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Project Management

Atlanta, GA, 30339
December 15, 2010

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Wendy Hannah **** Akers Mill Road, #****

Atlanta, ga 30339


Cell: 678-***-****


Technically astute business leader with results-driven focus and skills Programs

in Project and Team management. Proactive and detail oriented with a & Language

strong background in managing business relations. Skilled verbal and

written communicator talented in conveying complex technical ideas and Access

issues to non-technical management. Over 10 years experience providing Database ACT

application support and troubleshooting in both a server and individual Database

environment. Adobe Acrobat



HR Project Coordinator, August 2009 - Present Photoshop

Vertex Business Services, Kennesaw, Georgia Adobe

Vertex is a global leader in BPO, Customer Management Outsourcing and Photoshop

IT Services, with cutting-edge technology, 12,000 employees, 45M Elements

customers, and 70 offices globally. ADP Payroll


Managed three team projects to completion that exceeded expectations Corel Paint

from operation and upper management. Assisted in updating all Shop Pro

information in Microsoft Dynamics and worked with teams in both the Eclipse IDE

U.K. and U.S. on several different projects. Analyzed internet-based File Transfer

recruiting system during testing stage, defining necessary changes to

make software more user-friendly. Managed all IT related caseload in Protocol

the absence of our IT support person. Developed working Project Plan (FTP)

for the Business Analyst team using Project 2007, to determine time Java

restraints, risk, and areas of improvement. Created a Work Breakdown Swing/Applet

Structure for Business Process Documents update to the complete jGrasp

satisfaction of both the client and upper management. Linux

Lotus Suite

Director of Business and IT Development January, 2000 - July, 2008 Microsoft


Statewide Development Inc., Atlanta, Georgia 2007/2010

Statewide Development, Inc. was the area developer in the state of Microsoft

Georgia for Kahala Franchise Corp. (formerly Blimpie International). Project

Statewide Development sold franchise's and developed new business in 2007/2010

the state of Georgia for 13 different brands leading us to be the Microsoft

number 1 area developer in the country. Visio


IT Development, Project Management and Support Visual

Provided full Project Management support for all IT related projects Studio 2008

with great success, which lead to on-time completion while remaining Microsoft

under budget. Managed all projects pertaining to all new business Windows

development and provided work breakdown structures for all new Platform

franchisees, which succeeded in 25-30 new store openings a year and on Oracle

schedule. Program


Provided functional and technical support, troubleshooting and Software

diagnosed all hardware and software problems, including desktop, Testing

laptop, WAN, LAN, and remote systems. Responsible in the purchasing, SQL

upgrading, troubleshooting, maintenance and monitoring of all software Visual Basic

applications, as well as the setup and troubleshooting of all 2008

equipment. Expertly installed, configured, monitored and troubleshot WordPerfect

PC's and related hardware on all OS platforms. Oversaw the

investigation and resolution of hardware and software issues both Internet

remotely and onsite. Collaborated with telecommunications team to Technologies

troubleshoot T1 lines and company-wide phone problems. Procured,

received, documented and tracked inventory on all computer equipment HTML

and software licenses. Performed diagnostic testing on PC equipment Internet &

and ensured printers were up and running at all times. Resolved Email

Windows and Internet Explorer issues on desktops and laptops. Marketing

Identified and removed computer viruses and provided major repairs in Internet

accordance with outside vendors, while installing new Virus protection Technology

software. Performed wiring and daily maintenance of internal computer Internet

systems. Monitored and troubleshot LAN, installed and configured Research

routers and switches, and generated weekly reports. Assisted corporate Search Engine

office with the Intranet development and design. Assisted in the

overall Website development and developed Web and Intranet Applications Optimization(

for External staff using Java Swing/Applet. SEO)


Project and Business Management Web


Coordinated multiple projects workflow among 12 consultants and & Design

supervised 3 support staff. As team leader, provided motivation and

direction to create a positive work environment, and ensured accurate Hardware and

on-time completion of all projects. Created, trained and managed all

continued education and development with existing and new staff. Support

Trained corporate level employees on all auditing procedures and the

use of new software. Built strong relationships with stakeholders, End User

upper management at local and corporate level and national vendors. Technical


Managed all invoicing, accounts receivables/payables, banking, expense Hardware

tracking and reporting for the full business. Developed new business Install

and trained all new franchisees how to manage their financial records, And Repair

employees and marketing. Solely responsible for all HR Mainframe

responsibilities including Payroll, new hires, recruiting, Computers

terminations, FMLA, Department of Labor, Benefits decisions, Program

enrollment, 401k, managed vacation and sick time for all employees. Problem

Designed detailed accounting and operational spreadsheets with complex Resolution

formulas. Requested to train corporate employees in store auditing

after successfully recovering underreported sales through individual

store audits.

Devised strategic marketing and sales plans to improve franchise growth

both online and off. Coordinated mass marketing campaigns and direct

mailings with over a 30% response rate. Designed logos, business

cards, marketing materials, presentations and forms


Bachelor of Science in Information Technology-Project


Expected Graduation Date: March 2012

Kaplan University - 3.98 out of 4.0 GPA

President's List - Summer 2009, Fall 2009, Spring 2010, Summer 2010 &

Fall 2010

Dean's List - Winter 2010

Golden Key Honor Society

National Society of Collegiate Scholars Honor Society

Alpha Beta Kapa Honor Society

Member of Project Management Institute and Kaplan University's IT Focus


Currently studying for PMP Certification


Excellent Verbal and Written Communication Skills * Project Management

and Project Scheduling * Planning and Organization Staff Training,

Coaching and Development * Team Leadership & Collaboration * Strong

Delivery, Communication and Interpersonal Skills * Presentation

Development * Multitasking * Financial Reporting * Consulting * Website

Development * Web Application Development * Troubleshooting * Human

Resource Administration *

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