Jennifer N. Andrews
Columbia, SC 29206
June 2011 Presbyterian College, Clinton,SC
Bachelor of Science
Current GPA 2.75 on a 4.0 scale
Dean's List (2008-2009)
January 2009- Laurens' County Hospital, Clinton, SC
May 2009
Observed lab technicians performing urinalysis, ELISA tests and separating of red blood cells and
plasma by centrifuge and then counting red blood cells on a hemacytometer.
Observed doctors in the ER, delivery ward, various labs and pediatrics unit.
Witnessed nurses taking patients' blood pressure, temperature and dressing wounds.
Interacted with families (able to give them comfort if they needed it or just a friendly face).
Viewed proper way to interact with families and patients.
Sat through a lecture to learn about hospital policies and procedures.
Aug 2008- Biology Lab Assistant
May 2011 Presbyterian College, Clinton, SC
Assisted with setting up lab each week, answering questions students may have and grading
students' work
Prepared materials/solutions for students' labs every week and arrived early before each lab to
ensure all materials are ready for students
Served as lab instructor in the professors absence
Assessed the situations and determined the reason(s) why a lab did not result in the proper
outcome when students' results were wrong
Helped in mediating student conflicts between lab partners
June 2009- Sociology Department Assistant
Dec 2009 Presbyterian College, Clinton, SC
Assisted three different professors with keeping record of class attendance and grades
Aided professors in preparing materials for class (i.e. making copies of worksheets or articles)
May 2007- Private Family
Present Nanny (Every summer) Columbia, SC
Assisted in the molding of two children’s characters from the age of 4 months up until now (they
are now 6 years old)
Every summer learned the meaning of being responsible for two children's well being
Have created a strong and important relationship with these children that still is as strong as it was
at the beginning
Do everything from consoling the children when they scrape a knee to helping learn to write their
letters and numbers
Tri-Beta Biology Honor Society (2009-present)
Student Union Board (2008-present)
College Republicans (2008-present)
Big Sister/ Little Sister program with Thornwell Childrens' Home (2008-2009)
Special Olympics Volunteer ( 2009 and 2011)