Dear whom it may concern,
My name is Dana Hewelt; I am applying for your Assistant Branch Manager position. I
first heard about this job through Career Builder.
I am a people oriented person and have had much experience with face to face contact.
Currently employed with a Talmer Bank and Trust, in which continuous training
programs completed. With taking many finance and business related classes, I have
mastered many skills that will be beneficial to your business. Knowledge of many
computer programs eliminates training time, and makes processes in communication
easier. Having gone to school fulltime has helped many skills to develop relating to
multitasking, functioning well under pressure, paying close attention to detail, and
thinking outside the box.
Being firm believer in performing a job centered on customer satisfaction and contact;
and with a strong background in communication, I will be able to encourage good work
ethic, a friendly environment, and easy to utilize the line of communication between
different administration levels. As a long time employed associate with the same
company, this has enabled the characteristics of loyalty to develop. Loyalty allows one to
become devoted to a job, and offer attention to any needed tasks or projects. A loyal
person helps many companies and employees develop and maintain a good work ethic.
Once employed, I will be 100% dedicated to the job.
Please feel free to contact me to discuss ways I can be befit you. The best times to reach
me are; Monday thru Thursday any time after 5:30pm Saturday after 1:15pm or Sunday
after 10am. My direct phone number is 810-***-****. I also can be reached by e-mail
at ***********@*****.***
Dana Hewelt
8173 River
Marine City MI 48039
Enclosure: Resume
D ana Hewelt, 8173 River Marine City, M I 48039 810-***-****,
d **********@*****.***
Objective: Obtain a job in the Financial or office field in Ann Arbor or
surrounding area.
E ducation :
Walsh College of Business Troy, Michigan
Bachelors degree in Business Administration J une 2012
Major in Finance
St. Clair County Community College Port Huron,
M ichigan
Associates Degree of the arts June 2010
Major in Liberal Ar ts
Work Experience:
Talmer Bank and T rust St Clair M ichigan
• Customer Service Representative J une 2011
• •
Receive and process Open accounts
t ransactions
• Critical thinking
• Distribute money
• FISERV Server t raining
• Look up customer accounts
• Teller program t raining
• Decipher account history
• Recognize security situations
and funds
• Customer service
• Recognize fraudulent checks
• Sales
and money
• Quickly and accurately
perform tasks
• Redeem and issue bonds
Vg’s Grocery store
Bakery Clerk Marine City
M ichigan
A ugust 2005
• Maintain stock, product, and shipments
t u rnover
• Compare shipment order
• Uphold customer satisfaction forms
• •
Cake and desert Inventory back stock and
p roduction/sales dates
• •
File and t rack orders Supervise sanitation law
• Organize product orders/
• Deli Clerk
• •
Service customers Track and order product
• •
Maintain goodwill Maintain organization of
p roduct
• Fill and sustain product for
sales Supervise sanitation law
• Organize/complete orders by
References for D ana Hewelt
K r isten Zalewiski
Bakery Assistant Manager
Vg’s Grocery Store
Dawn Vermette
Deli/Bakery Manager
Vg’s Grocery Store