C herisse Fonseca Rivera
* ** *. ******** ***., Tampa, FL 33609
c *********@*****.***
E xtensive knowledge in strategic planning, media planning, relationship building, media
r elations, event planning, fundraising, and c ommunity relations. Experience in managing teams,
i ncluding employees. Effective team player with excellent leadership skills. Excellent people and
p resentation skills. Proficient in Windows and Mac operating systems, Adobe InDesign,
P hotoshop, and Micr osoft Office. Task and detailed oriented in order to effectively meet goals.
F luent in Spanish.
I ncreased media coverage by 50% by implementation of a media relations program, which
i ncluded serving as media contact; pitching sto ries to local media, including writing press
r eleases; providing print interviews; and developing media materials such as fact sheets and
p ress kits.
P lanned fashion show which raised $5,500 in funds for non - profit organization.
G radu ate Instructor/Program Consultant A ugust, 2008 - May, 2011
U niversity of South Florida - School of Mass Communications
S erved as instructor for undergraduate students and taught digital aspects of
p hotojournalism using Photoshop, along with managing photogra phy lab. Instructor of
r ecord for Writing for Mass Media, Writing for Public Relations and introductory course
c overing all subjects in mass communications. Served as professional consultant for
u ndergraduate public relations students by advising them with f inal communications plans.
P articipated as guest lecturer covering all topics in mass communications, including public
r elations, advertising, and media studies.
O utreach and Development Director A ugust, 2007 - August, 2008
N orth River Care Pregnancy C enter
• P lanned and executed fundraising events, created and implemented organization’s website,
n ewsletter, and supporter brochure. Implemented volunteer program through recruiting and
p roviding training. Responsible for obtaining community support through p ublic speaking.
A ssistant Director A ugust, 2004 - August, 2007
M anasota Solve, Inc.
• D eveloped community relations by writing press releases, newsletter, brochures, press kits,
a nd website design. Participated in community organizations to help raise awa reness.
I mplement and coordinate volunteer program. Responsible for designing all print materials
a nd working with printers. Planned and assisted executive board with public relations plan
a nd fundraising events. Managed and implemented employee and resi dent programs.
C ommunity Relations Intern S pring 2004 - Fall 2004
B ig Brothers Big Sisters of the Sun Coast
• D eveloped and created external communications tactics, executed research for developing
c orporate partnerships with corporate board, developed and e xecuted organizations donor
a nd volunteer recruit plan, constructed media list, and executed public service
a nnouncements with local media.
M ass Communications
U niversity of South Florida, Tampa, FL
B .A., Mass Communications - Public Relat ions
M .A., Mass Communications - Strategic Communications
J ohn and Jerry Wing Alexander Endowed Scholarship R ecipient