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Sales Assistant

Coppell, TX, 75019
November 07, 2010

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D enise A. Croix, Ph.D.

*** ******** *****, *******, ** 75019 • 972-***-**** •

P rofessional Experience

M i ltenyi Biotec Aubu rn, CA 2002-present

Technical Sales Consultant

Ter r i tory: North/West Texas, N M, OK, KS, AR 2007-present

Ter r i tory: Bethesda, M D (N I H ) and Richmond, VA 2005-


• Sale of MACS© technology (cell isolation & analysis reagents), cell separation instruments

($46,500) and f low cytometer ($115,000) to academic, government, biotechnology & clinical

d iagnostic accounts.

• Establish and maintain scientific relationships with key opinion leaders, researchers, laboratory


• Prepare and present educational seminars on technology and hot topics in the areas of

i mmunology, oncology, neurology, stem cells and molecular biology to scientists and physicians

• Responsible for demonstration and t raining of magnetic cell isolation systems

• Aid researchers with experimental design and data analysis

• Assist researchers with timely answers, troubleshooting and relevant publications

• Represent company at congress meetings

Accomplishments include:

• Grew territories consistently - NI H territory at 108% of goal at transfer; first year in Texas grew

territory by 30%, currently at 93% of goal (1.25M) YTD

• Appointed as regional specialist to interact with global product management on f low cytometry

i nstrumentation/reagents and microarray technology

• Assisted researchers with grant writing and manuscript preparation

• Coordinated and managed first implementation of cell separation instruments in clinical

d iagnostic setting

• Collaborated with our clinical applications specialist to implement the MACS Technology from

“bench to bedside”

Technical P roduct Scientist (Field Applications Specialist)

Ter r i tory: Northeast Region 2002-2005

• Trained 11 sales representatives and new field application specialists in both formal & informal

sessions (one-on-one sessions, regional and national meetings)

• Prepared and presented specialized seminars and t rainings tailored to meet the specific

researcher’s needs

• Educated researchers on products and performed trainings on specialized techniques

• Provided detailed experimental design and t roubleshooting expertise to both regional and national

customers via on-site visits, electronic communications and phone center

• Developed t raining tools for sales force

• Served as first liaison between research and clinical business units

U niversity of Pi ttsburgh School of Medicine Pi ttsburgh, PA 1998-


Research Associate, Molecular Genetics & Biochemistry

• Designed, implemented and coordinated collaborative studies on the development and

continued monitoring of a novel non-human primate model of tuberculosis

• Designed, implemented and coordinated collaborative studies on the immunological parameters

of P neumocystis carinii -infected monkeys

• Prepared grants and assisted in development of standard operating procedures for a newly-

constructed monkey BSL3 tuberculosis facility

• Managed departmental f low cytometry core laboratory

• Trained g raduate students and infectious disease fellows in experimental design and

l aboratory techniques

• Mentored students and research projects during Undergraduate Summer Research Program


Research Associate, Medicine/Rheumatology Pi ttsburgh, PA 1996-


• Investigated complement receptor expression on murine and human dendritic


• Prepared animal-use protocols and radiation-use protocols

• Trained technicians, graduate students and postdoctoral fellows

• Supervised laboratory relocation from Baltimore, MD

• Established administrative systems, including ordering and equipment


T he Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine B altimore, M D 1993-1996

Post-doctoral fellow, Medicine/Rheumatology

• Developed and managed the first collaborative studies of complement receptor-

deficient mice and humoral immune response

• Designed and implemented studies to generate monoclonal antibodies to

h uman complement receptors

• Designed and developed competitive binding ELISAs to define binding site of monoclonal


• Prepared animal-use protocols and radiation-use protocols

• Trained and assisted technicians, research assistant professors and graduate


The University of Texas A ustin, TX 1988-1993

Graduate Student Researcher, M icrobiology

• Developed and implemented production of hamster monoclonal antibodies against H IV-1

p rotease

• Designed and developed competitive binding ELISAs to define binding site of monoclonal


• Developed HPLC assays to determine inhibition of protease activity by monoclonal antibodies

• Trained undergraduate and graduate students

T r inity University San Antonio, TX 1984-


U ndergraduate Research Assistant, Biology

• Designed and implemented studies to define the humoral and cellular immune response of a

l aboratory marsupial (Monodelphis domestica)

• Assisted fellow graduate student in collection of samples from various marsupial tissues

Teaching Experience

• Guest lecturer, Immunology Undergraduate Course, Texas Tech University, 2008

• Guest lecturer, Immunology Course, Masters in Biotechnology Program, Johns Hopkins University,

2004, 2006

• Instructor, Principles of Immunology course for medical students (1996)

• Assistant Instructor, Graduate Immunology (1993)

• Teaching Assistant, General Microbiology (1988)


D octorate of Philosophy, College of Natural Sciences, Department of Microbiology, University of Texas,

A ustin, TX, 1993

Dissertation Research: Development of antibodies to the H IV-1 Protease to aid in rationale drug


B achelor of Science, Department of Biology, Trinity University, San Antonio, TX, 1987

Honors Thesis: Characterization of the cellular immune response in marsupials

Honors and Awards

Merit Award for Science Department, Miltenyi Biotec, 2004

A merican Association of Immunology Travel Award, 1995

E thel & Robert L. Terry Memorial Scholarship, University of Texas, 1992

H istopathobiology of Neoplasia Workshop Travel Award, 1991

P rofessional Activities

P resident, Johns Hopkins Postdoctoral Association, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, 1995-


M ember of the Joint Commit tee on Housestaff and Postdoctoral Affairs, Johns Hopkins University School

of Medicine, 1995-1996

M ember of the Medical School Council, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, 1995-1996

Co-organizer, Symposium on Career Opportunities for Biomedical Ph.Ds, Johns Hopkins University

School of Medicine, 1994, 1996

Secreta ry, Johns Hopkins Postdoctoral Association, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, 1994-


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