Hill, Jonathan
*****Cunar Rd.
New Orleans, LA **128
Land: $Aq244-0064
Objective: As a security officer I will be very observing in many different situation and
*ou. up to supervisor and then proceed with my career in law enforcement'
Skills: Able to handle many tasks at once
A great leaderiobserver
Able to follow directions well and listen
Great communication skills
Education: Attended New Orleans Job Corp
Graduate of Helen Cox High
220A LaPalco Blvd HarveY, La 70058
Started Aug 19,2A04 Ended MaY 6,2007
work Experience: work Based Learning on centerioffcenter
r I shadowed security, . i learned the rules in searching someone/something
o I learned how to write rePorts
Job Corp Center SupporWocational Skills Training
o Help the chef s Prepare lunch
o V/ashed dishes
r Cleaned up
Present Work ExPerience:
o Started l2l27lA9 to Present
. Crescent Guardian Inc-
o 4640 South Carrollton Ave
r New Orleans LA, 70119
Duties: Securing m), areas monitoring work places such as school's, state/federal work
place and airports
Previous Work ExPerience:
o Started 11116109 Ended 12131109
o 5700 Morrison Rd
o New Orleans LA,7A 26
Duties: Loading trucks with package's and unloading
. Started 02128108 Ended 4ll0l09
o Burlington Goat Factory
r 900 Manhattan Blvd
o Harvey LA., 70058
Duties: Maintaining work space area, assisting customers and stocking shipment
out sales floor
Community Activities: 40hrs
New Orleans Job Corps Center Activities:
o I was captain on the cadet program we work along side security
o Also I attended young marines for 2 years