Europass [pic]
Curriculum Vitae
Personal information
First name(s) / Laura Coluccio
Address(es) Via metauro 19, int 9 roma italy 00198
Telephone(s) 068******* Mobile: +393*********
E-mail *****-***@******.**
Nationality Italy
Date of birth 11/05/1987
Gender Female
Desired employment /
Occupational field
Work experience
Dates September-dicember2009
Occupation or position Personal assisntent.
Main activities and Market research in the hospitality industy
Name and address of Boscolo tour via regina margherita roma
Type of business or Hospitality
Education and training
Dates 2006-2008
Title of qualification Degee "Tourism Science" vote: 105/110
Principal Art history, history, archaeology, computers,English,
subjects/occupational economy.
skills covered
Name and type of La sapienza university
organisation providing
education and training
Education and training
Dates November 2008- December 2009
Title of qualification Master tourism of management
Principal Tourism marketing, travel technology, ticketing and
subjects/occupational transport, legislation tourist, tourism geography,
skills covered accounting and administration, information technology
Name and type of Up level, piazzale flaminio rome.
organisation providing
education and training
Dates 2009-2011
Title of qualification Specialist degree" design and management of tourist
awarded facilities"
Principal Statistics, economics, information technology, event
subjects/occupational management, design
skills covered
Name and type of Tor vergata university
organisation providing
education and training
Personal skills and
Mother tongue(s) Italian
Other language(s) English
Self-assessment Understanding Speaking Writing
European level Listening Reading Spoken Spoken
interaction production
Social skills and Ability to adapt to new environments and easy to interact
competences with new people
Organisational skills Ability to organize work in a team, control job, respect
and competences rules.
Trascrizione fonetica
Dizionario - Visualizza dizionario dettagliato
university degree
Computer skills and Macrosoft office (Word excelle, power point) adob reader
competences 9,windows movie maker, quantum gis, R.
Artistic skills and Painting, Dance
"Autorizzo il trattamento dei dati personali contenuti nel mio curriculum
vitae in base art. 13 del D. Lgs. 196/2003."