John DeLisle
Southfield, MI ****6
Mobile: 248-***-****
Email: ****************@******.***
OBJECTIVE: To obtain a leadership position in natural resource
GM/Ecologist, Southfield, MI 11/2009 - now
Management of ecosystems, corporate programs, and finances.
Ownership stake in providing ecological design, management and
consulting services for public, commercial, and private projects
- focusing on restoration of native landscapes and promotion of
the native plant movement - which are both socially crucial for
ecosystem and environmental (and human) health ; as well as
vital for green industry and business prosperity. Services
offered include: species inventory and site assessment, invasive
weed removal, biological control, planning, native plants and
supplier sourcing, design, contractor references, establishment
and management of native landscape.
Program,Brighton,MI - now
Lead Biologist, GS 7
Planning, evaluating, and coordinating projects
with cooperating landowners, scientists, and
officials. Leading entomological team in site
selection and mapping, community contacts, insect
rearing, data collection, site scouting, tree
selection, greenhouse management.
Developing forest and site scouting methods, site
evaluations procuring ash materials to support
insect rearing, contacting cooperators and
landowners to establish, grow, and collect ash
resources for the biological control program. Using
GIS mapping, forest ecological principles,
referencing cooperators, and ground truthing to
select potential ash harvest sites. Recruiting,
writing agreements with, and administering resource
activities on cooperator property. Ensuring
effective quality control for landowners and
Developing and implementing propagation and growing
methods for ash species in control and field
environments. Monitoring and modifying tree growth
and foliage quality based on production needs and
growing conditions.
Planning for future resource needs. Assessing and
acquiring equipment, propagules, and site
permission for ash resources. Evaluating ash
materials and checking quality control for
biological control rearing suitability, storage,
and productivity. Leading technicians in ecology,
resource harvest and handling, and greenhouse
USDA APHIS EAB Program, 11/2007 - 10/2008
Brighton, MI
Biological Science Technician, GS 5
Insect rearing, detection, trapping, shipping, and
release. Plant culture. Data entry and analysis.
Establishing public and private contacts for
resource management. Writing work agreements for
cooperator properties. Resource harvesting.
Pesticide research. Preparing experimental
methodology and implementation. Site investigation
for insect populations and plant materials.
Supervision and instruction of technicians.
DETROIT ZOO, Royal Oak, MI 1/2003 - 11/2007
Landscape Foreman
Planning projects, leading volunteers and employees
in horticultural management of public, native,
wetland, and exhibit landscapes & greenhouses. Soil
and water chemistry. Potting, propagating, scouting
pests in greenhouses. Using IPM monitoring and
documentation over entire park. Composting.
Operating/maintaining trucks, loaders, and small
landscape equipment. Landscape management. Training
and leading crews in all above capacities. Work
order data entry. Horticulture education of
employees and students. Designing native landscapes
and Ford Volunteers' projects. Ecological
Restoration. Lupine propagator and larval resource
manager for Karner Blue Butterfly project and
University of Michigan
Dearborn, MI US
Master's Degree - 8/2008
Major: Environmental Science
Relevant Coursework, Licensures and Certifications:
Environmental Comm., Environmental Chemistry,
Environmental Statistics, Geology, Watershed
Planning & Analysis, Invasive Species Ecology,
Ecological Economics, GIS, and Plant Ecology, and
Applied Wetlands Ecology. My areas of expertise are
botany/plant pathology, landscape ecology,
restoration, Watershed/Land-use Planning.
Michigan State University
E. Lansing, MI US
Bachelor's Degree - 5/1999
Major: Horticulture
Relevant Coursework, Licensures and Certifications:
MI Certified pesticide applicator, collegiate
natural resources classes including Pests and
Diseases of Forest Trees, Entomology, Landscape
Management, Plant Physiology, and Plant
Identification. Certified Pesticide Applicator
Royal Oak Nature Society, Royal Oak, MI
Vice President, Planner, and Stewardship Director - 2001 to Current
Planning, designing, coordinating, analyzing site ecology, budgeting and
grant writing for RONS City of Royal Oak Worden Park Native Arboretum.
Working with the City of Royal Oak to preserve public natural areas.
Leading nature walks,. Surveying and inventories of plant and insect
populations, hydrological and geological features. Recruiting speakers on
nature related topics. Recruiting and leading volunteer stewardship crews
for weed removal in parks and gardening in Arboretum. Education Committee
planning activities. Presentations on features and Arboretum development to
RONS Board and public. Ecological restoration, Native Plant Arboretum
Community & collections policy, database management, volunteer recruitment,
planning, and leadership.
MI Conservation Stewards Program & Stewardship Network, Pontiac, MI
Certified Conservation Steward - 2003 to Current
Ecology-based natural resource training for related natural areas service
work for listed organizations. Stewardship Network Cooperators. Floristic
Quality Assessment, volunteer recruitment, and invasive species management
of Lincoln Nature Preserve for the City of Southfield. Rain garden design,
installation and management for City of Southfield, Beverly Hills, and
Birmingham Schools. Plant rescues for Ann Arbor WildOnes. Berberian Woods
volunteers in 2006 and 2007.
SE Michigan WildOnes
Vice President, Volunteer Coordinator & Lecturer - 2009 to current
Present project info for ecological restorations with native plant
communities for SOCWA, City of Southfield, Friends of the Rouge, RONS, and
the Stewardship Network. Planning & rganizing group activities, recruiting
speakers, Native Plant Sales, and finding ecological sites, contacts, and
volunteer projects.
SOCWA Healthy Landscapes
Ecological gardener, Lecturer and Volunteer leader - 2000 to current
Initiated community stormwater management projects, conducted native
planting evaluations & tours, presenter at ecological gardening and
resource conservation seminars, Rain garden program instructor. Treekeeper
Urban Forestry Class Instructor.
City of Southfield
Restoration Ecologist Volunteer Leader - 2008 to current
Floristic Quality Inventories, EQIP, ESAs, native seed collection,
biological control life tables, bio-monitoring, Invasive Species Control,
Soil Surveying. Volunteer organization and recruitment. Nature conference