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Project Engineer

Madison, MS, 39110
March 28, 2011

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Michael Klamm, PE

*** ***** ***** ***** ( Madison, MS 39110 501-***-**** (



Seeking an entry position that would utilize and expand my experience and

skills. Strong qualifications in technical abilities, mathematics, design,

computers, team and client coordination, research, planning, budgeting,

cost estimating, report writing, and administration. Reputation for strong

work ethic, ability to adapt to various work assignments and environments,

ability to learn quickly, and uncompromising devotion to service.

Competencies Include

( Transportation Design ( Project Management ( Shop


( Site Development Design ( Budget Management ( Construction


( Storm Water Design ( Cost Estimating (

Federal/State/Local Agency Coordination

( Strategic Planning ( Plans and Specifications ( Client


( Staff Training ( Contracts ( Land


Professional Experience

GARVER, LLC, Little Rock, AR (2001-2010)

Project Manager (2005-2010)

Provided design and consulting services for clients, resulting in

development of planned construction projects funded by federal, state, and

local agencies. Some of these services included developing capital

improvement plans, attending frequent funding meetings with agencies and

commissions, developing project plans and specifications, estimating

project costs, designing projects based on budget, coordinating with

engineering inspectors and testing firms, making sure projects followed

federal and state guidelines, and performing project administrative duties

while monitoring ongoing project budgets, with the goal of attaining

company profit. The following is a brief look at my project management


+ Warren Municipal Airport, Runway Widening, Warren, Arkansas

Led project and completed pavement and drainage design to widen the

existing runway from 50 to 75

feet. Produced plans and specifications, provided construction

support services, and coordinated with

Federal Aviation Administration, Arkansas Department of Aeronautics,

and clients through close-out of


+ Warren Municipal Airport, Installation of Automated Fuel System and

Runway 3 PAPI, Warren, Arkansas

Designed project and managed services to install a new fuel dispenser

and credit reader to an existing fuel

tank, and remove and replace the existing VASI with a new PAPI on the

Runway 3 end.

+ Marshall/Searcy County Airport, Phase 1 Parallel Taxiway, Marshall,


Led project and designed paving and grading of half of a full-length

4,000 foot parallel taxiway.

Project included 13,000 cubic yards of earthwork, 7,300 square yards

of crushed aggregate base course,

800 tons of ACHM surface course, 1,500 square feet of taxiway

marking, and electrical work including

taxiway edge reflectors.

+ Heber Springs Municipal Airport, Runway Rehabilitation, Heber

Springs, Arkansas

Led project and designed runway rehabilitation involving crack

sealing, seal coating, and painting the

runway at Heber Springs Municipal Airport, Heber Springs, AR.

Professional Experience (Continued)

+ Heber Springs Municipal Airport, Runway 23 Land Acquisition, Heber

Springs, Arkansas

Led project and performed title research, environmental assessments,

appraisals, appraisal reviews,

negotiations, property closings, Airport Layout Plan (ALP) updates,

and all other aspects involved with land

acquisition, including continued coordination with the sponsor and

FAA throughout the various phases of

the project. The project involved acquisition of 10 parcels of

residential land beyond the Runway 23 end in

order to clear the Runway Protection Zone (RPZ) in keeping with

standard FAA guidelines.

Design Engineer (2001-2005)

Worked with teams of engineers to provide design services for aviation,

roadway, and site development projects. Performed many designs relating to

pavements, horizontal and vertical alignments, grading and drainage, site

layouts, utilities, and many other items. Prepared plans and

specifications, and observed construction on various airport sites making

sure contractors performed work according to plans and specifications. The

following is a brief look at my project design history:

+ Little Rock National Airport, Runway 4R Extension - Stage 2, Little

Rock, Arkansas

Designed horizontal and vertical alignments for the Runway 4R 1,050-

foot extension and its parallel and

connecting taxiways, and determined pavement sections. Developed

typical sections for the runway and

taxiway extensions, and performed grading and drainage design in all

affected areas, including ditch and

pipe sizing. Assisted with development of plans and specifications,

engineer's report, quantity calculations,

engineer's estimates, and project budget alternatives.

+ Little Rock National Airport, Roosevelt Road Relocation, Little

Rock, Arkansas

Determined quantities, prepared cost estimates, determined approach

surface obstructions for Runway 4L,

assisted with final engineer's report, designed horizontal and

vertical alignments for Roosevelt Road,

provided extensive research on relocation of existing 42-inch sewer

main near Fourche Creek, coordinated

and met with LRWW numerous times, prepared plans and specifications,

designed ditches and drainage,

and assisted in MSE retaining wall research and design.

+ Little Rock Air Force Base, Dormitory Drainage Repair,

Jacksonville, Arkansas

Designed drainage of the dormitory parking areas and streets,

determined quantities, coordinated with Air

Base through phase meetings, and assisted with design report and

preparation of plans.

+ Little Rock Air Force Base, Construct Warfit Track NKAK,

Jacksonville, Arkansas

Designed drainage, determined pipe sizes and locations, designed

typical section and proposed

surface, and determined quantities.

+ City of Russellville, 16th Street Corridor, Russellville, Arkansas

Assisted with drainage design, pipe sizing, road profile and layout,

quantities, preparation of plans, budgets,

and correspondence.

Education, Licensure, Affiliations

+ B.S., Civil Engineering, University of Arkansas, Fayetteville, AR, 2001

+ Professional Engineer (Arkansas License No. 12735)

+ American Society of Civil Engineers, National Society of Professional


Computer Skills

Microsoft Office (Word, Excel, PowerPoint), Microsoft Outlook, AutoCad,

Microstation, Inroads, Newforma, Deltek Vision

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