R ay Grantham
Scottsdale, Arizona *****
ts from start to finish from production to print, including client contact, creating ads, revising pickup ads, creating pagination, preparing final print ready f
nd PR for products produced overseas. As a small business with a new product introduction, I was basically the "jack of all trades"
e online learning modules
sh animations for interactive online learning modules
Personal Performance Factors
I ntegrity/Ethics - deals with others in a straightforward and honest manner, is
accountable for actions, maintains confidentiality, supports company values, and conveys
good news and bad. Perseverance - targets and achieves results, sets challenging goals,
prioritizes tasks, over comes obstacles, accepts accountability, sets team standards and
responsibilities, provides lead ership/motivation. Adaptability/Flexibility - Adapts to
change, is open to new ideas, takes on new responsibili ties, handles pressure, and adjusts
plans to meet changing needs. Teamwork - Meets all team deadlines and responsibilities,
l istens to others and values opinions, helps team leader to meet goals, welcomes
newcomers and promotes a team atmosphere. I nitiative - Tackles problems and takes
independent action, seeks out new responsibilities, acts on opportunities, generates new
CS4 and 5 • InDesign • Illustrator • Photoshop • Acrobat
ideas, practices self-development.
Applicatio Professional FTP Applications • Suitcase
College Park High School Pleasant Hill, California Diablo
nEducatio Valley College Pleasant Hill, California Academy of Art
College San Francisco, California