Craig Roby
Professional Experience
Web/Graphic Design Lead, Kelly Media Group Tools
September 2009 to August 2010, Upland, CA CSS
Directed designers and Marketing Coordinator in HTML/XHTML
the development of client websites, print Photoshop
collateral and email marketing. Illustrator
Conceived the entire creative process for a Javascript
variety of clients from concept development to JQuery
completion. Flash
Regenerated client media, while revitalizing and PHP
focusing on a more mainstream appeal. SEO
Optimized client sites to ensure usability, MAC/PC
elevate traffic and increase relevance to
Web/Graphic Design Lead, Curriculum Technology Web Design
October 2008 to June 2009, Rancho Cucamonga, CA Graphic Design
Led the interaction design and implementation of Email Campaigns
digital media assets by creating professional Landing Pages
development tools and customized curriculums. Branding
Collaborated with local law enforcement and Identity
educators to develop academic and training Typography
materials to effectively elevate the learning
experience between instructor and student. Organization
Web Content Management
Web/Graphic Designer/Content Editor, Auto Trader Project Management
October 2006 to February 2009, Ontario, CA File management
Translated business objectives into strong iconic
brands and designs to increase client sales and Just A Little Tid Bit
Established guidelines for editorial tone, style "Craig is a diligent
and voice of content for print and web. and creative designer
Executed designs and prepared graphic assets for who strives for
optimal delivery for print, websites and landing perfection in every
pages. aspect of his
profession. He makes
sure that his designs
are functional as well
as creative. He uses a
very clean approach to
his designs but is
also capable of
thinking outside
Freelance Web/Graphic Designer, craigrobydesigns the box."
2002 to Present Steve Collins, Web
Web design, graphic design, illustration, branding Solutions Mgr
and identity. The Alma Group
Bachelor of Arts, Web Visual Communications, Platt College
Emphasis on the artistic process of creating websites involving
aesthetics and mechanics of web presentation and operation.
Associate of Arts, Graphic Visual Communications, Platt College
Emphasis on combining text and graphics to communicate an
effective message.
Associate of Arts, Web Visual Communications, Art Institute of Atlanta
Gained knowledge concerning conceptualization and aesthetics as
well as obtaining strong visual communication skills.