Richard B. Donovan
PO Box **** Lake Arrowhead CA 92352 . ***********@***.*** . 909-809-
OBJECTIVE: Position as Financial Analyst working with senior management
and cross-functional teams to improve system processes and
reporting routines.
Please see Project Experience beginning on page 3.
. Extensive experience with P&L modeling and analysis
. Demonstrated ability to improve systems and processes
. Advanced Excel and Access skills (GUIs, controls, programming)
. Customer focused, sensitive to deadlines
Coastal Management Resources, Lake Arrowhead CA
Feb 2010 - May 2011
Sr. Accountant - temporary position at 30 person real estate development
R & M Supply, Riverside CA
Jul 2009 - Dec 2009
Chief Operations Officer - 90 person manufacturing and wholesale
distribution company
. Direct functional responsibility for manufacturing, materials,
and IT
. Lead technical contact for xTuple, the company's ERP system
. Developed a work order planning model to improve the MRP/MPS
. Implemented product level manufacturing metrics to track
throughput and efficiency
. Managed upgrades to the IT infrastructure (additional DS1 lines,
security, backup, etc.)
. Re-organized 18,000 square foot off-site warehouse and installed
a bin location system
. Worked with Customer Service to improve backorder prioritization
and fulfillment
. Designed and implemented an HR admin system, providing
customized line item information to Supervisors and Managers
. Implemented a simple, but effective AR collection model
decreasing past dues by >25%
. Developed several complex, interactive Excel worksheets for
Sales and Marketing, pulling data directly from the ERP system
Advanced Monolythic Ceramics, Olean NY
Jan 2007 - Jun 2009
Controller - 180 person electrical component manufacturing company
. Daily management of Cash, AR, AP, payroll, and billing functions
. Developed P & L reporting by product line, with drill down
. Implemented processes for reporting operational metrics and
dashboard KPIs
. Coordinated year end review and reconciliation with outside CPA
. Developed and maintained detailed cash flow analysis tied into HR
(salary info), AP, AR, sales forecasts, and fixed asset planning
. Developed a comprehensive WIP tracking program, including numerous
interactive exception reports to identify data discrepancies and
areas of constraint
. Enhanced several tracking and reporting programs to comply with
ISO 9001 requirements
. Lead person for implementation of statistical process controls
within the company
. Designed and implemented a Purchase Requisition/Order/Receiving
system, greatly increasing efficiency and improving cash flow
. Developed weekly timed phased reports for material component
requirements, dramatically improving cash flow and reducing cash
outlays due to overbuying
. Designed several interactive analytical tools to assist Sales
. Served nine months as Interim HR Manager
Level3 Communications, Coudersport PA
Oct 2000 - Jan 2007
TelCove (1,400 employees) - acquired by Level3 Communications in July
Senior Financial Analyst
. Developed programs to parse in, scrub, and summarize billing data
to the General Ledger
. Led design on an integrated cash application system encompassing
data from company's six disparate billing systems
. Assisted in the conversion of GL accounts and historical data into
. Automated the application of lockbox cash receipts
. Developed a dynamic AR collections program integrating billing and
payment detail
. Lead person in Revenue Dept working with internal Sarbanes-Oxley
compliance auditor
. Developed an interactive GL reporting and analysis tool to
supplement Oracle reports, including drill down capability,
charting, and variance analysis
. Developed numerous programs to assist the Regulatory Compliance
group to calculate and file local, state, and federal reports
including a fully automated process for summarizing and reporting
over 400 monthly filings for 911 fee payments
. Lead person for the re-design of the CAPEX reporting, tracking, and
forecasting system, including ROI analysis and automated reporting
to Project Managers
Engineering Financial Manager for a 1,500 person test equipment
Cost Accounting Supervisor for a 2,000 person computer manufacturer
Financial Analyst at Digital Equipment Corp., 40,000 world-wide
EDUCATION: St. Mary's College, B.A. Business Administration
PROJECT EXPERIENCE - see following pages
Richard Donovan - select project experience
Throughout my career, I have always looked for more efficient and accurate
ways of managing data and have developed a knack for parsing, scrubbing,
analyzing, and summarizing business information. The following is a
partial list of specific accomplishments.
Revenue Recognition
For a $25 million/month company, pulling in data both from external and
internal sources, developed a comprehensive, standardized database of
billing information for summarizing and uploading to the General Ledger.
Some of this data was in the format of electronic reports (header info
followed by line item transactions) and required substantial parsing which
became integral components of the application. The project also included
numerous error checks such as unknown or new customer, unknown billing
code, non-numeric invoiced amount, etc.
Cash Application
Developed forms for AR personnel to apply lockbox payments to the correct
billing account numbers. Design included numerous controls, some of which
were in-line verifications using VBA code. Data checks verified correct
accounts, amounts, and that all required fields contained authorized
values. Batch controls ensured payment applications matched bank deposits
prior to uploading to the GL. Application also included corresponding sub
forms and controls for credit/debit adjustments and transfers between
accounts. After initial write-off of $200,000+, the new system provided
for daily reconciliation of the G/L balance to the sub-ledger customer
General Ledger
Designed an interactive GL reporting and analysis tool to supplement Oracle
reports, including drill down capability, charting, and variance analysis
also with drill-down capability showing period transactions sorted by
dollar amount. Included the ability to output formatted Excel reports at
Revenue Reporting
Automated the distribution of a series of monthly management reports via
automated email and email attachments. Changes to the management table
(Regional Manager, Manager, Financial Analyst, etc.) would determine who
gets what report. RM would get the summary and detail reports for all
profit centers in his region. Manager would receive his set of reports,
Sales Support
Designed and implemented an interactive database of sales history which was
updated daily through automated extracts from the shipping and invoicing
system. User selected menu choices identified sales by part by customer,
sales by customer by part, pricing history by part, last sale price, etc.
Another key report which was generated automatically each morning via data
downloads was the daily and month-to-date Sales and Bookings report which
provided both detailed and summary info by customer. The report also
included a graph of month-to-date sales against forecast along with a
superimposed line showing late shipments.
Accounts Receivable
Designed a comprehensive application for an six person collections
department. Nightly macro pulled in detailed billing and payment
information, merging the information into a single transaction database. On
screen forms allowed for drill down capability to the transaction level and
the ability to export to a formatted Excel report suitable for immediate
emailing to the customer. Design also included complete documentation of
all contacts made (date/time of contact, who contacted, summary of contact,
follow-up date). Individual customers were assigned to specific collections
agents with their sign-ons limiting them to those customers, while the
Department Manager saw all the activity including productivity reports by
Regulatory Compliance
For the regulatory compliance department at a telecommunications company
with annual filings of over 8,000 reports and tax payments for 20+
subsidiary companies:
Designed a highly complex interactive Excel spreadsheet for calculating
taxes and fees due for various telecommunication charges. Worksheet was
fed by dynamic external files which quantified monthly carrier and end
user charges by state by company. GL information was also fed into the
model to identify types of customer charges which determined their tax
status (e.g. intrastate, interstate, private line, etc.). Associated
database of filings and payments reduced penalties and late fees to
nearly $0 upon implementation.
Automated the reporting and payment of 911 charges for over 400 monthly
filings. Project included the development of customized, detailed
reports (and envelopes) for each entity payment.
Property Management
Using MS Access, designed an application for the in-house property
management department to track over 600 company owned and leased
properties across the U.S. The main data entry form was designed for entry
level clerical use, and in order to minimize input errors, was designed to
closely follow the hard copy forms submitted by field personnel. Also,
data standardization was established via drop-down menus for fields such
as Insurance Certificate Frequency (annually, upon request, upon change,
etc.). This project also included the development of several routine
reports including property summaries, renewals pending, overdue payments,
contract expiration tickler, etc...
Fixed Asset Tracking
Led the design of an extensive project to migrate the fixed asset tracking
system from Excel to Access. Functional components of the system design
ranged from initial project request to approval to in-process tracking to
management reporting. Design included integrated ROI analysis and automated
exception reporting (e.g., auto emails if the capital request lacked the
required non-recurring engineering fee value even if $0, or if the request
has been pending approval in excess of 3 days for a Manager, 5 days for a
VP). In addition to numerous management tracking and summary reports, data
feeds were developed for direct uploading into the GL and into the Oracle
Fixed Asset module if/when the asset was put into service.
Manufacturing WIP
To supplement hard coded reports which were basically a set of reports
showing which orders and parts numbers were in process at which location,
and which orders had not yet been released to manufacturing, developed an
interactive reporting tool which identified potential or actual part
shortages and very importantly, identified potential late deliveries based
upon how far ahead or behind the order was within the process. The new
system helped to reduce late deliveries tremendously by highlighting
potentially late orders earlier in the cycle and by identifying potential
bottlenecks at the department level.
Manufacturing Planning
Converted a batch process to an assembly line process and established
manufacturing metrics at the product level which allowed for more accurate
product costing and highlighted any problems on the production floor. Also,
developed an automated routine to calculate weekly build schedules by
Statistical Process Controls
Using Microsoft Access, developed several interactive SPC control programs
that were available to operational and engineering personnel on a real time
basis via terminals located next to the operation being monitored. Control
process included clean room particulates, ceramic tape thickness, drilling
measurements, oven temperatures, gold plating, and sonoscan testing.
ISO Training Documentation
Rewrote the existing employee training & tracking system to comply with ISO
qualification requirements. Standardized training naming conventions.
Implemented controls to ensure data integrity. Training name, trainer name,
and employee name (tied to dynamic HR admin system), were all populated via
pull-down menus to ensure data integrity. Standard reports could all be
filtered for a specific time period and for one or all employee names. One
of the key reports, the Training Due report, identifies all employees
trained for a specific task whose renewal training is coming up with a user-
specified time period. The report also identifies if the last Trainer for a
specific training is no longer with the company in which case the
Engineering Manger must identify his/her qualified replacement.
HR Administration
Developed an HR tracking system for a 180 person company including profile,
performance, compensation, and attendance information. Reports included
customized department reports by manager, automated EEO reporting, and a
crosstab report by department by location to satisfy fire department
evacuation regulations.