Noel Douglas Justice
PO Box 1249
Bloomington, Indiana 47402
Cell 812-***-****
Place of Birth: Fort Wayne, Indiana
Date of Birth: December 25, 1949
Vincennes University A.S. Liberal Arts May, 1971
Indiana University B.A. Anthropology August, 1976
Indiana University M.A. Anthropology December 1984
Thesis Title: Diagnostic Projectile Points of Eastern United
States Archaeology.
Current: Self-employed archaeologist, prehistorian and writer
Previous position: Assistant Director and Curator, Glenn A. Black
laboratory of Archaeology
Supervision of laboratory research and processing operations and
personnel, student teaching and guidance, records and collections
research, collection loans for research and exhibition on and off
campus, donations, museum exhibits, curatorial services for state,
federal, and private institutions, lithic research, state-wide
archaeological site records and collections management, cataloging and
analysis of survey and excavation materials, museum exhibits and tours,
and responsibility for laboratory functions overall. Years in this
position: 28.
Archaeological Field Experience
Archaeologist 2008-present
Various survey projects and field research within Indiana and
surrounding states.
Project Director, 1989-1991
An Archaeological Survey of Brown County, Indiana.
Project Director, 1988
An Archaeological Survey of Quarry and Workshop Sites in the
Vicinity of Harrison
County, Indiana.
Associate Director, Indiana University Archaeological Field School
This project was an excavation of site 12 Po 51 involving the
supervision of 20 Indiana University students in cooperation with
James H. Kellar and James R. Jones III who is now the state
archaeologist for Indiana. This field School included the
supervision and instruction of 20 Indiana University students. This
site is located on a ridge within the Ohio River floodplain with
occupations spanning the Early Archaic through Middle Woodland
periods (ca. 6,500 B.C. to A.D. 500).
Field Director Southwestern Indiana, 1978-1979
The project was an intensive archaeological site reconnaissance
in areas surrounding the Mann site is listed on the National
Register of Historic Places. This is a major
Hopewell ceremonial site dating to around the time of Christ
which had connections to
Sites spread throughout much of the United States. Today, the Mann
site is recognized by the National Park Service as one of the most
important archaeological site in the eastern United States.
Field Director, 1978
Assessment of the Archaeological Potential of the A.B. Brown
Generating Station Site, Posey County, Indiana.
Field Supervisor, West-Central Illinois, 1977
This project was an intensive archaeological surface
reconnaissance of prairie and dissected stream headwaters
between Canton and Quincy, Illinois.
Associate Field Supervisor Warren County, Illinois, 1977
Phase II Testing of two multicomponent sites on Cedar Creek, a
tributary to the Mississippi River under the direction of
Lawrence A. Conrad, Western Illinois
Monroe County, Indiana, 1976
Preliminary test excavations were conducted under the direction
of Patrick J. Munson on a Late Archaic open site and rock
Monroe County, Indiana, 1976
Phase II Test of the Dillman Road site on the proposed
Bloomington Sewage Treatment Plant location. Directed
by David Sonner.
Angel Mounds, Vanderburgh County, Indiana, 1976
Student fieldworker at Angel Mounds State Memorial.
Excavations were conducted on a secondary stockade within the
site proper. Directed by James H. Kellar.
Research in Northeastern Indiana, 1968-1975
Prehistoric and early historic settlement and use of the region
and external relationships
with cultural expressions in southeast Michigan, northwestern Ohio,
and central Indiana.
Museum Employment and Exhibit Experience
Exhibit Preparator, Glenn Black Laboratory of Archaeology
Installed and maintained exhibits on the Archaeology of the Ohio
Valley and Great Lakes Regions.
Consultant, Children's Museum, Indianapolis Spring 1985
Conducted demonstrations of prehistoric tool making techniques
and prepared tool kits for school use.
Consultant, Monroe County Historical Museum Fall, 1979
"Prehistoric Indians of the Monroe County Area" exhibit.
Conservator, Indiana University Museum, 1978-79.
Tasks included the maintenance, restoration, and preservation
of materials from antique furniture to Eskimo clothing and
other artifacts.
Exhibit Preparator, Indiana University Museum, 1976
"The Indian Arts of South America" exhibit.
Exhibit Preparator, Indiana University Museum, 1976
"People of the Plains" exhibit.
Exhibit and Collections Technician, Vincennes University Museum, 1971
Organized, cleaned, and identified collections and exhibits
Technical and Artistic Training
Industrial Arts: Drafting and Mechanical Drawing, 1966-68.
Central Catholic and Central High Schools, Fort Wayne, Indiana.
Fine Arts, 1969-71.
Vincennes University, Vincennes, Indiana.
Fellowships and Assistantships
Fellowship 1978-79 Glenn A. Black Laboratory of Archaeology
Supervised cataloguing operations and personnel. Researched and
assembled artifact and raw material type collections.
Assistantship 1978-79 Indiana University Museum
Supervised conservation laboratory.
Assistantship 1977-78 Glenn A. Black Laboratory of Archaeology
Supervised cataloging operation.
Assistantship 1977-78 Latin American Studies Program
Co-editor for the Latin American Studies Newsletter. Assembled
computerized slide information file on South American
Geography, History, and Anthropology.
Lifetime Achievement Award
Present by the Authentic Artifact Collectors Association, Inc.
Fort Mitchell, Kentucky, 2005.
Research Areas:
Lithic Analysis and Replication Studies
Over 35 years of flint knapping experimentation. Primary interests
include the refinement of archaeological cultural chronologies and to
better understand the prehistoric lithic industries of North America.
Results of this research are contained within a notebook which illustrates
and documents a wide range of chipped stone experiments to replicate the
tool technologies for 10,000 years of prehistory within Indiana and across
North America. The notebook includes over 1,200 entries keyed to the
cataloged collections that resulted from the experiments. This will be a
valuable collection for future students and scholars interested in
comparing these experimental results to the material culture obtained
through archaeological research.
Late Pleistocene Geochronology and Environment
Geological and Ecological study of the Midwest relative to
Paleo-Indian and Early Archaic populations.
Prehistoric Copper Mining and Trade
Archaic manifestations in the Great Lakes and Midwest Regions.
Lithic Artifact Typologies
Formulation and criteria for diagnostic attribute observation
and standardization for North American archaeology.
Papers, Presentations, and Special Seminars
1970 Archaeological Sites in the Vincennes, Indiana Area. Survey
Conducted from September 1969 thru. June 1970 along the Wabash
River in Lawrence County, Illinois and Knox County, Indiana.
1971 The Archaeology of Indiana. Manuscript, Vincennes University.
1976 An Analysis of the Use of Raw Materials for Chipped Stone
from Five Archaeological Sites in Allen County, Indiana.
1976 Origins of Food Production in Lowland South America.
1976 On Ethnography and Experimental Archaeology. Manuscript.
1977 The Paleo-Indian Occupation of Northeastern Indiana.
1977 Lithic Technology Through Time: A Brief Survey of Major
Developments in Prehistoric LithicTechnology. Feature
Presentation at the Meeting of the West- central
Branch of the Illinois Archaeological Society. Macomb, Illinois.
1978 Cause and Effect in Revitalization: The Klamath Reservation in
Southwestern Oregon. Manuscript.
1978 Klamath Identity: A Historical Perspective. Manuscript.
1979 A Survey of Terminal Middle Woodland Occupations near Mann
Site. Paper
Presented at the Ohio Valley Archaeological
Conference. University of Louisville. Louisville,
1980 Preliminary Results of Test Excavations at 12 Po 51: Late
Archaic through Crab Orchard Components. Paper
presented at the Indiana Historical Society Annual
Meeting. Indianapolis, Indiana.
1980 Demonstration and discussion of Prehistoric Lithic
Manufacturing Techniques. Presentation for the Indiana
Amateur Archaeological Association Spring
Workshop. Conner Prairie Pioneer Settlement. Noblesville, Indiana.
1980 Prehistoric Chert Utilization in the Midwest: A Case
Study of Chert Quality and Availability in Southwestern
Harrison County, Indiana. Paper Presented at the Midwest
Archaeological Conference. University of Illinois, Chicago Circle.
Chicago, Illinois.
1982 Comments on Early and Middle Archaic Projectile Point
Manufacturing and Resharpening. Manuscript.
1983 Lithics in Ritual Context: A View from the Late Archaic/Early
Woodland Transitional Period. Paper presented at the
Midwest Archaeological Conference. University
of Iowa. Revised 1994.
1983 Toward an Understanding of the Middle Woodland Lithic
Technology of the Mann Site (12 Po 2), Posey County,
Indiana. Manuscript.
1983 Major participant and speaker in a Conference on
Diagnostic Chipped Stone Artifacts of the Central Ohio
Valley. Organized by Dr. Kent Vickery Department of
Anthropology University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, Ohio.
Partial list of Conference Participants:
Dr. Mark Seeman, Kent State University
Dr. James B. Griffin Emeritus, University of
Dr. Howard D. Winters, Northwestern University,
Kampsville, Illinois
Dr. Thomas Genn Cook, Northwestern University,
Kampsville, Illinois
Dr. Dr. Bettye Broyles, Chattanooga, Tennessee
Dr. W. Fred Kinsey, III, Franklin and Marshall
College, Lancaster, PA
Dr. James Murphy, Ohio State Museum Libraries,
Columbus, Ohio
Dr. Jack M. Schock, Western Kentucky University,
Bowling Green
1983 Common Projectile Points of the Prehistory of Indiana. Feature
Presentation, Wabash Valley Archaeological Society
Annual Dinner Meeting. Terre Haute, Indiana.
with Charles Lacer Jr.
1984 The Middle Woodland Lithic Technology of the Mann
Site (12 Po 2) Posey County, Indiana. Paper presented
at the Second Conference on Prehistoric Chert
Exploitation. Southern Illinois University, Carbondale.
1984 Projectile Points in the Midwest: Their
Identification and Characteristics of Manufacture.
Presentation, Tenth Annual Indiana Archaeology Spring
Workshop. Merrillville, Indiana.
1986 Research in Lithic Technology Applied to Problems in Indiana
Archaeology and Beyond. Manuscript. Revised 1992.
1986 Prehistoric Cultures of Northeastern Indiana. Guest
lecture presented for the Little Turtle Archaeological
Research Society Meeting, Columbia City, Indiana, April
20, l986.
1986 Projectile Point Type Clusters: A Discussion of the Utility,
Formation and Application. Manuscript. Indiana University.
1987 Prehistoric Quarries and Workshops: The Wyandotte Chert Source
and the Evidence for Manufacture, Trade, and Ritual
Behavior. Paper Presented at the Annual Meeting of
the Indiana Historical Society.
1989 Stone Artifact Typology and Technology in Prehistoric North
America. Presented for the CRAFT Brown Bag Lunch. Indiana
1990 Piedmont North Carolina Prehistory; Replication of Projectile
Points and Reduction Strategies. This is a collection of
replications of various projectile point types from all
prehistoric time periods with descriptions of the techniques of
manufacture and failures employing the local Morrow Mountain
quartzite (Carolina Slate) . This was presented to the Town
Creek Indian Mound Museum at the request of Dr. Joffre Coe,
University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill.
1993 Aspects of Archaeology and Prehistory: A Presentation for an
Exhibit Opening Featuring Artifacts from the Glenn A.
Black Laboratory of Archaeology. Shircliff Gallery
of Art, Vincennes University. Vincennes, Indiana.
1994 Flint Knapping Demonstration. Waldron Arts Center,
Bloomington, Indiana. February 1, 1994.
1994 The Prehistory of the Monroe County area. Monroe County
Historical Society, Bloomington, Indiana. September 1,
1995 Hosted a Seminar covering the Typology and Technology of
Projectile Points of North America with over 25 paid
participants from various universities and other organizations
in the Midwest. Field Museum of Natural History, Chicago,
2006 Some Thoughts on the Importance of the Falls of the Ohio Area
in Regional Prehistory. Falls of the Ohio
Archaeological Society.
2006 Projectile Point Type Clusters: Utility, Relevance and Theory
for Understanding Prehistory. Paper Presented at the 64th
Annual Plains Anthropological Conference. Topeka, Kansas.
Professional Reports and Publications
1976a An Archaeological Reconnaissance of the Proposed Bridge #190
Improvement and Realignment Construction Over Raccoon
Creek on County Road 775E, Montgomery County, Indiana.
Glenn A. Black Laboratory Research Report.
1976b An Archaeological Reconnaissance of the Proposed Sewage
Treatment Facilities Expansion, Upland, Indiana. Glenn
A. Black Laboratory Research Report.
1976c An Archaeological Reconnaissance of the Area of the Proposed
Grandstaff Drive and Fifteenth Street, Auburn,
Indiana. Glenn A. Black Laboratory Research Report.
1976d An Archaeological Reconnaissance of the Area of the Proposed
Bridge #79 Improvement and Realignment Construction Over
Black Creek on County Road 100W, Montgomery County,
Indiana. Glenn A. Black Laboratory Research Report.
1977a An Archaeological Report of Investigations Along the
Charlestown-New Albany Pike in Clark County,
Indiana. Glenn A. Black Laboratory of Archaeology
Research Report.
With Edward E. Smith
1977b An Archaeological Reconnaissance of the Proposed Construction
Site of the Trafalgar Wastewater Collection and Treatment
Facility in Johnson County, Indiana. Sieco, Inc. Glenn A. Black
Laboratory of Archaeology Research Report.
with Sheryl Egli and Tara Sears
1977-78 The Latin American Studies Newsletter. Lindley Hall,
Indiana University.
1978a An Archaeological Reconnaissance of the Proposed Potable Water
Line and Water Standpipe in Morgan-Monroe State Forest,
Monroe County, Indiana. Glenn A. Black Laboratory
Research Report.
1978b An Archaeological Survey of the Proposed Ramsey Substation
Site, Harrison County, Indiana. Glenn A. Black
Laboratory Research Report.
with James H. Kellar
1978c An Assessment of the Archaeological Potential of the A.B. Brown
Generating Station Site, Posey County, Indiana. Glenn A.
Black Laboratory of Archaeology Research Contract
1981a Quality Selection Factors in the Wyandotte Chert Lithofacies.
In Archaeological Data Recovery at the Mary Ann Cole Site
(12CR1) Crawford County, Indiana: A Prehistoric Workshop at
the Confluence of the Blue and Ohio Rivers. Edited by
Jeffery A. Meyers and John T. Dorwin. Prepared under contract #DACW 27-80-
C-0043 and funded by the United States Army Corps of
Engineers Louisville District, pp.26-37. Resource
Analysts, Inc. Bloomington, Indiana.
1981b Technological Analysis of the Lithic Materials. In
Archaeological Data Recovery at the Mary Ann Cole
Site (12CR1) Crawford County, Indiana: A Prehistoric
Workshop at the Confluence of the Blue and Ohio Rivers. Edited by
Jeffery A. Meyers and John T Dorwin. Prepared under contract #DACW
27-80- C-0043 and funded by the United States Army
Corps of Engineers Louisville District, pp. 106-153.
Resource Analysts, Inc. Bloomington, Indiana.
with Edward E. Smith
1988 An Archaeological Reconnaissance of Quarry and Workshop Sites
in the Vicinity of Harrison County, Indiana. Prepared for
Indiana Department of Natural Resources Division of
Historic Preservation and Archaeology. Glenn A. Black
Laboratory of Archaeology Reports of Investigations 88-11.
1989a Prehistoric Quarries and Workshops: The Wyandotte Chert Source
and the Evidence for Manufacture, Trade, and Ritual
Behavior. In Current Research in Indiana
Archaeology and Prehistory: 1987 and 1988. Edited by Christopher S.
Peebles, pp. 16-17. Glenn A. Black Laboratory of Archaeology
Research Reports 10.
1989b Besant: Northern Plains Projectile Point Styles at the Mann
Site, Posey County, Indiana. In Current Research in
Indiana Archaeology and Prehistory: 1987 and 1988.
Edited by Christopher S. Peebles, pp. 39-40. Glenn A. Black Laboratory
of Archaeology Research Reports 10.
with Mark R. Schurr
1989c An Archaeological Assessment and Field Reconnaissance of the
Lake and Moraine Region in Steuben County, Indiana. Glenn A.
Black Laboratory of Archaeology Report of Investigations 89-19.
with Mark R. Schurr
1990a Prehistoric Occupations of the Steuben Morainal Lake Area: The
Steuben County Survey. Paper presented at the Indiana
Historic Society Annual Meeting. Indianapolis, Indiana.
Glenn A. Black Laboratory of Archaeology Research Reports
with Mark R. Schurr
1990b An Introduction to the Archaeology of Steuben County, Indiana.
Glenn A. Black Laboratory of Archaeology Report of
Investigations 89-18-1.
with John R. Williams
1991 An Archaeological Assessment and Field Reconnaissance of the
Headwaters of Beanblossom and Salt Creeks in Brown County,
Indiana. Glenn A. Black Laboratory of Archaeology Report of
Investigations 91-25.
with John W. Williams
1993 Prehistoric Hunters and Gatherers of Brown County, Indiana.
Current Research in Indiana Archaeology and
Prehistory: 1991 and 1992. Glenn A. Black
Laboratory of Archaeology Research Reports 14.
1994a Cultural and Historical Perspectives on the McKinley Site.
Current Research in Indiana Archaeology and Prehistory:
1994. Edited by Christopher S. Peebles. Glenn A.
Black Laboratory of Archaeology Research Reports 15.
1994b An Examination of Bifacial Lithic Manufacturing and Recycling
Behavior in
the Southwind Site Lithic Assemblage. Appendix III in
Investigations at the Southwind Site: A Mississippian
Community in Posey County, Indiana. Edited by Cheryl
Ann Munson. Indiana Department of Natural Resources and the
Indiana Port Commission.
with Kimberly L. Redman
1994 McKinley Site: A Late Archaic Burned Rock Midden in Central
Indiana, Current Collections Processing and
Research. Current Research in Indiana Archaeology
and Prehistory: 1994. Glenn A. Black Laboratory of Archaeology Research
Reports 15.
with Jodi Pope-Pfingston
1994 Fort Ouiatenon: An 18th Century French and Indian Occupation
Along the Wabash River in Tippecanoe County, Indiana, A
Collections Management Report. Current Research in
Indiana Archaeology and Prehistory: 1994. Glenn A.
Black Laboratory of Archaeology Research Reports 15.
2009 A Survey of a Proposed Landfill, Rogers Group Quarry off Oard
Road, Monroe County, Indiana. Rogers Group, Inc.
2010 A Survey of a Proposed Landfill, Morgan County Sand and Gravel
Quarry, Martinsville, Indiana. Rogers Group, Inc.
Primary Archaeological Collections Research Conducted: Listing by
Adam East Museum, Moses Lake, WA
American Museum of Natural History, New York, NY
Anasazi Heritage Center, Bureau of Land Management, Dolores, CO
Big Bend National Park, Alpine, TX
Boise State University, Boise, ID
Bureau of Land Management Collections Facility, Billings MT
California State Indian Museum, Sacramento, CA
California State University, Bakersfield, CA
California State University, Chico, CA
California State University, Fresno, CA
Carlsbad Museum and Arts Center, Carlsbad, NM
Centennial Museum, The University of Texas at El Paso, TX
Central Washington University, Ellensburg, WA
Chaco Culture Historical Park Archaeological Collection Facility, Santa Fe,
Clarke Memorial Museum, Eureka, CA
Colorado Historical Society, Denver, CO Denver Museum of Natural History,
Denver, CO
Discovery Center, Fresno, CA
Division of Reclamation Mid-Pacific Region, Sacramento, CA
Eastern New Mexico University, Portales, NM
Favell Museum, Klamath Falls, OR
Field Museum of Natural History, Chicago, IL
Fort Bliss US Army Archaeological Facility, El Paso, TX
Herrett Museum, College of Southern Idaho, Twin Falls, ID
Idaho Museum of Natural History, Pocatello, ID
Idaho State Historical Society, Boise, ID
Indian Valley Museum, Taylorsville, CA
Kansas State Historical Society, Topeka, KS
Kern County, Museum, Bakersfield, CA
Lake City Museum, Lakeport, CA
Lompoc Museum, Lompoc, CA
Lost City Museum, Overton, NV
Lowie/Phoebe Hearst Museum of Anthropology, University of California,
Berkeley, CA
Makah Cultural and Research Center, Neah Bay, WA
Modoc National Forest Headquarters, Alturas, CA
Museum of Northern Arizona, Flagstaff, AZ
Museum of the Rockies, Montana State University, Bozeman, MT
National Park Service, Midwest Archaeological Center, Lincoln, NE
National Park Service, Western Archaeological and Conservation Center,
Tucson, AZ
Nebraska Historical Society, Lincoln, NE
Nevada State Museum, Carson City, NV
New Mexico State University, Las Cruces, NM
Oregon Museum of Natural History, University of Oregon, Eugene, OR
Oregon State Archaeologist Office, Salem, OR
Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR
Pacific Grove Museum of Natural History, Pacific Grove, CA
Redding Museum of Art and History, Redding, CA
Redwood National Park Headquarters, Arcata, CA
Rocky Mountain National Park Headquarters, Estes Park, CO
Royal British Columbia Museum, Vancouver, BC
Sacramento State University, Sacramento, CA
San Diego Museum of Man, San Diego, CA
San Jose State University, San Jose, CA
San Luis Obispo Archaeological Society, San Luis Obispo, CA
Santa Barbara Museum of Natural History, Santa Barbara, CA
School of American Research, Santa Fe, NM
Shasta College, Redding, CA
Sierra Mono Museum, Sierra Mono Reservation, North Fork, CA
Simon Fraser University, Vancouver, BC
Sonoma State University, CA
South Dakota Historical Society Archaeological Research Center, Rapid City,
Southern Illinois University, Carbondale, IL
Southwest Museum, Los Angeles, CA
Stanislaus National Forest Headquarters, Sonora, CA
State Museum Resource Center, Department of Parks and Recreation,
Sacramento, CA
Tahoe National Forest Headquarters, Nevada City, CA
Texas Archaeological Research Laboratory (TARL) University of Texas,
Austin, TX
Thomas Burke Memorial Museum, University of Washington, Seattle WA
Tulare County Museum, Visalia, CA
University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ
University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC
University of California, Davis, CA
University of Denver, Denver, CO
University of Georgia, Athens, GA
University of Idaho, Moscow, ID
University of Kansas Museum of Anthropology, Lawrence, KS
University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY
University of Nebraska State Museum, Lincoln, NE
University of New Mexico, Maxwell Museum of Anthropology, Albuquerque, NM
University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, NC
University of Oklahoma, Lawton, OK
University of Tennessee, Frank H. McClung Museum, Knoxville, TN
University of Texas at San Antonio, TX
Utah Museum of Natural History, Salt Lake City, UT
Vandenberg Air Force Base, CA
Washington State University, Pullman, WA
W.H. Over Museum, University of South Dakota, Vermillion, SD
Wilderness Park Museum, El Paso, TX
Witte Museum, San Antonio, TX
Yosemite National Park Headquarters, CA
l985 Projectile Point Types and Their Chronology. Chronology
Press, Bloomington
Indiana. Revised and reprinted 1989.
l987 Stone Age Spear and Arrow Points of the Midcontinental and
Eastern United States. Indiana University Press.
with Suzanne Kudlaty
2000 Field Guide to Projectile Points of the Midwest. Indiana
University Press.
2002a Stone Age Spear and Arrow Points of the Southwestern United
States. Indiana University Press.
2002b Stone Age Spear and Arrow Points of California and the Great
Basin. Indiana University Press.
2006a Looking at Prehistory: Prehistoric Occupations of the Hoosier
National Forest and the Hill Country of Southern
Indiana. USDA Hoosier National Forest.
2006b People of the Forest. A coloring book and first look at
prehistory of the Hoosier National Forest. USDA Hoosier
National Forest.
Manuscripts in Preparation:
Stone Age Spear and Arrow Points of the Pacific Northwest.
To be published by Indiana University Press.
Stone Age Spear and Arrow Points of the Great Plains. To
be published by Indiana University Press.
Rockhouse Hollow Shelter. Hoosier National Forest.
This is an edited compendium of over 25 specialist papers
with several papers by Noel Justice including an
overview and research summary by the author.
The Pleistocene Peopling of the Americas. This is an
examination of the evidence from linguistic,
genetic, anthropological, ethnographic, and
archaeological perspectives.
Memberships in Professional Organizations
Colorado Archaeological Society
Society for American Archaeology
Plains Anthropological Society
North Dakota Archaeological Society
Pacific Coast Archaeological Society
South Dakota Archaeological Society
Wyoming Archaeological Society
Montana Archaeological Society
Undergraduate and Graduate Level Courses and Seminars Prepared to Teach:
Prehistory of Indiana
Prehistory of the Eastern United States
Prehistory of the Great Plains
Prehistory of the Southwestern United States
Prehistory of California and the Great Basin
Prehistory of the Pacific Northwest and Alaska
Prehistoric Lithic Technology
Prehistoric Ceramics of the Midwest
Chipped Stone Typology and Technology: A Survey of Major Developments
Ethnography and Ethnohistory Applied to Archaeology
Flint Knapping, Geology, and Fracture Mechanics as Applied to
Scholarly and Personal References
Thomas Hester, Professor Emeritus, Texas Archaeological Research
Mark Seeman, Professor of Anthropology, Kent State University
Daniel Bortner, Director of Indiana State Parks and Recreation
Leslie B. Davis, Curator Emeritus, Museum of the Rockies, Montana
State University
Joffre Coe, Professor Emeritus, University of North Carolina, Chapel
James R. Jones III, Indiana State Archaeologist
Mark Schurr, Professor of Anthropology, University of Notre Dame
David Hurst Thomas, Department of Anthropology, American Museum of
Natural History
Michael Fosha, Assistant State Archaeologist, South Dakota
M. Stephen Shackley, Curator, Phoebe Hurst Museum, University of
California, Berkeley