Hi,i am coach synhronized swimming.i am searching for job
in America.this is my resume:
1)Nastya Chepak
2)26 age
3)finished colleg "Olimpic school"
4)i was a member of team of Ukraine from 2001 till 2008.
5)championships of Europe and Word,Cups.international
competition. 3 place in Europe championship (Eindhoven
6th place in Beijing(qualification in april 2008)
6)2008-2010 coach in ukrainian city Donetsk.our sportsmen
took 2-3 places in Ukrainian chempionships.
march-may 2010 was coach of national team of Tailand.
7)now i am coach in Cairo.my contract till 28 february 2012
if you need more information i can send video with my
team,duet or solo.
thank you