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Design Engineer

Chatsworth, CA, 91311
April 04, 2011

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Amitkumar Mane

**** ******* *** #***

Chatsworth, CA 91311


Objective: To obtain a challenging position of Lead Hardware/Firmware Design

E ngineer in the area of FPGA, DSP processor and M icrocontroller based digital system



Company : I nnovative I n tegration I nc. May 2003 till

d ate

T itle : Senior H a rdwa re Design Engineer


o Design high speed analog/digital mezzanine boards for DSP and Data

Acquisition using ADC,FPGA,DAC,DDR Memory and DSP Processors

o Project Management: develop schedules, cost estimation, acceptance test

p rocedures, manage Jr. Design Engineers

o RTL coding of DSP IP cores (FFT,FIR Fil ters,DDC,OFDM modulators,

demodulators), implementation and verification using Xilinx System

Generator, ISE and Matlab/Simulink

o H igh speed ADC and DAC in terface design using VHDL for Xilinx FPGAs

o QDR SRAM,DDR, DDR2 SDRAM, UART, SPI interface logic using VHDL for

X ilinx FPGAs

o H igh speed SerDes (RocketIO) in terface design using Xilinx Vi rtex2Pro,

V ir tex5 and Vi r tex6 FPGAs

o Implementation of Digital Down Converter (DDC) for GSM applications on

V ir tex2Pro,Vir tex5, Vir tex6, Spartan 3A DSP FPGAs and TI GC5016 chip

o Power supply design for FPGAs DSPs and ADC/DACs on various boards

o Development of Matlab Board Support Packages for various boards

o Design of various adapters for XMC/PMC form factor boards using PADS


o In terface and collaborate with software engineers and customers

o Testing and t roubleshooting using logic analyzers, spectrum analyzers, signal

generators and Xilinx Chipscope

Amitkumar Mane

9961 Lurline Ave #315

Chatsworth, CA 91311


O utstanding Ha rdwa re Designs

o Quadia

Four TI DSPs( TMS320C6416), Two Xilinx FPGAs(XC2vp40) on a

CompactPCI form factor board

o X5-400M

Two 400Mhz ADC(14 Bits), Two 500MHz DAC (16 bits), Xilinx Vi r tex5

F PGA on XMC form factor board

o X5-RX

Four 200MHZ ADC(16 Bits), Xilinx Vi r tex5 FPGA, DDR2 Memory on

X MC form factor board

o X6-100M

Two 1 GSPS ADCs ( 12 bits), Two 1 GSPS DACs (16 bits), LPDDR

Memory, one Xilinx Vir tex6 FPGA on XMC form factor board


Two LTC2242-12 ADC(250MHz) and one Xilinx Vir tex2Pro FPGA on

P MC form factor board

o P MC-D R

Four LTC 2255 14-bit, 125 M Hz ADCs, One Xilinx FPGA, DDR

memory on PMC form factor board

O utstanding Custom P rojects

o 3GPP LTE PHY layer implementation on Vir tex5, Vi r tex6 FPGA

o 3GPP LTE Downlink EnodeB waveform generator on Vi r tex5, Vir tex6 FPGA

o 40 Channel DDC on Vi r tex2Pro FPGA for Commnucation et Systems, France

o 400MHz Wideband Receiver for EHS, Germany

o 1,4,8 Channel DDC IP core on Vir tex5 FPGA for Onera, France and US Navy

o Custom fil ter, FFT design for Fugro L td, Australia

o 64 board Synchronous DDC receiver for DSPCON,USA

o PID controller on FPGA for Nanonics, Israel

Amitkumar Mane

9961 Lurline Ave #315

Chatsworth, CA 91311


o Falcon Eye RADAR hardware development for Mustang Technologies, USA

Company : Ajay Electronic P roducts

J une1999/July2001

T itle : E mbedded System Design Engineer


o Circuit Design and verification of products to measure various process

parameters such as f low, temperature

o Development of PLC drivers, LED display drivers, RS232-485 converter

o fi rmware development using C,C++ for 8051 microcontrollers

o Development of custom applications using SCADA systems to measure and

monitor various process parameters

Company : Texas Tech University J anua ry 2002/Dec 2002

T itle : Teaching Assistant


o Reviewing and Teaching course material

o Preparing and conducting Lab Experiments

Technical Skills

P rogramming Languages :

M atlab, VHDL, Verilog, C, C++, In tel MCS51 assembly language

Software Tools:

Amitkumar Mane

9961 Lurline Ave #315

Chatsworth, CA 91311


Xilinx ISE foundation, Chipscope, Xilinx System Generator, ModelSim,

M atlab/Simulink,PADS PowerPCB, Orcad Schematic Capture CIS, Microsoft Visual

S tudio 2005, TI Code Composer Studio, Pspice

Bus Standards:

PCI, CompactPCI, PCIexpress, PMC,XMC

E ducation

M.S. in Electr ical Engineering GPA 4.0/4.0

Texas Tech University, Lubbock Tx 2003

Area of Emphasis : D igital System Design

Graduate P rojects

o 8 bit Simple RISC Processor Design in verilog using Xilinx ISE 5.1 and

Spartan I I-E

o 8085 Microprocessor design in VHDL using Xilinx ISE 5.1 and


o Modeling SIO MOS device using Pspice

o DTMF encoder/deocde using TMS320C6711

o Caller ID implementation using Matlab/Simulink

Post Graduate Diploma in VLS I Design 2000

Bitmapper I n tegration Technologies, Pune, I ndia

Bachelor of Engineering ( Inst rumentation)


Shivaji University 1999

Special Achievements

o Merit Scholarship from Electrical Engineering Department, Texas Tech University

o National Scholarship from Maharashtra State Government at high school level

o General scholarship from Maharashtra State Government at primary school

Amitkumar Mane

9961 Lurline Ave #315

Chatsworth, CA 91311



COTS digita l r adio receiver system is good to go, w, 2006


Available upon request.

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