Jon Golley
Hudson, New Hampshire, 03051
Daniel Webster College Nashua, NH: B.S. Homeland Security Expected
graduation date 12/2010
Dean's List: Fall 2008, Spring 2009, President's List: Fall
2009, Spring 2010
Tompkins Cortland Community College Dryden, NY:
General education courses 2006-2008 Dean's List: Fall 2007,
Spring 2008
Homer Central High School Homer, NY
New York State Diploma with Honors, 2006 National Honors
Society 2005-2006
2010 Society of International Affairs Scholarship recipient (One
of five National Recipients)
Exchange Student to Japan 2004-2005
Work Experience:
Intern, International Trade Compliance BAE Systems Inc. 5/2010-8/2010
(First in corporate history)
703-***-**** Supervisor: Director of Corporate
International Trade Compliance Candace
CVS Pharmacy-Pharmacy Technician 09/2008- Present
603-***-**** Store Manager: Kevin Colburn
BigLots- Furniture Sales Associate 03/2006- 07/2008
607-***-**** Store Manager: Scott Kelly
Specialized Training and Qualifications:
Society for International Affairs, 2010 Back to Basics Conference and
Introduction to Exporting Seminar, New Hampshire International Trade
Resource Center (ITRC)
Complete Export Documentation Seminar, New Hampshire (ITRC)
Export Administration Regulations Licensing Issues Seminar, New
Hampshire (ITRC)
International Trade and Arms Regulations (ITAR) seminar, New
Hampshire (ITRC)
Free Trade Agreements, Foreign Trade Zone and Duty Drawback Seminar,
New Hampshire (ITRC)
Private Pilot's License
Certified State of New Hampshire Pharmacy Technician
Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) Independent Study Courses
. IS-800b - "The National Response Framework"
. IS-860a - "Introduction to the National Infrastructure Protection
. IS-230a- "Fundamentals of Emergency Management"
. IS-100a- "Introduction to the Incident Command System"
. IS-700a- "National Incident Management System (NIMS) An