Ken Rubio
Languages: C, C++,Objective C, JavaScript, SQLite, OpenGLES
San Diego State University, BSEE
Iphone Apps
Back Seat Driver
Back Seat Driver is a GPS application that provides directions to
points of interest based upon GPS location, client address or City
State and Zip. It also provides real time traffic reports via an RSS
feed and also displays detailed maps. The application utilizes the
Core Location, Address Book, MapKit and UIKit frame works. The user
interface is comprised of interfacing a Tab Bar Controller with a
Navigation controller that controls a series of table view
controllers. Back Seat Driver is currently available in Apple's app
PriceScan scans barcodes, downloads an HTML document for the
corresponding barcode and utilizes a version of XPath which parses
HTML documents. SQLite is used to organize the parsed information.
The application is multi threaded (NSOperationQueue) since the parser
was using most if not all of the iphone's computing power. The user
interface is comprised of interfacing a Tab Bar Controller with a
Navigation controller that controls a series of table view
controllers. PriceScan is currently available in Apple's app store.
Prior Experience
Embedded Software Engineer - I worked on a wide range of projects, some
of which included Satellite Command and Control, Set Top Boxes, Medical
Devices (Infusion Pump) and Software Defined Radios.