**** ******* ***. ***. *, Cincinnati, OH *****•614-***-****•********@*****.***
Katy L. Cornell
Masters of Education in Curriculum and Instruction, expected June 2012
University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, Ohio
Masters of Arts (with distinction), Department of History, June 2009
University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, Ohio
Concentration in American History
Minor in Latin American History
Bachelor of Arts (Summa Cum Laude and University Honors)
Departments of History and Psychology, May 2007
Bowling Green State University, Bowling Green, Ohio
Ohio License, Integrated Social Studies 7-12
• Recognition of Excellence Award on Principles of Learning and Teaching: 7-12
Professional Experience:
Cincinnati Public Schools, Substitute Teacher, September 2010-Present
Hughes STEM High School, Cincinnati Public Schools, August 2010-May 2011
• Student Teaching
• 9th grade U.S./World History and English Classroom
• Co-taught and developed curriculum with the English teacher
• Implemented project-based learning curriculum and constructivist learning strategies
• Integrated technology into the Social Studies Curriculum
• Used Blackboard to post course material and assignments
School for the Creative and Performing Arts, Cincinnati Public Schools, March 2010-May 2010
• 50+ hours in a 9th grade World History classroom
• Graded student work, developed and taught lesson activities
Clark Montessori High School, Cincinnati Public Schools, January-March 2010
• 60 + hours in a 10th grade U.S. History classroom
• Graded student work, developed and taught lesson activities
Teaching Assistant, University of Cincinnati, Fall 2007-Spring 2009
Professional Organizations:
Ohio Council for the Social Studies, Member, 2010-Present
National Council for the Social Studies, Member, 2010-Present
The Ohio Council for the Social Studies (OCSS), Dr. James J. Sheehan Pre-Service Social
Studies Teacher Award, 2010
Outstanding Masters Student in the College of Arts and Sciences, University of Cincinnati, 2009
First Place Zane Miller Prize, Department of History, University of Cincinnati, 2009 for
“Inhuman Pursuit:” The Perception and Practice of Hunting Runaway Bondspeople during the Antebellum
Vice-President of the History Graduate Student Association, University of Cincinnati, 2008-2009
University Graduate Scholarship, University of Cincinnati, 2007-present
Outstanding Senior Award in History, Bowling Green State University, 2006-2007
Undergraduate Representative, Undergraduate Curriculum Committee, History Department
Bowling Green State University, 2006-2007
Relevant Work Experience:
Graduate Assistant Academic Advisor for the College of Education, Criminal Justice, and
Human Services (CECH), University of Cincinnati, 2009-present
• Assist secondary education majors with course planning, registration, and accessing campus resources
Park Guide, William Howard Taft National Historic Site, Cincinnati, Ohio, 2009-present
• Lead tours of William Howard Taft’s birthplace and boyhood home
• Assisted with grant projects aimed at increasing the visibility of the Taft Site through
partnerships with community-based organizations in the greater Cincinnati area
• Collaborated with the Boys & Girls Club of Greater Cincinnati on a grant project
designed to educate urban youth on careers within the National Park Service
• Oversaw the implementation of the First Bloom Grant, a national grant project by the National Parks
Foundation, aimed at educating urban youth on native plants, conservation and the National Park Service with
the end goal of designing a native plant garden
References available upon request