Experience Summary
Professional experience encompasses water supply studies, design and
construction management for wastewater, odor control, biosolids, and water
treatment facilities, pump station design and construction management,
plant, pump station, and pipeline hydraulics analysis, industrial
wastewater control programs, contract administration and project
management, cost and cash flow analyses and tracking for project and
program management and financing, preparation of support documents for
project financing and calculation of tariffs, including privatization and
public/private partnership efforts in the U. S. and overseas, and
technology transfer efforts overseas.
Years of Experience
Years with Current Employer (Parsons)
B.S. Civil Engineering, June 1975, Cornell University, Ithaca, N.Y.
M.S. Civil/Environmental Engineering, June 1976, Stanford University,
Stanford, CA.
Fluent in Spanish. Competent in French.
Registered Professional Engineer, Florida (No. 39885, May 1988)
Registered Professional Engineer, Maryland, Louisiana, Mississippi,
Georgia, Texas
Primary Experience
Design/Construction Services Group Supervisor. Responsible for supervision
of multidiscipline group averaging 20 engineers, specialists, and
Principal Engineer. DC Water and Sewer Authority, Blue Plains WWTP.
Responsible for concept design and ongoing oversight of detailed design for
final dewatering facilities and odor control, with a capacity of about 500
dry tons per day, and over 100,000 cfm combined chemical scubbers and bio-
trickling filters for ammonia and reduced sulfur compound removal from the
foul air stream. Coordinated with the Biosolids Management team with
respect to interfacing this new facility with existing facilities and
minimizing disruptions to current operations. Other new facilities with
which to interface included new thermal hydrolysis and anaerobic digestion
facilities, biosolids blending, sidestream treatment, belt filter press
washwater recovery, combined heat and power facilities. Final dewatering
facility includes up to 16 belt filter presses and related pumping and
appurtenances; estimated capital cost of the final dewatering portion is
$50 million.
Principal Engineer. Fairfax County, VA, Biosolids Management Plan for Noman
Cole Pollution Control Facility. Responsible for technical analysis and
evaluation of improvements needed in the next 3 to 4 years, plus regulatory
and project delivery options for a 20 year plan. Assisted the County with
evaluation of applicable technologies and processing/disposal options for
the next 20 years.
Principal Engineer/Project Manager-West Pasco Improvements for Tampa Bay
Water, 2004-2008. Project includes a 34 MGD booster pumping station, 38,500
feet of 36-inch and 42-inch diameter finished water transmission main, 6
MGD transfer pumping station and other modifications at the Maytum WTP in
New Port Richey, FL. Duties include site alternatives evaluation report,
preliminary and final design, pump station and pipeline hydraulics,
oversight of specialty subcontractors, and construction
administration/resident engineering oversight. Estimated project costs are
$16 million, with about $3.6 million in professional services fees.
Principal Engineer/Project Manager-Hillsborough County, FL Lithia Water
Treatment Plant Hydrogen Sulfide Treatment Integration project, 2009-
present. Project includes modifications to current treatment processes to
accommodate an ozonated groundwater supply up to 44.6 MGD, and regional
chloraminated supply up to 19 MGD, with changes to chemical feed systems
for sodium hypochlorite, aqueous ammonia, polyphosphates, and
hydrofluorosilicic acid, and new housing for on-line analyzers and
new/relocated chemical feed systems. Duties include supervision of
preliminary and final design, and construction phase services. Estimated
project costs are $2 million, with about $0.3 million in professional
service fees.
Principal Engineer/Project Manager-Hillsborough County, FL Northwest
Regional Residuals Recovery Facility Bar Screen Replacement. 2007-present.
Project includes sludge screening facility, appurtenances, and elevated
support platform/superstructure, estimated at $2 million. Duties include
detailed design and construction phase services estimated at $0.3 million.
Principal Engineer-2007-present-Hillsborough County, FL conversion of
chlorine and sulfur dioxide gas storage and feed systems to liquid sodium
hypochlorite and sodium bisulfite storage and feed systems at three
wastewater treatment plants-Dale Mabry, Van Dyke, and South County. Project
also includes new alum feed system at Dale Mabry. Estimated project costs
are $1.5 million, and fees are estimated at $0.3 million.
Engineer of Record-DeKalb County, GA, Expansion of Snapfinger and Pole
Bridge Advanced Wastewater Treatment Plants up to 64 MGD and 56 MGD AADF,
respectively, June 2008-present. Duties include process mechanical design
for influent lift stations and headworks, and associated odor control, for
the two sites. Order of magnitude for overall project is $700 million, with
about $20 million for the lift stations and headworks portions.
Engineer of Record during construction phase-Hillsborough County, FL
Linebaugh Avenue 12 inch Water Main project, 2008-2009. Order of magnitude
is $2.3 million in construction cost. Duties include oversight of resident
inspectors and certification of construction completion. Work includes
significant lengths of directional drill and jack&bore methods in a highly
urbanized corridor.
Principal Engineer/Project Manager-Hillsborough County, FL River Oaks
Advanced Wastewater Treatment Plant replacement of sodium aluminate and
sodium bisulfite storage and feed systems, 2009-present. Duties include
supervision of preliminary and final design, and construction phase
services; estimated project costs are $1 million; professional service fees
are about $0.25 million.
Design Manager-Miami-Dade County Aquifer Recharge Pilot Plant-2007-2008.
Project includes a 20,000 GPD pilot plant and infiltration trench for
testing the technologies associated with advanced treatment of wastewater
for aquifer recharge, including secondary wastewater treatment, tertiary
ultrafiltration, reverse osmosis, UV/peroxide, degasifier, and
Principal Engineer for City of Hialeah, FL, preliminary design of Brackish
Water Reverse Osmosis plant(17.5 MGD), and associated production wells, raw
water supply piping, finished water transmission piping, sewage force main
and injection wells for concentrate disposal, 2008-present. Order of
magnitude for the project is over $100 million, with professional service
fees about $3 million.
Principal Engineer for QA/QC of several projects, 2008-present: Miami-Dade
County expansion of water reclamation facility at North District WWTP to a
3 MGD facility; and SWFWMD Lake Hancock Restoration project, including a 60
cfs low head pumping station.
Principal Engineer/Project Manager-City of St. Petersburg, Northwest Water
Reclamation Facility Headworks Improvements, 2004-2008.
Duties include preliminary design/ final design for improved fine grit
removal system, with provisions for future new fine screening facility and
odor control system. Supervised and performed plant hydraulics analysis to
assure flow through new grit removal system. Magnitude of the fine grit
removal facility for the 20 MGD average daily flow facility/40 MGD peak
hour is $3.4 million.
Process Mechanical Design QA/QC Engineer-2007-present-South Florida Water
Management District major pumping stations in Picayune Strand Restoration
program; estimated project costs are in the range of $140 million.
Project Manager - Water Treatment Plant for Tampa Bay Water, 1998 to 2002.
Served as project manager for the Tampa Bay Regional Water Treatment Plant,
which is a 100 million dollar facility with 66 MGD surface water treatment
capacity and 6 MGD groundwater treatment capacity. Duties include
preparation of preliminary design, pump station and pipeline hydraulics,
permitting assistance, land acquisition assistance, and administration of
design build operate contract for the surface water portion, and final
design/construction phase services for groundwater treatment, storage, 100
mgd high service pumping facility, and 72-inch and 84-inch diameter
transmission mains through the site. Estimated professional services fees
are $7.5 million.
Project Manager-Pasco County Hudson Master Pumping Station Replacement,
2006-2008. Duties include design, hydraulics analysis, permitting, and
construction phase services for 9 MGD in-line sewage booster station,
replacement of 1500 feet of 12 inch, 16 inch, and 20 inch diameter force
main and air release valves. Magnitude of the project is $2.5 million.
Principal Engineer for QA/QC-Pasco County water transmission main and
utilities relocations, US 41, Tower to Ridge, 2006-present. Duties include
route evaluation, design, pipeline hydraulics analysis, permitting, and
construction phase services for 17,000 LF of 30 inch diameter transmission
main, and substantial relocations of 24 inch reclaimed water main, 16 inch
water distribution main, 12 inch force main. Magnitude of the project is $8
Principal Engineer-City of Clearwater Water Master Plan, June 2003-August
2004. Duties included demand analysis, evaluation of existing 15 MGD water
supply, treatment, and pumping systems, analysis of new sources and
facilities, coordination with public involvement program, preparation of
reports on the existing system, and development of a capital improvement
program for the years 2005-2015. Magnitude of the capital improvements
program is anticipated to be the $100 million range.
Senior Project Manager-City of Temple Terrace, FL, Design Criteria-
Engineering for a 3.1 mgd, $25 million water reclamation facility and
associated wastewater and reclaimed water system improvements, 2001-2003.
Duties included project management, basis of design, plant hydraulics
analysis, selection of design-build contractors, permitting assistance
including surface water discharge, assistance in obtaining project
financing, preparation of water/wastewater rate study.
Principal Engineer-City of St. Petersburg Albert Whitted Water Reclamation
Facility, Influent Pumping Station and Odor Control Facilities, December
2003-2007. Duties include preliminary engineering and preparation of a
Basis of Design Report/final design/pump station, pipeline, and plant
hydraulics analysis for a new 30 MGD influent pumping station and odor
control system. Odor control facilities were completed via at risk CM in
early 2006. Magnitude of the overall project is $9 million, with about
$850,000 for the odor control system.
Principal Engineer-Pasco County Utility Relocations for SR 52 and SR 54-
February 2003-2008. Duties include coordination of utilities relocations,
protection of existing utilities, final design of protective measures or
relocations as needed to coordinate with FDOT and other utilities, for
potable water, reclaimed water, and sanitary sewer force mains from 8
inches to 30 inches in diameter. Magnitude of the projects is about $2
Principal Engineer-City of Clearwater Biosolids Treatment Project
Implementation, 2003-2008. Duties include preliminary/final
design/construction phase services for upgrades to anaerobic digestion
facilities at the City's 13.5 MGD Northeast Advanced Pollution Control
Facility(APCF), and the 10 MGD Marshall St. APCF. Magnitude of the project
is $7 million.
Senior Project Manager-City of St. Petersburg, FL, Master Plan for the 12
MGD Albert Whitted Water Reclamation Facility, 2001-2002, including
evaluation of multiple scenarios for abandonment and transfer of flows to 3
other WRF's, evaluation of improvements needed at Albert Whitted,
evaluation of new plant to replace the existing plant-magnitude of the
capital improvements ranges from $80 million to $130 million.
Senior Project Manager-City of Clearwater, FL, for design and construction
phase services for refurbishment of LS 9 and 10, Feb. 2003 to 2006,
magnitude of the project is $0.5 million.
Senior Project Engineer-Manatee County, FL, Feb. 2003 to present, for
design and construction phase services for rehabilitation of Master Lift
Station N1B, magnitude of the project is $0.9 million.
Senior Project Engineer, Sarasota County, FL, January 2003 to 2007, for
design of three master lift stations NC-4, MLS-3, MLS-4, and
interconnecting force mains, magnitude of the project is $10 million.
Senior Project Manager, Lee County, FL, October 2002 to January 2003, for
Master Plan/conceptual design for Improvements to the Olga Water Treatment
Plant, magnitude of the project is $10 million.
Senior Project Engineer/Manager, City of Largo, FL, October 2002-October
2003, for consulting services to assist the City in modifying its current
wastewater reclamation facility permit, particularly for the regulatory
and technical issues relevant to the discharge of bromodichloromethane to
surface waters.
South Cross Bayou Water Reclamation Facility, for Pinellas County, FL,
2000 to 2001. Project Manager for the addition of anaerobic digesters
and pelletizer for the residuals generated by this state of the art 33 MGD
facility. Duties include oversight of design-build contracts for the two
800,000 gallon egg shaped digesters and appurtenances, and for the detailed
design to support the new work.
Wastewater Treatment Plants for ESSAM, S.A., Talca and Curic , Chile, 1998
to present. Project management duties include preparation of conceptual
design of two plants, with capacities of 30 and 12 MGD, respectively, cost
estimates and cash flow analyses for capital and operations costs,
assistance in contracting efforts and bid review, and assistance during
final design, construction, and startup, technology transfer to local
Chilean client personnel.
Wastewater Treatment System for ESSAR, S.A., Temuco, Chile, 1997 to 1998.
Project management duties include preparation of conceptual and preliminary
design of 35 million dollar project, environmental impact analysis, cost
estimates and cash flow analyses for capital and operations costs,
financing and contracting options analysis, tariff calculations and
conventional IRR analysis, technology transfer to Chilean client and
counterpart personnel, assistance in contract preparation and bid review,
review of final design and oversight of client's management efforts during
construction, startup, and initial operations.
Wastewater Treatment Plant and Biosolids Monofill for ESSEL, S.A.,
Rancagua, Chile, 1997 to present. Project management duties include
preparation of conceptual and preliminary design of 28 million dollar
project, cost estimates and cash flow analyses for capital and operations
costs, assistance in contracting efforts and bid review, and assistance
during final design, construction, and startup, technology transfer to
local Chilean client personnel.
Wastewater Characterization Study and Basic Engineering for Coca Cola
Concentrate Plant, Santiago, Chile, 1997 to present. Task management
duties include installation of sampling and flow metering station,
contracting and oversight of local contractors, technology transfer, report
preparation in support of Coca Cola's expansion plans, selection of unit
processes, preliminary design.
Wastewater Treatment Plant for EMOS, S.A., Santiago, Chile, 1997 to
present, as subcontractor to IFARLE, local consultants in Santiago.
Project management duties include supervision of preparation of a
feasibility study for upgrade and expansion of an existing 5 MGD aerated
lagoon plant to a 12 MGD activated sludge plant, and technology transfer to
client and counterpart personnel.
Area manager for PRONAP, as part of Peruvian national program for water and
wastewater system improvements, 1997 and 1998. Management duties encompass
technical oversight and coordination of a $75 million improvement program
in the northern province of Piura, with particular emphasis on the city of
Sullana Bellavista, preparation of final design and tender packages, cost
estimates and cash flow analysis for capital and operations costs,
technology transfer to local Peruvian client and counterpart personnel.
Project Manager. 1996. Water Supply and Wastewater Collection Treatment
for GREMCO s private development called Ciudad Costa Verde, South Lima,
Per . Flows are approximately 6 MGD, with total facility cost in excess of
US$20 million.
Senior Project Engineer, 1996 and 1997, for design of Improvement for
Wastewater Transmission and Treatment in South Lima for approximate flow of
80 MGD, at a cost of over US$100 million. Assisted in technology transfer
efforts with local Peruvian counterparts.
Hillsborough County, Florida, Capital Improvements Program Management.1988
to 1991. Conducted design reviews and worked on schedules, construction
administration, cost and cash flow analyses, submittal reviews, change
review and administration for wastewater treatment plants with significant
odor control systems, including biological and chemical systems at Dale
Mabry, Falkenburg, Valrico, South County and Riverview WWTPs, Northwest
Regional Sludge Management Facility, and numerous pump stations including
odor scubbers, force main and interceptor projects. Developed scopes of
engineering services and prepared cost estimates for engineering services
and construction for water and wastewater treatment plants, pump stations,
and pipelines. Designed methanol feed system for Northwest Regional Water
Reclamation Facility. Assisted with start-up and O & M manuals for
wastewater treatment plants and pump stations. Conducted quality audits on
several wastewater treatment plants during the construction phase. Worked
on preparation of a re-rating study for the South County WWTP focusing on
the quality of the existing plant facilities.
Prepared a scope of engineering services and selection criteria for a
design consultant for the Temple Terrace, Florida Municipal Water System
Expansion, 1993.
Conducted quality review of preliminary design by others for shipboard
wastewater pretreatment and domestic wastewater treatment for Cape
Canaveral, Florida. Prepared facilities plan and preliminary design for
wastewater collection and treatment system for Cape Canaveral AFB, Florida,
1993 and 1994.
Assisted in preparation of plans, specifications, cost estimates, and
hydraulic profile for the South Cross Bayou Water Reclamation Facility
Expansion and Upgrade in Pinellas County, Florida (US$75 million project),
1994 and 1995.
Acted as project engineer for US$15 million water pump station/treatment
plant (Lake Bridge Pump Station) for West Coast Regional Water Supply
Authority (preliminary design), 1993 and 1994.
Prepared preliminary and final plans and specifications for the Snapping
Shoals Wastewater Pump Station in Conyers, Georgia, 1993 and 1994.
Prepared engineering report for Pinellas County Sewer Revenue Bonds, Series
1994, including cost and cash flow analyses.
Prepared contract documents, permit applications, cost estimated for
Julington Creek utility mains and outfall in St. Johns County, Florida for
General Development Utilities, Inc.
Assisted in preparation of preliminary engineering report for McKay Creek
Wastewater Treatment Facilities upgrade alternatives, Pinellas County,
Florida, and prepared Basis of Design Report for the McKay Creek WWTF,
Performed in-country evaluation of wastewater system needs and preliminary
design/cost estimates for the city of Valdivia, Chile, in support of
privatization effort by Spring Capital, USA, 1994.
Prepared Reclaimed Water Augmentation Study for Pinellas County, FL, 1995.
Project Engineer for design and construction of West Coast Regional Water
Supply Authority 5 MGD water pumping/treatment facility (Lake Bridge
Interim Pumping Station), 30 MGD raw water booster pumping/storage facility
(Morris Bridge Booster Pumping s Facilities), and preliminary design of 15
MGD potable water booster pumping facility (Northwest Hillsborough/Tampa
Interconnect Booster Pumping Station), 1994 and 1995.
Prepared conceptual designs and cost estimates for regional water treatment
facilities for Tampa Bay Water, for an additional 60 MGD capacity, 1998 to
Performed in-county evaluation of water/wastewater system needs,
preliminary design/cost estimated for the city of Santa Marta, Colombia, in
support of the privatization efforts by Ogden-Yorkshire Water Company based
in New Jersey, 1995.
Prepared preliminary and final plans/ specifications for Southern States
Utilities potable water storage and pumping facilities at Sugarmill Woods
and Citrus Springs, FL, 1996,
Project Engineer for city of St. Petersburg's 68 MGD Cosme Water Treatment
Plant replacement of solids contact basins and other improvements,
preliminary design, 1996.
1985 - 1988 Sverdrup Corporation. Project Engineer. Jefferson Parish, LA.
Capital Sewerage Program Management. Conducted design reviews for four
major wastewater treatment plants and performed design and construction
contract administration, change order review and administration, primarily
involved with East Bank Wastewater Treatment Plant, a US$50 million
construction project, 33 MGD average dry weather flow. Conducted quality
audits during the construction phase of major wastewater treatment plants.
Tracked program finances and cash flow.
1983 - 1985 Sverdrup Corporation. Assistant Resident Engineer.
Construction of US$30 million project Grand Glaize Wastewater Treatment
Plant, St. Louis. MO (16 MGD capacity). Responsible for on-site inspection
and construction quality assurance, contract administration, daily and
monthly progress reports, job-site files and documentation, resolution of
field related construction problems, cost and cash flow analyses.
1979 - 1983 Environmental Engineer, Sverdrup Corporation.
1982 - 1983 Burlington Northern Railroad. Group Leader. Design/build
wastewater treatment plant. Responsible for preparing plans/specs and
equipment packages, review of vendor proposals and submittals; making
recommendations for award of contracts, oversight on quality
assurance/quality control procedures.
Project Engineer for construction services/O & M manuals for Perryville,
MO. Wastewater treatment plant.
1981 - 1982 Prepared studies and preliminary design for recycle/reuse in
the textile industry for U.S. EPA. Prepared cost sharing study for
regionalization of wastewater treatment facilities for Granite City, III.
Prepared plans/specifications for Caulks Creek Wastewater Treatment Plant,
St. Louis, MO.
1980 - 1981 Prepared and initiated industrial pretreatment program for
Granite City, III.
1979 - 1980 Designed wastewater treatment system for St. Joe State Park,
Missouri DNR.
Conducted effluent guidelines study of textile industry for U.S. EPA.
1976 - 1978 U.S. Peace Corps. Civil Engineer. Assigned to design and
construct rural water supply and sanitation projects in Guatemala, Central
Am rica, on behalf of CARE and CARITAS.
Professional Affiliations
American Society of Civil Engineers
American Water Works Association
Water Environmental Federation-served as judge for WEFTEC Student Design
Competition 2009.
American Academy of Environmental Engineers, May 1989, Board Certified in
the Specialty of Water Supply/Wastewater (No. 88-10007).
World Water Corps volunteer for Water for People, charitable development
entity sponsored by the American Water Works Association.
Honorary Affiliations
CHI Epsilon; TAU Beta Pi
Publications and Presentations
Co-authored An Assessment of Augmentation as a Means of Increasing
Reclaimed Water Irrigation Use , with Thomas T. Jones, Katrina A. Bendis,
and Todd L. Tanberg, for Session 63 of the 67th Annual Water Environment
Federation Conference, October 19, 1994.
Co-authored "Design-Build-Operate Project Delivery for a Major Water
Treatment Plant-Means, Methods, and Results, with Loren Furland, Charles
Carden, and Neil Callahan, for the 2001 Florida Water Resources Conference,
Jacksonville, FL, April 2001, and the 2001 AWWA Conference, Washington, DC,
June 2001.
Co-authored work on arsenic removal from groundwater supply in the San
Pedro Sula Valley, Honduras, as part of Water for People-World Water Corps,
2008. Continued participation and document review/preparation with World
Water Corps on the committee for multi-community water supply in the San
Pedro Sula area of Honduras-2008-present.