Ronald S. Arendas -
May *011
Long Beach, California 90803-5515
562-***-**** msg • 562-***-**** cell
Senior Technical Writer w ith more than 26 years of experience
i n information technology, telecommunications, and policy/procedure
w riting. Adept in assimilating new technologies, systems, and
practices; converting complex instructions and descriptions into
clear, concise English; and taking a lead role in managing multiple
documentation projects simultaneously to meet deadlines and
exceed expectations.
Califo r n i a State Unive rsi t y, Long Beach
Bachelor’s degree in English/Technical Writing, 1984
Cont r a c t I nst r uc t i o n a l Designe r
November 2010 – April 2011
Researched, revised, and redesigned court form signing and filing
Ronald S. Arendas **********@*****.***
instructions sent to both spouses who order an “uncontested” divorce
product from LegalZoom. The new instructions have increased
positive customer “would you refer a friend” percentages from under
20% to more than 80%.
Con t r a c t Tech n i c a l W r i t e r Sou t he r n Cal i f o r n i a
September 2009 – May 2010
Wrote policies, procedures, and work instructions that capture the
essential duties of Southern California Edison employees, groups,
and departments.
Cont r a c t Techn ica l Wr i te r Broadcom, I nc.
March 2009 – August 2009
Hired to assist the technical writing department with the task of
converting data sheets, installation guides, and application notes
f rom a recent acquisition to Broadcom’s document format and
standards. This process involved substantial rewriting of the
original content, converting Microsoft Word documents to
F rameMaker 9 using existing Broadcom templates, and the use of
standard and conditional-text documenting techniques.
Cont r a c t Techn ica l Wr i te r El Pollo Loco, I nc.
December 2008
Researched, wrote, and formatted an administrator’s manual and a
user’s guide (in Microsoft Word and Visio) for a proprietary Web
portal designed to enable the corporate office to communicate with
i ts restaurants for the purposes of tracking sales, communicating
marketing strategies, and receiving feedback from the field.
Con t r a c t Tech n ica l Wr i t e r GA I A N Consul t i n g
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Ronald S. Arendas - **********@*****.***
Serv i ces
September 2008 – November 2008
Wrote two manuals and created various engineering and conceptual
drawing to describe the installation, operation, and capabilities of a
state-of-the-art high-definition IPTV system.
Cont r a c t Techn ica l Wr i te r Wave En te r t a i n m e n t
Networ k
February 2008 – September 2008
Documented a telecommunications system that provides digital TV
services to cruise lines and other at-sea applications, included
marketing materials, proposals, installation manuals, end-user
guides, engineering drawings, etc.
Sen io r I n f o r m a t i o n Design e r Ame r i q u es t, I n c.
February 2005 – May 2007
Wrote policies, procedures, and urgent communications related to
t he subprime mortgage industry.
Cont r a c t Techn ica l Wr i te r D H L, I nc.
January 2005 – May 2005
Researched and wrote/rewrote a 300-page specification to guide
t hird- party programmers in developing DHL- compliant shipping
Cont r a c t Techn ica l Wr i te r New Cent u r y
Mortgage, Inc.
January 2004 – January 2005
Wrote policies and procedures relating to the subprime mortgage
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Ronald S. Arendas **********@*****.***
Cont r a c t Techn ica l Wr i te r PAN A M SA T, I nc.
January 1999 – June 2001
Wrote engineering documents, policies and procedures, and training
materials related to the operation of a satellite-monitoring
Cont r a c t Techn ica l Wr i te r Quan t u m /A T L
February 1996 – January 1999; June 2001–December 2003
Wrote end-user guides, field-service technician manuals, and
i nstallation manuals in support of the company’s tape library and
router products.
Add i t i o n a l Tech n ic a l W r i t i n g Posit io ns
September 1984 – February 1996
Worked for the following companies: Hughes Aircraft (1995-1996),
Dainippon Screen (1992-1996), CMS Enhancements (1988-1992),
AST Research (1986-1988), Fujitsu (1984-1986).
• Subjects/technologies: Computer hardware and software,
telecommunications, end-user products, technician
documentation, policies/procedures, tutorials, end-user
guides, process flows
• Tools: M icrosoft Word and Office, Microsoft Visio, RoboHelp,
F rameMaker, Adobe Acrobat, InDesign, Photoshop, HTML
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