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Manager Sales

Conshohocken, PA, 19428
June 22, 2011

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** * *** ******, ************, PA *****



Heather McAlum


Seek ing a fu l l-t i me even t manager posi t ion for a repu table company

w i t h an emphasis on super io r customer serv ice and company grow th.


2009-Presen t Manayun k B rewery and Restau ran t Phi ladelph ia, PA

Banquet Manager/Even t Coord ina tor

1. Solely responsible for t he commun ica t ion, book ing, cont ract i ng, and ensu r i ng t he

p roper execut ion of al l events t h rough BEOs and staff meet i ngs.

2. Consis ten t ly exceeds qua r ter ly and yearly expecta t ions; i ncreased banquet sales 18%

i n 2010

3. Crea tes banquet menus w i t h t he Execu t ive Chef to sat isfy customer demands on

p roducts and cost as wel l as prof i tabi l i t y for t he restau ran t.

4. Coord ina tes up to 6 events per day and up to 300 guests per even t.

5. Ma in ta ins loyal repeat customers and gained new business t h rough refer ra ls and

n etwor k i ng

2008-2009 Manayun k B rewery and Restau ran t Phi ladelph ia, PA

F ron t of House Manager

6. Successfu l management of 150+ employees

7. Responsib le for h i r i ng f ron t of house employees; created and ma in ta i ned weekly

schedu les for FO H staff.

8. Managed t he daily restau ran t opera t ions and superv ised banquets.

2007-2008 The Tavern Restau ran t S ta te Col lege, PA

Assistan t Manager

9. I mp lemen ted new h i re t ra i n i ng p rogram and t ra in i ng manuals.

10. Assis ted w i t h t he execu t ion of al te r i ng t he overal l f ron t of house opera t ions i n order to

bet ter accommoda te customer demands.

11. Coord ina ted and created daily menus w i t h k i tchen staff.

2006-2007 Ovat ions Food Serv ices Sta te Col lege, PA

Off ice Manager

12. Managed accoun ts payable and receivable.

13. Assis ted w i t h ADP pay rol l.

14. Prepa red daily repor ts and weekly accoun t summa r ies for corpora te

15. Adm in is te red t he bi l l i ng and opera t ions of cate r i ng and l uxu ry sui tes


2002-2006 The Pennsylvan ia Sta te Un iversi t y Sta te Col lege,


16. B.S., Ag r ibusiness Managemen t w i t h Special t y i n Ma r ket i ng


17. Prof icien t i n M ic rosof t Of f ice

18. Energet ic, resul ts or ien ted p roblem solver

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