James Hay Humphries
Current Address: Permanent Address:
*** *. **** **. **** Olympia Dr.
Oxford, MS 38655 Houston, TX 77063
Education The University of Mississippi Oxford, MS
Bachelor of Business Administration
BBA: Managerial Finance
BBA: Real Estate
GPA: 3.52
Honors and Student Body President for Student Representative for the
School of Business University Undergraduate
Activities Administration Council
Dean's List Associated Student Body Senator
Member of Beta Gamma Sigma Selected to Who's Who among
Business Honors Society American Colleges and
Nominated to Lambda Sigma Vice President of the School of
Honors Society and National Business Administration's Chief
Society of Collegiate Scholars Emissary Officers
Sigma Nu Fraternity Chaplain Campus Crusade for Christ
Student Leadership Team
Work Humphries Construction Corporation Houston, TX
Experience Assistant Superintendent
Supervised sub contractors and laborers
Coordinate time-oriented goals with project managers and lead
Charged with developing mid-project budget reports
Colliers International of Houston Houston, TX
Assisted Senior Partners in large scale projects by updating
project plans and preparing and storing project related
Acted as liaison between Senior Partners and Junior Associates
to address project updates
Skills Proficient in Microsoft Word, Power Adobe Photoshop Experience
Point, and Excel
Moderate Fluency in Spanish