Stephen M. Lorence
*** ********* **, ***********, ** 25404
**************@***.*** / Phone 772-***-****, 412-***-****
Objective: To Find a career as an MRI Service Support Engineer
Location Desired: Balt/WashDC/Mid Atlantic/PA/S Florida
Management Skills:
-Implement productivity programs to reduce overtime and material expenses.
-Direct all MRI, CT, XRAY, ULRASOUND, and NUCLEAR Activities.
-Manage Service Activities Globally.
-Prepare, Plan, and Coordinate all training Activities Globally.
-Monitor administrative systems.
-Prepare budgets, track expenses, initiate service plans for new customers.
-Facilitate service and sales agreements to meet financial goal expectations.
-Negotiate customer service grievances.
-Forecast manpower requirements to meet customer expectations.
*Engineering and Support
-Install, Support, Perform FMI’s,PMs of all MRI Systems and Magnets Globally.
-Monitor all Systems to ensure functional requirements.
-Oversee all equipment installations according to specifications.
-Implement and Integrate all hardware and software changes.
-Install Network Systems using Ethernets and Modems.
-Demonstrate equipment to hospitals and clinics according to specifications.
-Train engineers globally on MRI Systems.
-DICOM an PACS Networking Experience
MRI Chief Engineering Specialist University of Pittsburgh Medical Center (UPMC)
July 2008 to present Pittsburgh, PA
Provide direct support to MRI Engineers related to GE and Siemens MRI Systems. Knowledge of all Siemens and
GE MRI, including Coldheads Compressors. PACS and DICOM for the University. Travel to 26 hospitals within the
system to support other engineers with on –going system issues. Provide application. Interface between the hospital,
field engineers and OEM. Maintain uptime to 99%+.Implement training activities for engineers. Implement cost
savings programs for labor and parts.Twenty Six years Experienced and Certified on GE MRI Genesis, LX, Excite,
HD, HDX, HDXt, Profile, Siemens Avanto, Espree, Verio, Lleonardo, Vision, SP63, Hitachi, Philips, Toshiba MRI
In-House Supervisor of Service Imaging Aramark Healthcare
March 2007 to july 2008
Managed, Supervised, and Serviced Multi-Modality, Multi Vendor service for Aramark in Seattle, WA for the 46 Chain
Hospital " Group Health Hospitals Coop ". Was working manager and managed 6 engineers, 9 biomed technicians.
Worked with Multi-vendors like Philips, GE, Toshiba, Continental, Hologic, Toshiba,Hitachi, and several others in
MR, CT, Xray, D&R, Mammo, US, Nuclear, and Rad Therapy. Mainly I did MR/CT but did work on nXray, US, and
Mammomto a lesser extent. Approved time cards, expenses, vacations. Achievments included raising uptime from
94% to 99% in 1 year, lowering material cost while raising customer satisfaction and delivering on customer
Regional MRI Regional Support Engineer GE Healthcare
Feb 2002-2007 Wilmington, MA
Provide direct system support for Field Engineers. Prepare, plan, monitor, support all installations as provided in the field.
Provide training for new recruits. Responsible for 99.9%+ uptime for direct customers. Provide applications training and assist
applications for after install apps. Provide system maintenance as driven by system needs. Perform MTI Installations, FMI’s,
PM’s, software support and upgrades to improve system performance. Provide and design new system tools needed to increase
system uptime and provide customer satisfaction. . Travel to remote sites as needed to perform system uptime requirements.
Experience in DICOM and PACS networking. Interface MRI systems to customer PACS locations. Accomplishments are 25%
material savings, 20% cryogen cost reduction, 10% reduction operating cost while driving customer needs.
MRI/CT/XRAY/US Working Manager of Imaging Systems Global Imaging
May 2000 -2002 . Baltimore, Maryland.
Service Manager for advanced medical systems in MRI, XRAY, US, CT, DR. Responsible for overseeing 12 service employees
involving the medical systems service sector. Prepare, plan and coordinate all service requirements to satisfy customer demands.
Prepare yearly budgets based upon planned expectations. Responsible for hiring and firing of all service engineers. Oversee and
train in house, the MRI Service Engineer in MR Technology and Service for GE, Hitachi, Philips, Siemens, Elscint, and
Toshiba. Prepare and facilitate and sign service contracts. Interface between the company and customers in resolving customer
grievances. Am responsible for site planning and evaluations regarding new installations. Prepare quotes to relocate, install, and
deinstall medical systems. Prepare contract quotes and sign off. Evaluate the purchasing new and used systems for resell. 34%
material reduction cost, All Modality uptime from 95% to 99.5% . Implement cryogen savings program to reduce cryogen cost
by 30%. Also as working manager, I serviced GE, Siemens, Toshiba, Philips, Hitachi, MRI, CT, and Xray.
MRI/CT Global Support Engineer Toshiba Medical Systems
Jan 1998-Jan 2000 Bogota, Colombia South America
Provide all direct MRI/CT support between TAMS in Bogota, Japan, and USA. Implement engineering changing.
Provide expert engineering support on Magnets and MRI Systems. Attend advanced training classes in Japan and teach
advanced MRI/CT methods to local FEs in Spanish. Provided MRI/CT expert support on difficult system issues where
local Fes could not rectify system problems. Traveled between Japan and Colombia for Engineering updates to system
MRI Training Manager / MRI Regional Support Engineer Elscint
1996-1998 Ft.Collins, CO
As Technical Training Manager in Fort Collins, Colorado, I was responsible for the development and training on the Elscint’s
new 1.5 Tesla MRI System adding to the .2T,.5T systems. Developed Elscint’s first 1.5T MRI System Course. Developed all of
the Manuals, Labs, test, quizzes for the 1.5T System. Training was truly international with students from the USA, South
America, Europe, and the Far East, giving it an international flair with commitment to learning, with quality and excellence. All
students revealed my course as the best they have ever taken. I also spent 4 months in Brazil training their Engineers and
installing the first 2 prototype MRI systems in San Paulo and Santos all with success. Accomplishments included, developing a
Supercon Shim program. Also implemented material cost and cryogen cost savings techniques learned from GEMS which saved
the field in its first year over 20%, designing a new Penetration Panel and several field diagnostics to decrease material cost by
MRI Regional and Global Support Engineer GE Medical Systems
1985-1996 Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Provided direct MRI support to all engineers of all countries in Puerto Rico, Central and South America Taught MRI classes in
the USA as well as to all of Latin America in Spanish. Was MRI modality supervisor. Experienced on HP, Silicon Graphics,
Sun Computers. Experienced on the GE s1,s2,s3,s4, LCC magnets. Supported 3.X,4.X,5.X, 6X, SIGNA LX Systems and
supported all MR MAX Systems in Latin America and the USA. Experienced in all aspects of Magnet Maintenance. Traveled to
sites globally and provided direct support to customer related issues. Designed and taught the entire MRI training course for
Latin America where it never existed before. Accomplishments include designing Spanish installation manuals; lab manuals for
Latin America .Accomplishments include a 44% reduction in cryogen cost savings. Decreased on site call time by 50% driving
down labor cost for South American Engineers, and 35% decrease in parts and materials cost in South America.
1977-Ohio Institute of Technology (BSEET) 1991- NOVA University (MBA)
Bachelor of Engineering Technology Masters of Business Administration
Columbus, Ohio Ft. Lauderdale, Florida
PERSONAL: Bilingual in Spanish.
REFERENCES: Will furnish upon request. Awards will furnish upon request.
AWARDS: Designed RF Motor Noise Shield for GEMS. The $7.00 fix saved the company over $250,000
in material expenses. Designed Low Cost Coldhead Changing Kit. Received many customer service awards for superior
customer satisfaction.
CERTIFICATIONS: Siemens Avanto/Espree, Leonardo. GE LX, EXCITE, HD, HDX, ELSCINT, ONI, Hologic Biobsy
Experienced in MR/CT/US/Xray/Mammo/D&R/ Rad Therapy.
OEM Summary Experience: Philips,Toshiba, Hitachi, GE, Siemens, ONI, Elscint. Magnets include, YORK, GE,