Phone: 214-***-****(Cell) E-mail ID: **************@*****.***
Objective: To use my advanced skills in Computer programming for development of new and
innovative software products. with technical touch and administrative insight to emerge as a
successful Technical Consultant, also want to seek a challenging position of responsibility, where
emphasis is more on hard work and innovation.
Synopsis: I have over 6 years of experience in developing software in various technologies on
Microsoft platform. I have worked on a wide range of software architecture models and
contributed enormously towards the success of several software products.
Design Skills:
• Involved in design phase of several projects -Worked on Object Oriented Analysis and
• Expertise in Object Oriented Programming.
• Implemented UML for Object modeling.
• Extensively implemented n-Tier Architecture, Client Server Architecture models.
• Worked on projects using the .NET frameworks and various kinds of Microsoft Servers.
Coding Skills:
• Strong fundamentals of Data Structures
• Strong understanding of fundamental languages: C, C++, SQL.
• Extensive experience in developing Web applications using HTML, ASP.NET 2.0, 3.5
and C#.NET
• Extensively experience in developing Windows applications using C#.
• Extensively experience with SQL Server (2000, 2005, and 2008).
• Strong understanding of the Windows Operating System internals.
Technical Skills:
• Operating Systems: Microsoft Windows (NT, 2000, XP, 2003), UNIX
• Programming Languages: C, C++, HTML, SQL, VBScript, JavaScript, and CSS.
• Development Products: Visual C#.NET, Visual Basic, ASP.NET 2.0, 3.5.
• Development Technologies: XML, AJAX and Telerik.
• Databases: Oracle 10g, SQL Server 2005, MS Access
• Other Tools/Utilities: IIS, MSMQ.
• Other Computer Skills: Photoshop CS2
• Source Control: VSS, TFS
Education: Bachelor’s of Engineering, College of Engineering, Andhra University, India.
Additional Qualifications:
• Certificate in ASP.NET (Brainbench certified at Advanced (Master) level).
• Certificate in C# (Brainbench certified at Proficient level).
• Advanced Training in Web Applications .NET, North Lake College, Dallas, TX.
• Training in SQL Specialization, North Lake College, Dallas, TX.
• Training in Oracle10g, North Lake College, Dallas, TX.
• Training in UNIX, North Lake College, Dallas, TX.
Significant Projects:
Gerber Technology MAR 2010 – FEB 2011
Project: CAD Interface to YuniquePLM
The (YuniquePLM™) is the product lifecycle management software solution and the
(AccuMark®) is the pattern design and marker making solution. These software solutions ensure
that apparel and textiles retailers, brands, and manufacturers can swiftly move their merchandise
to market by improving collaboration across their supply chains.
• Designed and created CAD interface for YuniquePLM using VB.NET, ASP.NET,
ADO.NET, MS SQL Server 2008, and stored procedures.
• Created CAD SQL tables in YuniquePLM database, those have fields of information
shared between AccuMark and YuniquePLM when operating in a SQL environment.
• Imported “PPF” images from AccuMark database into YuniquePLM.
• Added Linked servers for CAD integration.
• Developed complete UI for CAD Interface in YuniquePLM, which provides a marker or
model to be created, updated or deleted, or a piece that belongs to a model (or marker) to
be updated or deleted.
• Developed treecontrol and datagrid using third-party control Telerik.
• Developed Image-zoom using third-party control Ajax .
Environment: VB.NET, ASP.NET, ADO.NET, XML,Telerik,HTML, CSS, Java Script,
Windows XP, IIS Server, Visual Studio .NET, SQL Server 2005, AJAX,TFS.
Project: YuniquePLM Solutions
YuniquePLM is a Product Lifecycle Management (PLM), Digital Library Management (DLM),
and Supplier Relationship Management (SRM) solution that is scalable to virtually any size
retailer, brand, manufacturer, contractor, or trading company. YuniquePLM enables today’s
fashion and soft goods companies to speed more on-trend merchandise to market by improving
collaboration across the entire supply chain.
• Enabled language translation.
• Created base control class methods for translations.
• Created tables and written stored Procedures, views and joins in MSSQL database.
• Created XML Schemas and coded extensively to use the XML data.
• XML Editor-Creator (“form editor”), Security & Permissions.
• Created Multi-Upload feature using AJAX.
• Created reusable User controls using AJAX.
• Used Team Foundation Server as subversion control.
Environment: VB.NET, ASP.NET, ADO.NET, Web Service, XML, HTML, CSS, Java Script,
Windows XP, IIS Server, Visual Studio .NET, SQL Server 2005, AJAX,TFS.
Blockdot, USA FEB 2010 – MAR 2010
Project: Lands’End- The Hub
The project is where customers entering the contest to win the Bahamas Adventure, visitors to
The Hub will also have the chance to play games and takes a poll or a
quiz for a chance to win other great prizes.
Blockdot, USA JUL 2009 - SEP 2009
Project: La Quinta- Bright Spot Microsite/Game
The project is a marketing strategy where potential customers visiting the La Quinta website are
enticed to play a game and thus earn points. The points customers earn can be used to claim
Project: SW Media-102-Orlando Convention and Vistors Bureau
Promoting the "Orlando Convention and Vistors Bureau" will extend the current promotion into
"fall" adding a game element to reach target audience.
Project: Innovation First-Charlie Tango Hand & Stars
Description - Web-marketing Custom game
- A puzzle/clue based intriguing object tied into a retail experience (such as toys r us)
- Goal is to target kids to learn more about engineering and technology, and thus incline them to
pursue engineering as their career path. The promotional game is around a society known as
"The Hand & Stars".
Project: UnlockXbox
Unlock Xbox is promoting your game idea for the greatest Xbox LiveTM Arcade game ever. This
consists of Submit game ideas, Support Forums, Registration System, Voting, Judges Corner,
User Profile, Facebook App, and Security in the main site. It also supports the admin module
from the backend which is parameterized control of the entire system. It consists of Content
Management, Stats, Video Management and Game Idea Reviewers.
Project: Admin UnlockXbox
Admin UnlockXbox is the system which controls the Unlock Xbox site from the backend. It
consists various features based on the access control of system with various roles. It supports
various admin permissions, Games registration, Game stats, Partner stats, Demographic stats,
Clients, Partners, Banners, Site banners, Game banners, Polls, Transactions, Media type, Score
Icons and various Reports.
Preparing the SRS for the modules, process flow, process decomposition, defining
the models, system configuration and design structure.
Validating the code with the coding standards.
Leading the team.
Implemented Master pages and written reusable User controls and footer in master
Pages using ASP.NET 3.5, C# in Visual Studio 2008.
Used ASP.Net validation controls, AJAX validations for the server side
validations, Cryptography and JavaScript for client side validations.
Used CSS to control the style and layout of multiple Web pages.
Programs used include Flash MX 2004, Photoshop CS.
Published and Consumed Web services to retrieve various services to display the
results back to the UI
Defined the custom error messages, Exception handling.
Created tables and written stored Procedures, views and joins in MSSQL
Used visual Source Safe as subversion control.
Unit Testing and Documentation
Environment: C#, ASP.NET, ADO.NET, Web Service, XML, HTML, CSS, UML, Java Script,
Windows XP, IIS Server, Visual Studio .NET, SQL Server 2005, AJAX, Firefox Plug-in.
Eevizee Solutions., India. NOV 2007– DEC 2008
Project: Egnosis Web Portal
Environment: Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5, C#.NET, SQL Server 2005, Windows XP
Egnosis is a web-based portal for biotech and pharmaceutical manufacturer. The project has
various modules like Login, Registration, Physicians, Patients, Demographics, Insurance, and
Diagnosis & Risk Factors. Egnosis Portal was mainly designed for the premature born babies
and to provide detailed information about the Patients to the Doctors. Physicians are allowed to
refer the medicines for babies based on the information provided on the portal.
My role in this project was to design the UI Controls, Web Controls, Custom Controls, User
Controls, and HTML for the Front-end development using ASP.NET. I have used ADO.Net for
data retrieving, querying, storage and manipulation and used Data grids, Grid view and Data
Reader for Data manipulation and display. Created stored procedures, triggers, views for data
access and manipulation.
Project: Eevizee Employees
Environment: ASP.NET 2.0, C#.NET, Flash MX 2004, SQL Server 2005, Windows XP
Eevizee Employees portal is a web based application to have access to the company policies and
related documents of the firm for all the employees of Eevizee. Employee portal contains
benefits module, time reporting module, developer reference modules. Employee benefits
module provides access to company provided benefits information and access to employee
benefit accounts. Time reporting module will be available to employees who work on-site at
client locations. Supervisors are authorized to review and approve reported time. Developer
reference module contains technical documentation and knowledgebase for employee's
reference. This module also contains developer technical BLOG, where employees are allowed
to put their technical solutions for other projects and search engine is also designed to search
various solutions. Reports module is used to generate reports of employee time, Alerting and
notification module used to notify respective teams of completion of process, application status.
My role in this project was to develop web pages using C#, VS.NET and to design and
implement Data access layer using ADO.NET to connect and retrieve or manipulate database
information, to create .NET User Controls to reduce the complexity of user interface design.
Created User input validation for new & existing users and implemented Security and
Authorization to secured web pages using Forms based security model and administrative level
security in web.config. Provided Session Management to preserve the state of session variables.
Millennium Software Solutions., India. APR 2005 – JUN 2006
Project: Direct Mail Strategy System
The Direct mailing is one of the effective marketing procedures used by many marketing
agencies to approach people with their products. The procedure involves gathering of mailing
lists and sending postal mails to all the available mailing lists. The responses are collected and
stored for future analysis and decision support. The responses may depend on various factors like
type of mailing, type of posting and type of product being marketed. The Direct Mail Strategy
system automates all the above mentioned tasks. The system stores all the responses and
generates the reports, both graphical and tabular as required. Crystal reports are used to generate
tabular reports and BPS pinnacle graph control is used to get graphical reports.
The data is accessed from SQL server and C# is used to implement client interface. My role in
the project is to develop client interface and write data access code components, implemented as
ActiveX DLLs.
Environment: ASP.NET, C#.NET, SQL Server 2000, Windows 2000
Project: Classroom Management System
Classroom Management System is a database which eliminates the task of manually recording
'Adventures' Certificates. The instructor inputs due dates, point assignments or weights and late
penalties for the Adventures Lessons (Technical Skill Builders) into the system. When a student
inputs his/her certification code into the system, the system verifies that the code is the correct
code for the student and the module. Several instructors can utilize CMS. Each instructor
maintains full control over the available options for his/her students.
I have used a lot of third party controls like SpreadSheet, FXGold 5.0, and also our company's
proprietary 'Enroll32.Dll'. Also, extensively used API calls. The Control program will enable the
instructor to create Exam Fields and to enter marks obtained by each student. This program
generates various reports. The Administrator Utility will enable Administrator to add or delete
instructor to the database. The Student Report program will enable a student to take a copy of
this/her progress report.
Environment: ASP.NET, C#.NET, SQL Server 2000, Windows 2000
Project: Spice Database
Spice database is one of the products developed by Millennium Software Solutions. This
database tool is developed on similar lines to thesaurus in MS word. It can be integrated with MS
word or can be run independently. This tool helps the user to select an appropriate phrase for a
list of available phrases related to a word selected by him. The interface is almost similar to that
of Thesaurus. The database consists of around 80,000 phrases that are evaluated and short listed
from a set of around 2, 00,000 phrases collected over a period of one year by a large number of
part time people. The Access database is chosen to implement the tool as a desktop tool. My
role in the project was to develop various internal programs used by a team of evaluators to
collect the phrases from the contributors and give ratings to each phrase.
Environment: ASP.NET, C#.NET, SQL Server 2000, Windows 2000, MSWord
Millennium Software Solutions., India. October 2002 – December 2004
Project: Adventures in Algebra
An adventure in Algebra is a product aimed at growing demand for educational software in US
universities. The project is divided into 80 modules. Each module deals with a type of problem
and its purpose is to build concept and technical skills of the user. Each module has 3 modes
-Demonstration, Practice and Certification. The product has an online Tutor and Explain Error
feature that support the student to solve the problems. The user can also solve the given problem
in a phased manner (called Step By Step feature). The product is network and multimedia
compliant. It maintains a comprehensive database of students' performance through our product
'Classroom Management System'. My role in the project involved coding for 9 modules.
Environment: C#.NET, SQL Server 2000, Windows 2000
Personal Profile:
Tel: 214-***-**** (Cell)
972-***-**** Ext. 273 (W)
E-mail **************@*****.***
Current Visa Status Green Card
Place of Residence Southlake, TX
References: Available Upon Request