Mark Carpenter
San Jose, CA **130
A position as an search engine optimization product manager.
Summary of Qualifications
. Over ten years of search engine marketing and optimization experience,
focusing on keyword research, link building strategies, pay-per-click,
and improving landing page visibility.
. Certificate of Proficiency, Web Design and Production, Production
Emphasis, West Valley
College, Saratoga, CA 3.4 GPA
. Accurate and precise; able to set effective priorities to achieve
immediate and long-term goals and meet operational deadlines.
. Excellent problem solving and presentation skills and team oriented.
College Coursework
. Internet Marketing . XHTML & CSS . Digital Media
.Adobe In Design .Adobe Photoshop
Relevant Experience
Search Engine Marketing
. Set up Google Ad Words account and ran a successful search engine
marketing campaign that resulted in a 3.68% CTR and 2.18 pages viewed
per visit.
. Performed extensive keyword research to create brand awareness, web
site promotion and motivate the end user to take immediate action of
the campaign advertisement.
Search Engine Optimization
. Created and optimized Hand-coded and validated web
site using XHTML & CSS.
. Increased page visits by 1,306% and average time on site by 140%, as
compared to similar size benchmark sites.
. Researched and established local search engine optimization for Developed local site listing by selecting carefully
hand-picked keywords and producing photos and videos that have
resulted in a 4.16% CTR.
President Dings Plus San Jose, CA 1997-present
Parts Manager Regal Dodge Sunnyvale, CA 1995-
West Valley College, Saratoga, CA
Certificate of Proficiency: Web Design and Production, Production
Emphasis, 2005