N akul Nata raj
P hone: 410-***-****
Rochester, NY-14620 E -mail:
n akul.nata ***@*****.***
To secure a research position in Biotechnology that showcases my expertise in biology and engineering, to
develop cutting edge technology.
SiMPore I nc.
Research Associate J an ‘09-Present
o Pioneered product design, development and testing to incorporate SiMPore's micro-porous and
n ano-porous membranes into CytoVu™ cell culture devices, to enable low volume cell cultures, co-
cultures and drug permeability assays. CytoVu™ is the first low volume membrane co-culture
device on the commercial cell culture market
o Headed technical design, chemical surface modifications, device development and testing, to
i ntegrate SiMPore's UltraSM™ membranes into Sepcons™. This was aimed at achieving precise
p rotein and nano-particle separations. Sepcons™ are the first commercial product to enable
accurate nanoparticle separations based on size in the material science industry
o Team lead for characterization and testing of state of the art Transmission Electron M icroscopy
( TEM) grids and custom TEM projects for universities and research teams worldwide
o Active technical point of contact in SiMPore for academic collaborations testing potential novel uses
of ultra thin membranes
1. Assistant Biomedical Engineer
Sep ‘08-Dec ‘08
o Performed proof of concept tests, for diffusion assays and separations with patented U lt raSM nano-
o Developed protocols that optimized cellular cultures on UltraSM membranes
o Routine culturing and maintenance of mult iple cell l ines
o Conducted material characterization and analysis of UltraSM membranes
Purdue University, USA
Graduate Aid, Pu rdue University J an ‘08- Jul ‘08
Performed DNA extractions (Maxi, M ini preps), RNA extraction, gel, reagent preparations,
electrophoresis, instrument setup, gene subcloning and expression, PCR’s, RT PCR’s and QRT PCR’s
Teaching Assistant (Chemistry)-Pu rdue University J an ‘08-
J ul ‘08
Conducted recitations and quizzes for undergraduate chemistry for a class of 120 students
P roject: Role of Leptin in P regnancy Feb ‘08-
J ul ‘08
Extracted, amplif ied and analyzed mRNA from human placenta to understand the regulation and role
of leptin in placental function and fetal development
P roject: Photo-toxicity of Polycyclic Aromatic H yd rocarbons (PAH) in the Envi ronment
Sep ‘07- Jul ‘08
N akul Nata raj
624 University Park
P hone: 410-***-****
Rochester, NY-14620 E -mail:
n akul.nata ***@*****.***
Determined photo toxicity of specific substituted PAH’s by calculating energy gaps util izing
computational analysis
P roject: Quantifying high energy fragments in molecules J an ‘08-
J ul ‘08
Analyzed high energy fragments in p taquiloside using molecular orbital theory and computational tools
to understand the transformation of stable p taquiloside to carcinogenic pterosin
M. S Rama i ah I nstitute of Technology, Bangalore, I ndi a
D issertation: Anti-M icrobia l Activity of Bee Venom and Natur a l Dyes F eb ‘07-
J un ‘07
Studied the effects of varying concentrations of plant dyes and bee venom of native species, on some
common and pathogenic bacteria. The work involved design of experiments, data collection, inference
and interpretation
Project: SHP-2/PTP N11 gene mutation an alysis in childhood acute lymphoblastic leukemia
a nd Bioinformatics an alysis Mar ‘06-
J ul ‘06
Aided doctoral candidate in sample collection, storage, bioinformatics analysis and database
I nd i an I nstitute of Science, Bangalore, I ndi a
Research: Biophotonics Sep ‘06-
M a r ‘07
Studied the history of photonics in solving clinical and research problems, in diverse applications
t hrough techniques such as spectroscopy, lasers, microscopy, imaging and fiber optics. The project also
i nvolved designing a fiber optic system to measure concentrations of glucose in a f low system
Laboratory Assistant
Bios Cl inical Laboratory J un ‘03- Jun ‘05
Conducted blood sugar analysis, blood grouping, urine analysis and cholesterol level measurements to
a id in analysis of clinical symptoms
M.S. Biology, P urdue University, I ndi ana, USA
Major: Biotechnology ( GPA 3.78/4.0)
B. Eng. ( Honors) B iotechnology, M. S Ramai ah I nstitute of Technology, K a rnataka, I ndi a
J un ‘03-Jul ‘07
Patent pending: DNA Shearing through nano-pores using patented Ult raSM nano-membrane.
Rowberg K., Nataraj N., et.al “Theoretical Evaluation of Substituted Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons
as emerging phototoxins”. Water Pollution. IX. P.329-337, 2008.
N akul Nata raj
624 University Park
P hone: 410-***-****
Rochester, NY-14620 E -mail:
n akul.nata ***@*****.***
Purdue University, I ndiana, USA:
o The “Evolution” of Conservation: Cur rent T rends in the M anagement of Endangered
S pecies: P resented a seminar on the current approaches to conservation including molecular
o Photo-toxicity of Poly Aromatic Hydroca rbons in the Environment: P resented a poster that
covered the modeling of molecular methods to calculate Poly Aromatic Hydrocarbons photo toxicity
i n the Environment.
M. S. Ramaiah I nstitute of Technology, I ndia
o Evolution: Conducted a lecture that covered the various aspects of genetics that played a key role to
Obtained merit based Graduate Student Aide and Tuition waiver at Purdue University
Ranked top 5% in a class of 55 students during the final year of undergraduate study
Head student cultural coordinator and finance officer among 4000 students at M.S.R.I.T for 3
consecutive years
Coordinator ‘AUG-MET-05 ‘, technical fest held by Biotechnology Department, M .S.R.I.T
Obtained rank 512 in biology out of 88,000 entrants and 2555 in engineering out of more than 100,000
students in the National level exam C.E.T (common entrance test) in 2003