Curriculum Vitae
Personal information
First Florin Aurel Ardeleanu
Address * ***, *, ****** ***** (Romania)
Telephone(s) +407******** Mobile +407********
Fax(es) None
E-mail(s) ***************.**@*****.***
Nationality Romanian
Date of birth
Gender Male
Desired employment / Physiotherapy
Occupational field
Work experience
Dates 01/09/2008 - 31/08/2009
Occupation or position Kinesiotherapist
Main activities and Establish specific therapies for children with special
responsibilities educational requirements of special education and mass
Prevention and correction of physical deficiencies in the
development of harmonious natural child.
Establish of specific therapies for children with
congenital or acquired neurological disorders.
Name and address of School Center for Inclusive Education
employer Henri Coanda, Nr. 4, Bis, 5500 Bacau (Romania)
Type of business or Education
Dates 01/09/2009 - 31/08/2010
Occupation or position Kinesiotherapist
Main activities and Establish specific therapies for children with special
responsibilities educational requirements of special education and mass
Prevention and correction of physical deficiencies in the
development of harmonious natural child.
Establish of specific therapies for children with
congenital or acquired neurological disorders.
Name and Special School "Maria Montessori"
address of employer Henri Coanda, Nr. 4, 5500 Bacau (Romania)
Type of business or Education
20/10/2010 - 31/08/2011
Dates Special Education Teacher
Occupation or position
held Monitoring of psycho-intellectual development of students
with disabilities
Main activities and as a consequence of the learning process in special school.
Knowledge peculiarity of learning that takes place in
special school.
Name and address of Special School "Maria Montessori"
employer Henri Coanda, Nr. 4, 5500 Bacau (Romania)
Type of business or Education
Education and training
Dates 01/10/2001 - 15/06/2005
Title of qualification Kinesiotherapist
Principal subjects / Practice in spas resorts, anatomy, physiology,
occupational skills biomechanics, physiopathology, physiotherapy
Name and type of Bacau University (Physiotherapy Department)
organisation providing Calea M?r?e?ti 157, 600115 Bacau (Romania)
education and training
28 -29 November 2008
Dates Participation in the workshop "Autism - a new challenge for
professionals in the field" of the International Conference
"Qualitive strategies for improving of the academic
educational system in a European vision, organized by "
University of Bacau - Faculty of Health Sciences and the
Sports movement. "
Name and type of 15/09/1996 - 15/06/2000
organisation "Vasile Alecsandri" Highschool, Bacau (Romania)
providing education and
15/09/1988 - 15/06/1996
Dates School Number 18, Bacau (Romania)
Name and type of
providing education and
Personal skills and
Mother tongue(s) Romanian
Other language(s)
Self-assessment Understanding Speaking W r i t i n
European level Listening Reading Spoken Spoken
interaction production
Social skills and Good ability to adapt to multicultural environments.
competences Team Spirit.
Organisational skills Sense of organisation.
and competences
Computer skills and Good command of Microsoft Office tools (Word, Excel,
competences PowerPoint).