Noel J. Ledesma
*** ******* ******, ***.**** ~ New Orleans. LA 70130
*********@*****.*** ~ 850-***-****
Qualifications and Capabilities
. Ability to interact with a wide variety of cultures, gained through
travelling frequently to Europe, Asia, and Central America.
. Excellent verbal and written communication skills. Have frequently
given presentations to large audiences.
. Bilingual: Fluent in both English and Filipino.
. Confident computer skills, both PC's and Mac operating systems, with
proficiencies in PowerPoint, Excel, Word, Access, and FrontPage.
. Proven leadership abilities with Loyola University's on campus
organizations; president of 2 organizations simultaneously in 2009-
. Determined, self-driven, hard-working, confident, reliable, and able
to multitask under deadlines
Undergraduate Business Education
Loyola University New Orleans New Orleans, LA May 2010
Bachelor of Business Administration, Major: Marketing Minor:
International Business
. Major GPA: 3.89; Cumulative GPA: 3.3
. Loyola Merit Scholar
College Activities and Leadership
American Marketing Association Fall 2008-Spring 2010
. President (2009-10)
o Recipient of AMA Professional Award
. Co-President (2008-09)
Phi Kappa Psi Fraternity Spring 2007-Spring 2010
. President (2009-2010)
o Expanded membership 40%
o Created first annual service project at Sarah T. Reed High
o Raised funds for Roots of Music for 2010 philanthropy project
o Attendee at President's Leadership Academy in Indianapolis (Feb.
. Athletic and Scholarship Chair (2008-09)
Century 21 Specialty Realty Group (S.G.R.) Chicago, IL Marketing
Intern Summer 2008
. Gained experience using Multiple Listing Services (MLS) Chicago, IL
. Devised ads for several listings in publications such as the Chicago
Tribune and Loyola Newspaper
. Assigned and completed license inspection of all 35 office agents to
ensure compliance in Illinois Department of Financial & Professional
Regulations, Chicago Association of Realtors, and Century 21's
CrestEdg Server
NCAA Men's Basketball Tournament New Orleans, Louisiana Media
Relations March 2007
. Learned the importance of organizational skills, when dealing with
hundreds of national media credentials.
. Gained experience in aiding reporters with technical difficulties,
including modem and router malfunctions. Also developed abilities when
working in an intense and hectic environment
Loyola University New Orleans College of Business Computer Lab
Assistant 2008-May 2010
. Manage the upkeep of computers
. Assist faculty and students with computer issues
Relevant Educational Experience
Study Abroad in Europe Summer 2009
. Studied outside of Brussels, Belgium, while traveling to France,
Germany, Netherlands, and Czech Republic
Advanced Business Courses 2008-May 2010
. Advanced Marketing Research, Advanced Marketing Strategies, New
Venture Idea and Creation, International Finance, Business Ethics,
Legal Environment of Business
o Deans List Recipient 3 consecutive semesters from Fall 2009-Fall
2010 .