Sudhakar Karemingi
********.*******@*****.*** Tel: 832-***-****
. 8 years of experience in Structural Design(Design Drafting & Modeling)
. Proficient in tools such as AutoCAD, PDMS & Sacs.
Technology Stack
2D Drafting & 3D Modeling
AutoCAD 2007
Structural Modeling & Draft
SACS Structural Modeling
Sidvin Core-Tech (India) Private Limited, Bengaluru, Karnataka.
june' 2010 - current
MS office(Excel)
MS Office(Excel)
MS Office(Excel)
Project 1: FPSO-CIDADE DE PARATY, SBM Offshore, Netherland
Jun10-Till date
execute engineering support on behalf of SBM for the project
with following details. A pilot project comprising of a FPSO
for production is being undertaken by petrobras and the FPSO
under this contract has been awarded to SBM Offshore-The Global
Leaders in Floating Production Systems. The Tupi Nordeste field
is located in block BM-S-11 in the Santos Basin at
approximately 265 kilometers offshore and 2,100 meters water
depth. The FPSO has been named as Cidade De Paraty. It will
include topside facilities to process 150,000 bpd of production
fluids, associated gas treatment for 5,000,000 Sm3/d with
compression and carbon dioxide removal and a water injection
facility for 150,000bpd.
The design and engineering scope of work comprises of the
Providing basic engineering support (in tandem*) and delivery
of detail design package for the following structural
modules(Lay Down Area, Power Generation, seawater Treatment,
Water Injection/Utility, Aft-pipe rack above EL.+104.300T & oil
processing area A&B )
Project 2: XIKOMBA FPSO, SBM Monaco Aug10 - Sep10
Exxon Mobil's Xikomba deepwater development in Angola, West
Africa, is located in the north west corner of Block 15,
approximately 230 miles(370km) northwest of luanda in water
depth of up to 4850ft (1,480m). The field was discovered in
1999. The recoverable reserves have been put at around 100
This project has been contracted to execute the back Modeling
of Equipment, Piping, Structures, Electrical and
Instrumentation And Miscellaneous on behalf of SBM Monaco for
the below mentioned project. Project includes Topside
Modules(High Pressure and interstate separation, Low pressure
separation, Gas injection and lift, Gas dehydration Flash Gas
compression Water treatment, Water injection pump, Utility
systems, Power generation Local equipment room, Chemical
storage, Lay down Area, Flare knock out, Asphaltene & methanol
storage /injection, pipe rack, Fiscal metering, Laboratory,
fine filtration, Test separation, Tanks-cargo piping pump
Project 3: ASENG FPSO,SBM Malaysia June 10 - Till date
This has been contracted to execute Engineering and Design of
structures on behalf of SBM Malaysia for the below mentioned
Noble Energy has awarded a contract to Single Buoy Moorings for
the Engineering, Fabrication, Procurement and Operation of a
FPSO system required for Noble Energy's Aseng Field Development
offshore Equatorial Guinea(EG).
The Aseng FPSO will be permanently moored in approximately 960
meters of water depth offshore EG via turret mooring system.
The development strategy includes a host production and storage
facility that can process the production from a number of
subsea satellite wells. The FPSO also in includes capacities
and capabilities to accept produced fluids from other fields.
The Aseng Field development was previously known as Benita
project. The Project Area Includes Topsides structures(Topsides
Access structure Drawings, Handling Structure Drawings, Cable
Rack Drawings, Teritary strucre Drawings, pancake Equipment
support Drawings, MTO for all Structures)
Priserve e-solutions pvt Ltd,Gurgaon Haryana. Jan' 08 -
Project 4: Raw Water Tower Analysis, Aban Offshore Ltd, India
Oct 09 - Feb10
Aban offshore has decided to fabricate a new Raw Water Tower
(RWT) for Jack-UP ABAN-V (ABS class vessel). PriServe
Engineering has been contracted to do the Design & Analysis of
RWT as per the Design conditions supplied by ABAN. The RWT is
analyzed for structural weight and environmental Wind & Wave
loads. Different load cases & combinations are evaluated for
the structural design. SACS is used for structural analysis and
code checking.
Project 5: TDS2000,TDS 2500 & Ocean 850, SBM Offshore, Houston,
Aug 08 - Feb 09 (Deputation-Houston)
Queiroz Galv?o & Odebrecht are two semi-submersible drilling
rigs of TDS2000 &TDS 2500 design. These are a cost effective
drilling unit designed with drilling equipment suitable for
well work over (completion and intervention), exploration
drilling as well as development drilling. It embodies the
collective past experience of new builds and conversions of
semi-submersible units, which results in a rig, which is
optimized for offshore operations, ease of construction and
safety aspects.
The TDS2000 drilling semi-submersible is designed for
environments offshore Gulf of Mexico, Brazil and West Africa in
up to 2,400 m (7,880 ft) water depths and can drill up to 7,500
m (24,600ft) with a Variable Drilling Load of up to 7,000 mTon.
Responsibilities included :
Preparation of Structural Design drawings for column, Deck and
Pontoon with scantling details.
Preparation of Detail drawings for construction.
Replying Technical Queries from Yard/Site.
Weight Control
Weight Estimation and Material Take Off.
Preparation of Loading Conditions and Monthly Weight Reports.
Project 6: 3 Column Semi-submersible, Rubicon Offshore,
Singapore Jan 08 - Jul 08
Priserve Engineering has developed a unique concept of a 3
column semi-submersible, which will be used as Floating and
storage unit. We have developed the design from Concept to
Basic and Detailed Engineering. The engineering work involved
preparation of technical specification, General Arrangement,
Structural drawings for pontoon, column and deck box, stability
analysis, Motion Analysis, Fatigue Analysis, Heli-deck design
and analysis, Crane pedestal design and analysis, Fairlead
support structures etc.
Project 7: Jack-up Barge for Offshore Wind Turbine
Installation, Deepwater Wind, USA Jan 08 - July 08
Priserve Engineering has developed a novel design of a floating
barge to support the installation of offshore wind energy
turbines. It is a jack-up barge, which carries the high
capacity (5MW) wind turbine and installs the turbines through
self propelled skidding rail system on the offshore jacket.
William Hare India (Pvt.) Ltd, Chennai, India Feb 06 - Jan
Projects done for:
QATAR GAS PROJECT : M/s. The Qatar Liquefied Gas Company
Ltd. Qatar.
JCP PROJECT : M/s. The Jubail Chevron Phillips
Company, Saudi Arabia.
Japan, Rabigh Construction site, Saudi Arabia.
BAPCO LSDP PROJECT : M/s. The Bahrain Petroleum Company
Responsibilities included :
Studying the Design Drawing.
Preparation of General Arrangement of platform structure and
detail drawings.
Preparation of Bill of Material.
Preparing erection sequences and erection drawings.
Preparing shop drawing such as platform supports, joist,
stringers, stairs, handrails, Equipment supports, pipe support
and ladders.
Preparing Weight estimation for the project.
Technically guiding the team working in the project.
To coordinate the team to stick to project plan schedules.
Checking General Arrangement & fabrication drawings.
Correspondence with other offices in UK & Qatar on interface &
Ramtech Corporation (Pvt.) Ltd, Secunderabad, India
July 02 - Jan 06
CLIENT : Mc Dermott Caspian Contractors. Dubai, Lamprell
Energy ltd. Dubai.
Type of Platform : West Azeri, East Azeri and DUQ offshore
Job responsibilities (structural):
Primary and secondary beams.
Crane pedestal exhaust support frames.
Processing pipe racks.
Stair towers, ladders, handrails.
Equipment support.
Two ball valve WYE structural gearbox installation frame.
Two ball valve WYE screw jack mounting frame.
Job responsibilities(piping): AutoCAD'04
Preparation of piping layout drawing using AutoCAD.
Preparation of piping fabrication (isometrics) drawings.
Preparation of piping support drawings.
Preparation of piping jacketed isometric drawings
Preparation of consolidated B.O.M.
Preparation of piping spool drawings (fabrication drawings).
Graduation BS (Mechanical Engineering)
J N T University, Hyderabad, AP, India
1998 - 2002
Passport Number : E0209157
Date of Issue : 10.11.2001
Date of Expiry : 09.11.2011
Father's Name : K.MANIKYA RAO
Date of birth : 20.08.1978
Marital Status : Unmarried
Sex : Male
Religion : Christian
Nationality : Indian
Permanent Address : H.No: 1-2-607/17, ACT college, lower tank bund road,
Ganghinagar, Hyderabad, AP. 500080
I hereby state that the above information is true and complete to the
best of my knowledge and belief