A ndrea Saenz
Tucson AZ, 85713
I have been a certified caregiver since 2003. I have a lot of experience in the medical field
and worked with a lot of different illnesses. I want to continue to work in the medical field
w hile I continue my education. I got some amazing t raining working in a Clinic. I really
l iked clinical setting and would like to learn more in this area.
Work H istory
Feb. 2011 - April 2011
1501 N Campbell Ave.
Tucson AZ, 85724 Medical Office Specialist I I
Judy Grant
July 2010 – Nov 2009
Fidelity care corner
7548 N Casa Blanca
Tucson AZ, 85704 Certified caregiver
L iz Raymond
(520)742- 1376
Nov 2009 – Sep 2009
Golden days
6922 E Edgemont dr Certified Caregiver
Tucson, Az 85710
Veronica Rios
Feb 2009 – Sep 2009
Casa De La Luz Hospice
5830 N Fountains Ave bldg Certified Caregiver
Tucson, Az 85704
March 2009 – Dec 2006
Catalina foothills adult care home
Brent Pitchler Certified Caregiver
Dec 2005 – Nov 2006
Arcadia home health
4615 N 1st Ave, Tucson, AZ, 85718 Certified caregiver
M y skills include: Caring for up to nine residents, administering meds, bathing, assisting in
walking, assisting in toileting, changing depends, assisting in dressing, feeding, using
Hoyer lift, skilled up to level three of care, cooking, cleaning, ordering supplies,
documenting ADL’s, meds, filling med set, vitals, answering phones, faxing, customer
service, reports, receiving meds, ordering meds, checking patients in and out, building
charts for Dr. visits, customer service some billing answering phones