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Offer almost two decades of experience in government relations with particular emphasis on health
care. Experienced lobbyist, working on federal and state issues. Instrumental in spearheading
coalitions. Superior skills in advocacy communications that have included press placement,
Congressional testimony, action alerts and legislative newsletters. Run successful advocacy
campaigns that have netted legislative and regulatory action.
American Society for Clinical Pathology (2006 Present)
Senior Manager, Advocacy & Quality Laboratory Practice
• Halted plans by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) to launch a
competitive bidding demonstration project for laboratory services.
• Launched successful advocacy campaign that has netted nearly 5,000 messages to Capitol
Hill and CMS urging that a loophole be corrected that has allowed the practice of physician
self referral.
• Restored Georgia’s laboratory licensure personnel law through an aggressive statewide
advocacy campaign aimed at the state legislature as well as the state Department of Health.
• Spearheaded efforts to avert closures of over a dozen clinical laboratory science programs
at universities nationwide; the most notable success was preventing the closure of the
program at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas.
National Kidney Foundation (2000 2006)
Legislative Advocacy Director
• Initiated nationwide effort to replicate in the states a federal law granting 30 days paid leave
for serving as a living organ donor. To date such legislation has been passed in 30 states
and the District of Columbia.
• Devised legislative strategies that resulted in expanded coverage of immunosuppressive
medications for kidney patients.
• Drew Congressional attention to the plight of kidney patients as well as the economic
impact of the disease, leading to the formation of the Congressional Kidney Caucus.
Trained over 1,000 Kidney Foundation volunteers and staff on legislative techniques.
Assisted Living Federation of America (1998 1999)
Director of State Regulatory Affairs
• Generated grassroots advocacy campaign aimed at educating United States Senators about
the assisted living industry prior to release of a General Accounting Office (GAO) study of
the industry commissioned by the Senate Special Aging Committee.
• Administered the research, editing, design and production of a 50 state regulatory summary
of the assisted living industry.
• Collaborated with state regulators to find a compromise netting oversight of the industry
without the tight constraints and lack of flexibility associated with the nursing home
National Medical Association (1991 1998)
Public Policy Liaison
• Formulated “Vote! It’s Just What the Doctor Ordered”, a voter registration campaign aimed
at physicians registering patients to vote from their offices, similar to the “motor voter”
concept. The program is still viable.
• Lead a coalition of dozens of minority organizations working to assure that the concerns of
the minority community were represented in the health care reform debate of the 1990s.
• Orchestrated “Doctors Making House Calls” and “Capitol Hill Speak Out”. Both efforts
were designed to give health care practitioners an opportunity to represent their interests as
well as those of the healthcare consumers they served a voice in the health care reform
The Washington Post (1989 1991)
Editor of High School Honors
Inside Washington Publishers (1987 1989)
Associate Editor
George Washington University School of Political Management (Washington, DC)
Pursuing Master of Arts Degree
Howard University (Washington, DC)
Bachelor of Arts in Print Journalism, 1987