A ngel Inman
Aurora, CO 80013
Objective: To put my knowledge, skills and experience to use in a friendly,
p rofessional and fast paced office.
E ducation: South H igh School
D iploma Received 2003
Work H istory: Accent Dermatology and Laser Institute
400 Indiana St. #390
Golden, CO 80401
3/13/2006- Present
Spanky’s Roadhouse
1800 E. Evans Ave.
Denver, CO 80210
5/10/2002- 3/12/2006
Assets: Quick learner, friendly, cheerful, polite, professional, great
customer service skills, motivated, f lexible, diligent, great attention to detail,
organized, hard-working, loyal and honest.
Job Duties/Skills: Answering phone calls, taking messages, t ransferring
calls, processing faxes, processing mail, processing medical records requests,
shipping products, inventory, processing dictation, processing emails, scheduling
appointments, checking in/out patients, pulling/prepping charts, processing
payments due, totaling superbills, performing confirmation calls, filing charts,
handling product sales, open/closing duties for the office, processing prescription
refill requests, S.O.A.P. notes documentation in charts, mapping in charts,
medication documentation, wri ting prescriptions, rooming patients, directing
patients on skin care plans, processing prior authorizations for
medications/procedures, injections, obtaining consents from patients for procedures,
p reparing patients and rooms for procedures both medical and cosmetic, patient call
backs, taking/downloading/printing photos, and many other medical and clerical
d uties as requested.
References: Kathleen Y. Sawada, MD F.A.A.D
Morgan Golightly
Medical Assistant
Rachel Brunker
A dministrative Assistant