Spanish Fluent ( Computer & Internet Proficient (Mac & PC) ( Diverse School
& Community Experience
Education & Credentials
Certificate of Eligibility; Preliminary Administrative Credential &
Completion of Multicultural/Master Plan
M.S. School Based Family Counseling, MFT, California State University Los
Angeles (CSLA)
B.A. Psychology, University of California Los Angles (UCLA)
30 day substitute teaching credential
Professional Experience
Present Pupil Services & Attendance Counselor, Homeless Education Program, Los Angeles
Unified School District
Initiated efforts to reach homeless under served special populations
Transformed program promotional materials into improved tools for professionals
Pursued creative community outreach tactics (online newsletter, collaborative
survey, office hours, box tops for education)
2006-20 Pupil Services & Attendance Counselor, Teen Parent Program, Los Angeles Unified
09 School District
Advocated for the protection of educational rights of pregnant and parenting
Expanded district wide training efforts regarding Title IX compliance; Launched
teen pregnancy symposium
Analyzed district, county, state and national data related to teen pregnancy
Maximized resources as program budget was eliminated with innovative Field
Trips, Harold Cares TP Educational Groups (NHF), Watts Youth Community
Development Grant
Generated Promotional Materials & public interest in teen pregnancy issues by
engaging media-KFWB, Telemundo, KLCS, People en Espanol,
2005-20 Pupil Services & Attendance Counselor, Title I Intervention Program LD 7, Los
06 Angeles Unified School District
Developed data driven program guidelines based on district objectives for title
I counselors
Overhauled support services delivery by implementing coordinated school
counseling program; Spearheaded strong school teams, facilitated counseling
interns, Piloted school wide Caught Being Good Campaign
Mobilized coordination of staff with activities and communication (Newsletter,
College Women's Tea, Adopt a Student)
2002-20 Pupil Services & Attendance Counselor, Samuel Gompers Middle School, Los Angeles
05 Unified School District
Created school attendance plan to promote compulsory education laws
(incentives/awards, parent meetings, enrollment brochure, contracts, Operation
Bright Future)
Designed individual action plans for students needing to improve attendance
(counseling, referrals, monitoring)
Collaborated with school staff and administrators to coordinate and implement
critical school events (attendance office re-organization, reports, open house,
registration, matriculation, donations)
Engaged school stakeholders by being involved in school committees (SSC,
2000-20 Academic Guidance Counselor, Leuzinger High School, Centinela Valley Union High
02 School District
Implemented extra curricular Friday Night Live club for students to have healthy
safe, activities to attend
Personalized four year plans to address academic goals in addition to attendance
or personal issues for each student
Initiated first school website to reach out to students, parents and teachers.
1999-20 Counseling & Graduate Research Assistant, Harrison School, Los Angeles Unified
00 School District
Coordinated graduate intern program to provide ongoing counseling services to
Provided teacher drop in office hours for staff to consult regarding student
behavior issues
Devised & administered career exploration workshops for 8th grade students
Participated in research data entry & analysis
Established family counseling sessions to holistically address issues affecting
1999-20 Parenting Class Teacher, California State University Los Angeles
00 Reformulated materials for cultural relevance and Spanish language
Utilized multi modal teaching techniques to allow for different types of
learners and for improved engagement.