E ureka, CA *5503
Randy Thompson
California Certified General Elect rician No. 139305
OBJECT I V E Employment as a Journeyman Electr ician
S un Valley Group
A rcata, CA 95521
J ou rneyman Elect rician
Responsible for the installation, maintenance, t rouble-shooting, and repair of all
electrical equipment
required for the planting, growing, and processing cut f lowers. Including: Electrical
d istribution and
backup generators; computer controlled climate and i r r igation systems; hot water and
S team Boilers,
s torage coolers, PLC, frequency drives, lighting; reading and interpreting
data sheets, one line drawings, and ladder logic.
K nauf I nsul ation
Shasta L ake, CA 96019
J ou rneyman Electrician
Responsible for the installation, maintenance, t rouble-shooting, and repair of all
ectrical equipment
required for the continuous operation and environmental compliance of a fiberglass
s ulation
manufacturing plant. Including: 120v/240v/480/4160v/12kv distribution systems;
mputer controlled
systems, PLC, DC and frequency drives; DC and AC motors up to 4160v; lighting;
ading and interpreting
data sheets, one line drawings, and ladder logic.
2008 D aqota Systems, I nc.
McKinleyvil le, CA 95519
L ayout, construction, and installation of PLC panels
1981-2008 Louisiana Pacific Corporation / Stockton Pacific Enterpr ises /
E vergreen Pulp
Samoa Pulp M i l l, Samoa, CA 95564
J ou rneyman Electrician 2001-2008
Responsible for the installation, maintenance, t rouble-shooting, and repair of all electrical
equipment required for the continuous operation and environmental compliance of a K raft
p ulp mill. Including: 120v/240v/480/2300v/12kv/60kv distribution systems; computer
controlled systems, PLC, DC and frequency drives; DC and AC motors up to 2300v; EMT,
r igid, PVC, and t ray conduit systems; lighting; reading and interpreting data sheets, one
l ine drawings, and ladder logic. Experience with large construction projects.
A pprentice Elect rician 1998-2001
Work under the supervision of a journeyman electrician, learning all aspects of the
maintenance electrician t rade, as required under the State of California Apprenticeship
P rogram.
L ime Kiln / Recausticizing Operator 1990-1998
Reprocess spent cooking liquor.
Operate gas fired rotary lime kiln.
R ecausticizing Assistant 1984-1990
Quality control testing and assist operator as necessary.
Perform operator’s duties as vacancies required.
Yard Laborer 1981-1984
Trained to relieve in operations as vacancies required.
*A.S. Degree in Electronics and Computer Technology, College of the Redwoods, Graduated
* Maintenance Electrician correspondence course, ICS, Completed 1999
*Refrigeration, A/C, and Heating program, Universal Technical Institute, Graduated 1980