K athryn Jorgenson
Philadelphia, PA 19115
Mobile: 267-***-****
Email: p *****@*****.***
Linked In Profile: h ttp://www.linkedin.com/pub/kath ryn-jorgenson/38/982/69a
Count ry of citizenship:
United States of America
Veterans' Preference:
5-point preference based on active duty in the U.S. Armed Forces
Job Type: Permanent
Work Schedule: F ull Time
Desired Work Environment Experienced Professionals
Internal Revenue Service 12/2008 – 4/2011
Philadelphia, PA US
Grade Level: GS-05
Secretary (OA), 0318
Administrative Duties: Ensuring that time-cards are tu rned in on time and input into
SETR (Single Ent ry Time Reporting) accurately and timely. Responsible for screening and
routing all incoming/outgoing correspondence. Responsible for maintaining and purchasing
a ll supplies needed for office operations. Providing administrative assistance to 20 Revenue
O fficers and the Group Manager. Responsible for organizing, maintaining and purging all
office files and correspondence. Routing all correspondence to appropriate personnel.
M aintaining and facilitating service of all office automation products (Fax machines,
copiers, printers, computers). Running of various reports for the group manager, ensuring
t hat all employees in the group complete their t ime and leave timely and accurately.
Responsible for processing and t racking t ravel vouchers and t ravel arrangements in
GovTrip for revenue officers and managers.
Technical Duties: Knowledge and accurate use of IDRS (Integrated Data Retrieval System)
command codes, status codes, and procedures. Using IDRS to research taxpayer histories,
account status, and payment processing information. Responsible for assigning cases to
revenue officers via IDRS, updating and correcting location codes and revenue officer
E xtensive use of ICS (Integrated Collection System) to research taxpayer information,
t imely processing of payments, creation of collection cases, creation of individual tax period
modules, t ime keeping and recording of hours/type of work performed, running reports,
researching and generating case closing reports, providing guidance and technical support
to revenue officers on the new web based ICS system.
Daily use of Pennsylvania Department of Transportation, Bureau of Motor Vehicles
(PENDOT BMV) database to research taxpayer vehicle assets, and verify taxpayer address
and vehicle registration information.
O ther systems frequently used are: ENTITY/ALS - used to run end of month reports, review
and research taxpayer lien information, pulling various reports for the group manager to
monitor case management within the group. SMART.alx system is used for running credit
reports for the revenue officers. Also daily use of M icrosoft Office: Word, Excel, PowerPoint,
Access, Publisher and Outlook.
Accomplishments: Received a Managers Award and Special Act award from the ter ri tory
manager for volunteering to assist the Taxpayer Assistance Center with the employee e-file
p rogram the last two years. During this assignment I was responsible for accepting
employees returns, checking them for accuracy, and using Tax Wise software to input
returns for online processing. (Contact Supervisor: Yes, Supervisor's Name: Jeffery Austin,
Supervisor's Phone: 215-***-****)
United States Army 12/2000 - 3/2008
Vicenza, Veneto I taly
Human Resources Specialist
Public Affairs Office- USASETAF - 2006-2008
Administrative assistant to the public affairs officer. Maintained and scheduled superiors
appointments and t ravel arrangements using the Defense Travel System (DTS).
Responsible for escorting both foreign and domestic media personnel during high level press
conferences. Prepared and maintained unit and personnel files. Typing and routing
memorandums and all office correspondence. Responsible for the daily status reports, and
p resented daily briefings to commanders.
P repared and published media press releases for local and national media. Ar ranged for
t ranslations for all official office memorandums and information being distr ibuted outside
of the U.S. post.
Served in the capacity of a print journalist: writ ing and publishing press releases,
community interest stories, and battalion news. Also served as photographer for special
Joint Visitors Bureau (JVB) - Operation Enduring F reedom - 2005-2006
Served as an operations specialist for visitors to Bagram Air Base in Afghanistan.
Responsible for the housing and personal care of visitors to the area. Coordinated over 200
secret service and white house staff during presidential and congressional visits to the
combat zone. Planned and provided security for convoys leaving secure area. Responsible for
maintaining a f leet of vehicles in a chaotic and unpredictable environment.
M aintained all clearance and t ravel authorizations into and out of the combat zone.
Supervised service members from all branches of the U.S. military and coalition forces.
E nsured appropriate awards and promotions were administered in a timely manner. Served
as an evaluation clerk for enlisted and officer annual evaluations.
Personnel Service Support Battalion - Fort D rum, NY - 2002-2004
Served as the finance battalion’s personal administrative assistant during deployment.
P lanned and coordinated t ravel arrangements. Maintained calendar and appointment
scheduling. Managed and prepared all office correspondence. Created and maintained
records keeping systems and files.
Human Resources Specialist responsible for unit promotions and awards processing.
H andled and maintained over 200 individual personnel files. Responsible for t raining new
personnel on various computer programs and systems used to t rack personnel actions
t hroughout the battalion.
E xecutive Secretary - Fort D rum, NY - 2000-2002
Administrative Specialist for three high level personnel for the 10th Mountain Division G1.
Operated busy switchboard. Managed all t ravel and appointments. Maintained front office
f iles and correspondence. Responsible for the t raining of over 500 soldiers on the new
Defense Travel System (DTS/GovTrip) software and web application.
S trayer University
Philadelphia, PA US
Some College Coursework Completed
Will graduate with honors 12 /2011
Major: Business Administration - Human Resources Management
GPA: 3.87 out of 4.0
Relevant Coursework, Licensures and Certifications:
S HRM (Society for Human Resource Management) Member
Alpha Chi National College Honor Society Member
Jefferson Community College
Watertown, New York US
Associate Degree - 8/2003
Major: Health and Community Services
GPA: 3.2 out of 4.0
AFF I L IAT IONS Society for Human Resource Management Student member
National Treasury Employee Union Steward
PROFESSIONAL PUBL ICAT IONS Creator, editor, and distributor for "Catch 22" the
National Treasury Employee (NTEU) newsletter. This newsletter has a readership of over
600 Treasury employees throughout the central northeast area. I t consists of Union related
news and information and is distributed on a monthly basis. While I am no longer employed
by the IRS, I perform this service for the union at no charge to the U.S. Government, or the
N TEU members.
Paul Llovio U.S. Army Infant ry Captain
Phone Number: 408-***-****
Email Address: ********@*****.***
Reference Type: Professional/Personal
Bob M isinkavitch In ternal Revenue Service Terri tory Manager
Phone Number: 215-***-****
Email Address: ******.*.************@***.***
Reference Type: Professional
Wanda Long In ternal Revenue Service NTEU Chapter 22 President
Phone Number: 215-***-****
Email Address: *****.*.****@***.***
Reference Type: Professional