Thomas H. Brownell
Leesburg, Virginia 20175
E-mail: **********@*****.***
Individual Strengths
Senior business developer, sales executive and government relations specialist with a
technical background, excellent communications skills and a meticulous attention to
detail. Ability to identify and understand complex customer requirements, validate,
pursue and win new business. Twenty-three years of experience in senior management
positions including sales, marketing/business development, strategic planning, and
government relations with The Boeing Company, GE, Martin Marietta and Lockheed
Martin Corporation. Possess excellent knowledge of Washington, DC, the senior players
and experience doing business with federal agency customers including DOD, Air Force,
Army, Missile Defense Agency, FAA, Department of State, Commerce and NASA.
Proven accomplishments in winning $350 million of new business with these and other
federal agencies. Also, strong interface with the prime contractors/system integrators.
Able to apply extensive best practices from participation in numerous federal government
national security, IT and space programs. A knowledge expert on the US federal
government procurement/acquisition processes. Have worked as an employee of
businesses with one employee, 200 employees and 150,000 employees. A team leader; a
team builder and mentor; and a team player.
Professional Experience
Brownell Associates 2010-2011
Provides IT consulting services for companies pursuing business with agencies of the US
federal government.
Director, Visual Information Technology Services Division 2010- 6/2010
Innovative Technologies, Inc.
Led the Visual Information Technology Services Division of Innovative Technologies,
Inc. Responsibile for the development and managing of federal government IT sales.
Focus on Air Force, Army, Voice of America and NASA customers. Provided systems
solutions to present clients and identified and won business with new customers. As
Division Director, responsible for both the Software Engineering & Development and
Business Development functions. Reported directly to Company President.
President, Brownell Associates 2000- 2010
Provided consulting services specializing in defense, aerospace and information
technology. The focus was on federal government marketing/business development.
Assisted companies in strategic planning; identified markets of interest including DOD,
Homeland Security, and civil agencies and recommended new bid opportunities;
participated in activities including proposal planning and development; and created win
strategies and proposed teaming approaches leading to successful capture of new
business. Also, consulted through task orders on enterprise architectures; project
management/staffing; and crisis management.
Lockheed Martin Employment
Director, Government Relations 1995-2000
Washington Operations
Lockheed Martin Corporation
Responsible for the achievement of the annual Congressional funding of Lockheed
Martin’s multi-million dollar Defense and NASA programs. Also shared the business
development responsibility to define strategy and implemented the plan. Successfully
achieved full funding of Missiles & Space Sector programs including the US Air Force’s
Milstar satellites, GPS-IIR, the US Army’s THAAD terminal high altitude area defense
missile program, NASA’s space station, Earth Observing program, space shuttle
program and the mars surveyor program. Interfaced closely with US Air Force, Army,
Navy and the Pentagon’s Missile Defense Agency related to other Lockheed Martin
programs and technology. Led a successful effort to keep the THAAD missile program
alive and Congressionally funded following several intercept test failures. More recently,
the program has achieved eleven for eleven successful flight tests and seven for seven
successful intercepts of another target missile.
Director, Legislative Affairs, Washington Operations 1993-1995
Martin Marietta Corporation (Merged with Lockheed)
Led initiatives to successfully achieve Congressional funding for the Company’s NASA
and NOAA space programs including the space shuttle external tank program, mars
observer spacecraft, Tiros weather satellites and Landsat-7. Led a successful effort to
reinstate funding and restart Landsat-7 program following government cancellation. The
satellite was built, successfully launched into earth orbit and performed flawlessly.
GE Employment
Congressional Affairs Manager, NASA & Civil Programs 1990-1993
GE Aerospace (Purchased by Martin Marietta)
Responsible for both the business development activities and Congressional funding of
GE’s NASA & Civil programs. Accomplishments included Congressional approval of
$320.7 million for NASA’s Mission to Planet Earth satellite program and $125 million of
funding for the Upper Atmosphere Research Satellite. Worked closely with the
Department of Energy on space power programs, both solar and nuclear.
Space Technology Programs Manager 1988-1990
GE Aerospace
Business development focal point for all NASA Headquarters and Goddard Space Flight
Center space programs and technology activities. Briefed customer on GE capabilities
and gained insight on NASA requirements for future space missions and services. Led
GE Washington, DC business development activities resulting in a $100 million contract
win of the NASA Second Tracking & Data Relay Satellite System Ground Terminal.
Manager, Missile Defense & Space Programs 1987-1988
GE Aerospace
Business development team leader for missile defense and all DOD and NASA space
programs. Led the GE team in a year long marketing effort to pursue and win the
missile defense systems engineering and integration contract. Participated in all
customer technical meetings, proposal development and coordination and provided
offering to the customer. The result was the award of a $235.9 million contract to GE.
Washington Representative, Civil Programs 1985-1987
GE Aerospace
Managed the Company’s business development activities related to the Department of
Commerce, NASA, and the FAA program activities. Responsibilities included weather
satellites, Landsat remote sensing satellite program and the FAA Terminal Area
Surveillance System.
Education/Corporate Development Program
B.S., Earth Science State University of New York
Selected for corporate development programs including Lockheed Martin Leadership
Skills Institute, GE Manager Development Course, GE Global Management Program, GE
Advanced Marketing Management Program and Boeing Management Course.
Professional Organizations
Past President, National Space Club
Senior Member, American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA)