B e r t ha B B R o d r ig u ez
BermanentB BBB Badsworth BvenueB BptB BB New YorBB NY
BchoolB BBB Knox BtreetB Bnd Floor BlbanBB NY
Bat for New YorB Btate FebruarB BBBB Bxam B Results Bending
Bl banB L aw B choolB BlbanBB NY
Juris DoctorB December BBBB
• Recipient, 2009 Zelda M. Uthe Law Award, Zonta Club of Albany
J o hn J aB Boll ege o f Br im in al Just iceB New YorBB NY
Bachelor of Brts in Briminal JusticeB FebruarB BBBB
• Relevant BourseworBB BBDiscoverBB TrademarB LawB
Defamation and BublicitB Law
BmploBed BBBBB hours per weeB during academic BearB
T he L egal BroB ect B Bapital District Bomen’s Bar
BssociationB BlbanBB NY
Law Bntern (Bdmitted to practice under Btudent
Bractice RuleB JanuarB BBBBB BaB BBBB
Drafted divorce documentsB motions in FamilB and
Bupreme BourtsB answersB discoverB responsesB
combined demands for discoverBB and
interrogatoriesB performed legal researchB
Bonducted client interviews and observed
consults with domestic violence victimsB
Bttended court appearances and participated in
trial examinationsB
Berved as a Bpanish interpreter at legal clinicsB
Translated documents and correspondenceB
B ar ato ga Town BourtB BchuBlervilleB New YorB
Law BnternB Beptember BBBBB November BBBB
• Research for implementing domestic conflict
• Bdministrative duties
BrooBlBn Hous e Bouns el B BetLife Buto and HomeB
BrooBlBnB NY
Legal BssistantB Bpril BBBBBJune BBBB
Drafted motions to precludeB motions to dismissB
and motions to compelB
• Brote responsesB client advice lettersB and
memorandaB Responded to discoverBB
• Filed responsesB motionsB and briefs at courthouseB
• Broofread attorneB briefs and motionsB BrossB
checBd epos itions for inconsistenciesB Breated
new client letters in BpanishB
L aw B ffice o f B arB BB BBorB B Bllstate and Bncompass
BnsuranceB YonBersB NY
Legal BssistantB Bugust BBBBBBpril BBBB
• Bssigned cases to attorneBs and legal staff
involving organizingB scheduling and
coordinating caseload for multiple legal
• Reviewed cases and determined out sourcing statusB
Blosed filesB
Latin American Law Students Association (LALSA), Fall 2007-present
Black Law Students Association (BLSA), Fall 2007-present
Language: Spanish (fluent)