon
A utomation Products and Racine Fluid Power to effectively serve the North American
M arket.
-In t roduced the Bosch line of automated parts assembly conveyor systems and robotics
components to new customers in Canada, doubling sales in 2 years.
D .S. Handling Systems (Conveyor Systems I ntegrator) Sep
1983 – J ul 1987
Machine Designer/Sales Engineer
-Brought essential multi-role sales and engineering capabilities to a major expansion,
w hich increased sales 400% in 3 years.
-Expanded the company ’s scope of activities to include the type of advanced technology
material handling systems being demanded by the marketplace.
Education: Graduated from: Kane Area High School
College diploma: Pittsburgh Institute of Aeronautics
Pilot ’s License: B rewster Comm. Flight School
Helicopter crew chief: 91st E ngineers, U.S. Army
Electronics certificate: DeVry Institute, Electronics Tech.
Electronics certificate: Custom Electronics Design &
I nstallation
Affiliations: Building Green Suite
Canadian Owners and Pilots Association
Mississauga Crime Prevention Association
Inlake Court Youth Activities Group
Mississauga North Baseball Association
References available upon request