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Project Manager Management

Mission Viejo, CA, 92692
March 27, 2011

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Michael Smirnov, REA, AFS

Mission City placeViejo, StateCA



Mike Smirnov over 30 years of experience in complex water resources, water

Program and Project quality, fisheries, and hazardous waste projects. His areas of expertise include

Management project and program management, military facility environmental management,

California flood control management, marine studies, river and stream surveys,

stormwater management, and baseline environmental monitoring. He has managed

Remedial Investigations

and served as senior technical advisor on federal, state, municipal and private

industry studies. He has conducted numerous freshwater and marine studies for the

Feasibility Studies Bureau of Reclamation, Mid-Pacific Region; California Department of Water

Resources, the City and County of San Francisco, City and County of San Diego,

and Oregon and Washington locations. His experience includes a wide variety of

Remedial Action Plans

water related environmental monitoring projects, ranging from downstream

migrant mortality studies for public utilities in the Columbia River Basin, to low-

Site Investigations and Site head hydropower siting studies and watershed logging projects in Northern

Assessments California, Oregon, and Washington. Mike has participated as program manager,

project manager, and senior task manager on numerous Superfund Remedial

Environmental Impact Investigation/Feasibility Study (RI/FS) projects. He was also a hydrographer for

the U.S. Geological Survey, responsible for collecting streamflow and water


quality data on all major Northern California rivers and streams. Stormwater

program experience includes the San Francisco Bayside overflow study, Los

Stormwater Management

Angeles County MTA projects, and Alameda Corridor stormwater monitoring. His

Plans selected project experience includes:


REGISTRATIONS Department of Defense, Camp Pendleton Environmental Security,

Consultation Cell. Responsible for review of EIS, EA, BA and Categorical

Associate Fisheries Scientist, Exclusions including field verifications, ESA determinations and strategic

National, #A0138, 1987 meetings regarding Marine training exercises. In addition, Mr. Smirnov authors

Categorical Exclusions for Grow The Force MILCON projects and routine

Registered Environmental Assessor, projects including numerous San Diego Gas & Electric on base projects.

California #01043, 1989

Department of the Interior, Bureau of Reclamation, Mid-Pacific Region. Mike

provided water resources and environmental planning services including

engineering, economics, environmental, natural and social sciences primarily in

PROFESSIONAL HISTORY support of the CALFED Bay Delta Accord and Central Valley Program

Improvement Act (CVPIA) programs. The purpose of the project is to protect,

USMC Camp Pendleton, CA

restore and enhance fish, wildlife, and associated habitats, support the


development of a long-term comprehensive plan that will restore ecological health

2009-present and improve water management for beneficial uses within northern and central

California. The $20 million Indefinite Delivery Indefinite Quantity (IDIQ)

PBS&J, Orange, CA. contract involved projects such as the 2003 Analytical Tools Update, a CALSIM II

Senior Project Manager, model assessment of water distribution throughout Northern and Central

2007-2008 California.

Marburg Associates, Principal, Sacramento River Bank Protection Standardized Assessment Methodology,

USACE Sacramento District. As senior project manager, Mike managed the

1991 to 1993, 1994 to 1999,

development of a standardized assessment methodology for quantifying the effects

2005 – 2006, 2008

of river bank protection activities on listed fish species in the Sacramento River.

Essentia Management Services The end product will become a model which will recommend mitigation measures

LLC, Long Beach, CA. to protect seven fish species in the Sacramento River.

Senior Project Professional,

2006 - 2007 Merced County Streams, US Army Corps of Engineers, Sacramento District

(USACE) Merced, California. As senior project manager, Mike managed a

Dean Ryan Consultants & special status species survey, wetlands and vernal pool delineation for the

Designers, Sacramento Office proposed changes in the maximum high water levels for flood waters impounded

Manager, 1999 to 2001, 2003 to by Burns and Bear Dams in Merced County.


Swainson’s Hawk Surveys, West Sacramento Levee, USACE Sacramento

District, California. Mike served as senior project manager for the USACE

URS Corporation, Sacramento District project. The objective was to determine whether Swainson’s

Water Resources Group hawks have established nesting territories within a one-half mile radius of the

Leader, 2001 to 2003 project construction area.

Elder Creek Site Characterization Study, Closure Plan, Plans &

Tetra Tech. Inc., Deputy Program

Specifications, Draindown Water Management Demonstration and

Manager, Vandenberg AFB Office

Environmental Assessment Project. Mike served as senior project manager for

Manager, 1993- 1994

the USACE Sacramento District. Project objectives are to determine whether the

impact and extent of mine waste related contamination and acid mine drainage at

Reidel Environmental the site and develop a plan for mitigating the impacts of mine waste related

Services, Southern contamination and acid mine drainage in support of the Restoration of Abandoned

California Area Manager, Mine Sites (RAMS) Program.


Sacramento River Settlement Contractor Renewals, Department of the

Interior, US Bureau of Reclamation, Mid Pacific Region. Mike served as senior

ENSR Consultants, Environmental

project manager for the production of environmental documents to renew the

Division Manager, 1989-1990 Sacramento River Settlement Contracts of the Central Valley Project (CVP) in

compliance with Federal and State laws.

CH2M Hill, Deputy Program

Truckee Meadows Flood Control Project Environmental Monitoring USACE

Manager, Senior Scientist,

Sacramento District. Mike served as senior project manager responsible for

1976 -1989

managing environmental oversight of 21 geotechnical borings in the study area of

the Truckee Meadows Flood Control project located in Reno, Nevada.

United States Geological Survey,

Hydrographer, 1975-1976 USACE Sacramento District Program Management of the Hazardous,

Toxicological and Radiological Waste (HTRW) Program. Assignments

included groundwater pump and treatment at Tooele Army Depot, groundwater


monitoring at Fort Irwin Army Depot, and several environmental projects at

Sacramento Army Depot.

University of Wales, U.K. M.Sc.,

Fisheries Biology & Management,

McClellan Park Environmental Risk Management, US Environmental


Protection Agency (EPA), Region IX and California Department of Toxic

Substances Control (DTSC). This study was a continuation of risk assessments

California State University, done on several sources of contamination at the McClellan Park, formerly

Sacramento, CA. B.A., Animal McClellan Air Force Base, including sediments from Base B creeks, and tiered

from a creeks conceptual site model delineating risk factors to target organisms.

Biology, 1975

EPA Superfund Operating Industries Site, Monterey Park, California.

AFFILIATIONS Management of hazardous waste characterization and offsite migration of

contaminants. This site is being addressed in five stages: emergency actions and

American Fisheries Society,

four long-term remedial phases focusing on cleanup of the entire site, leachate

Water Quality Section

management, installation of a gas control and landfill cover, and site control and

monitoring. Duties included managing all aspects of the RI/FS and client

representation at both public and private meetings.

Vandenberg Air Force Base Installation Restoration. Deputy program manager

of base wide restoration and program manager of Couth Vandenberg AFB

cleanup. Duties included contaminant characterization and presenting progress

reports to Air Force Center for Environmental Excellence (AFCEE)


Michael Smirnov, REA, AFS

Mission City placeViejo, StateCA


US Geological Survey (USGS) Northern California River and Stream

Surveys. As hydrographer, Mike collected monthly stream flow and water quality

data on major rivers and streams in Northern California. The data was used to

prepare water budgets, and to augment water quality data collected by the

California Department of Fish and Game.


SR-241 Foothill Transportation South, California Coastal Commission (CCC)

Consistency Certification, Transportation Corridor Agencies (TCA), Orange

County, California. Mike served as environmental coordinator for TCA on the

Foothill Transportation South (FTC-S) toll road. Mr. Smirnov assisted the TCA

and program management of the Corridor Design Management Group (CDMG), in

preparing and submitting all relevant environmental documents necessary to

obtain the California Coastal Commission’s Consistency Certification necessary

for the construction of the FTC-S project. Upon Consistency Certification

approval, this vital transportation corridor is scheduled for construction in southern

Orange and northern San Diego Counties. The proposed project would be

approximately 16 miles long, with an additional 0.8 miles of improvements along

Interstate 5, stretching from the existing terminus in Mission Viejo, California, to

I-5 on the Marine Corps Base, Camp Pendleton.

Alameda Corridor Environmental Compliance Services, Long Beach,

California. As the major subconsultant to the engineering firm, Mike provided

environmental compliance services for the Alameda Corridor project. The

Alameda Corridor is a 20-mile railroad freight line built to connect the Ports of

Los Angeles and Long Beach to the transcontinental rail network east of

Downtown Los Angeles. The environmental services included remediation

oversight for railroad and highway rights-of-way properties. He was responsible

for conducting weekly surveys for remediation and stormwater pollution

prevention compliance as well as collecting soil samples for analysis, in

accordance with the State Water Resources Control Board’s protocols.

Carquinez Strait Biological Assessment, Pittsburgh, California. Mike prepared

the biological assessment of the effects of directional drilling under the Carquinez

Strait on endangered and listed fish species either resident in or migrating through

the strait. The work was utilized by Caltrans to construct a second bridge across

Carquinez Strait.

Metropolitan Transportation Authority (LACMTA) Stormwater Monitoring,

Watts, California. Mike was the principal investigator and project manager

responsible for conducting monthly and storm event stormwater pollution

prevention plan (SWPPP) monitoring. Reports were submitted on a monthly and

quarterly basis. The project involved the monthly collection of groundwater

elevation and outfall flow data at several stations within Los Angeles County

Metropolitan Transportation Authority’s Segment 3 tunnels.

Metropolitan Transportation Authority (LACMTA) Stormwater Monitoring,

Universal City, California. Mike was the principal investigator and project

manager responsible for conducting monthly and storm event stormwater pollution

prevention plan (SWPPP) monitoring. This project also included collecting soil

and water samples to determine potential pollutant characteristics and the extent of

onsite contamination generated by construction activities. Reports were submitted

on a monthly and quarterly basis.

Rapid Bus Right of Way Metropolitan Transportation Authority (LACMTA).

Mike served as program manager and principal investigator of the stormwater

monitoring program for over a year. This project involved routine storm

monitoring of NPDES stormwater compliance over a ten mile right of way

authorized by the LACMTA.

Southern California Coastal Water Research Project Stormwater Study.

Mike managed a pilot project to conduct stormwater studies in the Los Angeles

Basin to determine water quality and quantity at 26 stations within the basin. The

data was used to design improved stormwater conduits and treatment alternatives

in order to alleviate nearshore ocean pollution.


Governor’s Floodplain Management Taskforce Report, Sacramento,

California. Mike served on the taskforce for the nine-month California

Department of Water Resources study that included convening 50 floodplain

stakeholders on a bi-monthly basis, presenting floodplain information at plenary

meetings, and writing interim and final recommendations report presented to the

Governor of California. The report has national implications in that

recommendations represent agreements between disparate groups such as

environmental organizations, the agricultural community, and California


Sacramento River Spawnable Gravel Study, Redding, California. As Principal

Investigator on this year-long study for the Anderson Cottonwood Irrigation

District (ACID), Mike dove in the Sacramento River below Keswick Dam to map

size and distribution of gravels used by Chinook salmon and steelhead over a 12-

month period. Total gravel area was used to predict the number of spawning pairs

of salmonids that would use this reach of the Sacramento River. The resultant

gravel maps were used by the California Department of Fish and Game (DFG) to

augment their aerial photographs of spawnable gravels.

Klamath River Basin Fisheries Program, Yreka, California. Principal

Investigator This study was conducted to estimate the total harvest of salmonids

by Native American tribes, sports and commercial fisheries. Much of the study

focused on illegal fisheries along the Trinity River, and was sued by the Trinity

River Task Force to define fisheries and forestry pressures on the native salmonid


Smith River Anadromous Fish Plan, Smith River, California. Principal

Investigator. Basin-wide study of anadromous fisheries on public and private lands

used to maintain and enhance anadromous salmonid populations along the Smith

River. As with the Trinity River Task Force, the study was used to identify

fisheries concerns in order to guide management activities.

Willipa Bay NPDES Permitting and NEPA Projects, Willipa Bay,

Washington. Principal Investigator on a bacterial reduction study conducted to

predict the effect of several pollutant sources on nearshore Willipa Bay mammals.

Results of the bacterial die-off study were used to substantiate a request for a

waiver from secondary treatment of sewage discharged to the bay (NPDES 301h)

and input into the project’s NEPA document.


Port of Los Angeles CEQA/NEPA Support Services Master Contract,

California. Mike served as the program manager for the master contract and was

Michael Smirnov, REA, AFS

Mission City placeViejo, StateCA


responsible for day-to-day technical and administrative coordination in support of

all CEQA/NEPA document preparation and technical studies such as air, noise,

biological, cultural, transportation aesthetics, and earth resources special studies.

Mike managed the Pac Pacific Fisheries Project EIR and assisted the Los Angeles

District of the Army Corps of Engineers with the TraPac, China Shipping

Terminal Redevelopment and Pacific Energy projects EIS/EIRs as part of this


Port of Long Beach Environmental Documentation Services Program,

California. Mike managed the program contract for as-needed services including

preparation of environmental documents in support of CEQA, NEPA, and Coastal

Act requirements. The program includes a wide range of environmental issues

such as air quality, noise, biological resources, water quality, risk management,

soil and groundwater quality, aesthetics, noise/vibration, and other environmental


Southwest Ocean Outfall, County of San Francisco, California. Mike

participated in a seven year baseline monitoring program for the City and County

of San Francisco designed to describe the physical, biological, and chemical

characteristics of San Francisco’s coastal waters. Tasks included conducting fish

trawls and invertebrate grabs, data review and interpretation, placing current meter

arrays, collecting water samples, and conducting nearshore bacterial reduction

studies. The results were used to predict the effects of constructing two ocean

outfalls, and the effects of wastewater discharges to the marine environment.

San Francisco Bay Bayside Overflow Study, California. Mike participated in

designing and conducting a yearlong study of the effects of stormwater runoff on

marine and estuarine biota in the San Francisco Bay. Tasks included reporting

congregations of marine mammals, fisheries, and invertebrates, water chemistry

changes, and tidal fluctuations with each storm event. The resultant conclusions

led to construction of stormwater collection stations, which improved water

quality, and led to the regeneration of the herring and Dungeness crab fisheries in

San Francisco Bay.

Boston Harbor Water Quality Study. Mike served as senior technical advisor

and field operations advisor on this project designed to determine stormwater

runoff into the Charles River, and the pollution effect on Boston Harbor’s water

quality. The data was used to quantify the zone of contamination in Boston

Harbor, to assess potential damage to marine and estuarine life, and to design a

long-term cleanup program for both the Charles River and Boston Harbor. Results

were fed into the project’s NEPA document.

Salinas River Downstream Habitat Study. The city of San Luis Obispo

authorized this study of the Salinas River from the Salinas Reservoir to

approximately ten miles downstream (SR 58) to determine potential impacts to

steelhead. The studies included a stream habitat survey, a population study to

determine steelhead occurrence along the study reach, and a water temperature

study to determine whether the summer temperature regime would support

steelhead rearing.

Caltrans Pilarcitos Creek Study, Half Moon Bay, California. Mike was the

project manager of this fish passage and stream restoration study for Caltrans

District 4. The study, located east of Half Moon Bay, involved determining

salmonid passage water velocities and aiding in redesign of a critical reach of

Pilarcitos Creek to increase the number of upstream migrants.

Central Valley Project Effects of Irrigation Diversions and Anadromous

Fisheries, Sacramento River, California. Principal Investigator on this

comprehensive literature review to determine short and long-term effects of both

authorized and illegal irrigation diversions on up and downstream migrant

mortality. Tehama, Glenn, and Colusa County jurisdictions were reviewed under

the auspices of the Sacramento Canals Unit.

City of San Diego Water Quality Study. Mike was the Principal Investigator on

this marine monitoring program designed to determine the effects of point source

and non-point source pollution on the fauna of San Diego. Marine mammals and

nearshore fisheries were the focus of the study. Results were used to gain a

NPDES (301h) variance and for inclusion in the NEPA document.

City of Oxnard Water Quality Study. Senior fisheries manager on this coastal

oceanographic project included observation of marine mammals, and collection of

fisheries and water chemistry data. Results were used to complete a NPDES

(301h) waiver and for inclusion in the NEPA document.

Marine and Estuarine Baseline Waste Discharge Surveys For Five Counties,

Florida. Mike participated in modeling ocean outfall waste discharge plumes for

five Florida counties in order to predict ocean dispersion patterns under various

tidal and current conditions. The results were used to determine whether the

various clients were responsible for coastal pollution, and to assess the degree of

pollution, if any.


Duke Energy North America (DENA) Flow Impact Assessment. Mike

provided a preliminary assessment on possible affects of reducing stage and flow

in the Truckee River on Cui-ui and Lahontan Cutthroat trout (LCT) habitat. The

water was to be used by a power plant. Mike used Cui-ui and LCT Recovery Plans

and USGS temperature/flow models, among other resources, to determine that

water sufficient for the power plant’s requirements would have a deleterious effect

on fish habitat.

Low-Head Hydropower Siting Surveys, Northern California and Oregon

Coast. Stream surveys were conducted to determine population size and

distribution of salmonids potentially impacted by hydropower water diversions.

Salmonid Migrant Studies, Chelan, Washington Public Utilities District. Mike

was Principal Investigator of this seasonal, five-year study of salmonid migrant

mortality studies along the main stem of the Columbia River. The study focused

on short and long-term mortality of downstream migrants as they moved through

the turbines of each of the ten main dams. Using this data, mitigations were

negotiated with the State of Washington.


Chevron USA Equivalent Protection Study, San Pablo Bay. Mike managed a

yearlong monitoring program to determine the effects of a waste stream on two

marshes in San Pablo Bay. The program demonstrated that the marshes polished

the effluent, and resulted in runoff of unpolluted fresh water into San Pablo Bay.

Study results were used to negotiate a no action NEPA alternative with the U.S.

Fish and Wildlife Service, California Department of Fish and Game, and the

Regional Water Quality Control Board.

Michael Smirnov, REA, AFS

Mission City placeViejo, StateCA


Louisiana Pacific Corporation, Samoa, California. Mike was project manager

of this biological assessment of two streams flowing through the Louisiana-Pacific

Fort Bragg saw mill. This assessment included fish bioassays, an aquatic insect

survey, and a water quality study relative to log deck runoff and a natural

groundwater spring surfacing next to the deck. Corollary offshore work included

fish trawls to determine population numbers and diversity, and collecting water

chemistry data to further characterize the effects of saw mill effluent on nearshore

receiving waters.

Noranda Explorations, Grey Eagle Mine, California. Hydrographer, fisheries

scientist. In this environmental assessment of a gold mining operation, water

quality effects related to previous and proposed mining were key issues. Water

quality studies included chemical and biological characterization of existing

conditions, as well as bioassays using resident sensitive species such as rainbow


Consolidated Papers, Inc., Wisconsin Rapids, Wisconsin. Onsite studies

manager for this project involved general fishery, benthos, and water quality

studies related to determining biological state of the midsection of the Wisconsin

River following installation and operation of secondary treatment facilities at

several pulp and paper mills.

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